Hello! I'm Sumaiya Dabeer; I graduated with M.tech. in Software Engineering from the department of Computer Engineering at Zakir Hussain College of Engg. & Tech. (AMU). I have done research in the area of image processing, ML and deep learning. Currently, I am working on graph, network and parallel Laplacian solver. I have done reserach in the area of image processing, ML and deep learning.
My active research areas are scientific computing, graph algorithms and their possible impact on data science. I am working on solving linear systems of equations described by graph Laplacians. The real-world applications of these solvers are in image processing, network management of 5G, clustering and partitioning on large graphs. We also focus on processing graphs using GPU to make solutions more scalable and fast.
I started my Ph.D. in Computer Science at the Indian Institute of Technology in September 2020 under the supervision of Prof. Amitabha bagchi and Prof. Rahul Narain
Contact Information:Email: dabeersumaiya@gmail.com
LinkedIn: @sumaiya-dabeer-95545a11a
GitHub: @sumaiyadabeer