Sumaiya Dabeer bio photo

Current Projects

  1. Parallel Laplacian solver
    (Under supervision of Prof. Amitabha bagchi )
    Solve Laplacian system of equations using a distributed algorithm on GPU to enhance scalability

Previous Projects

  1. PackMax
    A decision framework for optimal load planning and efficient vehicle selection, Implemented using python

  2. Graph Based Word Embeddings on NLP Tasks
    (M.Tech Dissertation), Implemented using Pytorch

  3. PF2JSON
    Standalone project to convert pdf format of data to json format, Implemented using Tabula-py

  4. Brain Tumor Overall Survival Prediction Using MRI
    (M.Tech project), Ensamble models implemented using MATLAB

  5. Smart City
    (M.Tech lab joint project), Developed face recognition module, Implemented using RaspberryPi-3 and associated hardware

  6. User Authentication System
    (M.Tech lab project) Graphical Password approach Implemented using Django framework

  7. Emotion Detection
    (M.Tech lab project) Android App Implemented using Microsoft Face API

  8. Breast Cancer Detection Using Deep Learning
    (B.Tech Major project) Implemented by CNN using Keras and TensorFlow

    (B.Tech Minor project) Dynamic gate preparation website in JSP HTML and Oracle

  10. SARMS
    (Software Engg Assignment) Student Record Management System using file system as the database

  11. Graphical Calculator
    (Programming lab Project) Implemented using basic and Graphic.h library of C