COL-333/COL-671: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Semester I, 2021-22


The course covers the foundational principles of artificial intelligence and is centered around the following themes: intelligent agents and AI, problem solving by search, constraint satisfaction, adversarial search, planning, probabilistic reasoning, decision-making under uncertainty, deep learning, reinforcement learning and applications.

Course Information


Topics (Tentative).

Week Topic References Lectures
1 Course Overview -- Slides
2 Introduction to AI AIMA Ch-1 & Ch-2 Slides
3 Uninformed Search AIMA Ch-3 (Sec 3.1 - 3.4) Slides
4 Informed Search AIMA Ch-3 (Sec 3.5 - 3.6) Slides
5 Constraint Satisfaction AIMA Ch-6 (Sec 6.1 - 6.4) Slides
6 Local Search AIMA Ch-4 (Sec 4.1) Slides
7 Adversarial Search AIMA Ch-5 (Sec 5.1 - 5.5) Slides
8 Markov Decision Processes AIMA Ch-17 (Sec 17.1 - 17.2) Slides
9 Reinforcement Learning AIMA Ch 21 Slides
11 Probabilistic Reasoning AIMA Ch 13 and 14 Slides
12 Probabilistic Reasoning over Time AIMA Ch 14 Slides
13 Learning-I: Foundations AIMA Ch 21 Slides
14 Learning-II: Neural Networks AIMA Ch 18 and DL Ch 6. Slides
Slides will be uploaded after covering the topic in class.



