Research Interest

MultiCore Systems

MultiCore Systems have become ubiquitous and now days found in desktops, workstations, servers and even in mobile computing systems. Unlike single processor system, multiCore systems encompass many cores on a single chip. These multiple cores together provide a huge performance potential. However there are several challenges to be conquered before the real power of these systems can be felt for today's compute intensive workloads. Currently I am focusing on Runtime Support for MultiCore Systems, where runtime support system can map the workload as per the capability of the cores to achieve overall performance gains.

Operating Systems

Operating Systems have always fascinated me. I wonder and try to understand how all the resources of computer are managed by this magnificent piece of code called as Operating System. I have experimented and tweaked with the file management system and process management of Linux OS while my M.Tech. at IIT Kharagpur. My current research work also looks at exploring operating system as well as hardware support for MultiCore systems.

Computer and Data Security

Security is an inherent component of my job. I realize the importance of data security and more so of the nuisance of losing data. My M.Tech efforts were to enhance file data security through operating system by integrating a Secure File System, which I designed and developed. I like to understand different techniques to compromise information and measures to enhance computer and data security.