We plan to conduct the lectures in the following manner:
- Before every lecture, links to pre-recorded videos for the material to be covered during the lecture will be shared..
- You are encouraged to see these pre-recorded videos before coming to the lecture.
- During the lecture, the instructor will go over the pre-recorded material, conduct discussions, and answer questions from students on the material.
- The video links of the respective lectures and the slides will also be shared after the lecture.
- IMPORTANT NOTE: Please note that the pre-recorded videos are from a previously taught version of the course. Given this, please ignore any administrative discussions in these videos.

Week Topics Slides Pre-recorded Videos Other Material Reading
(03 Jan - 03 Jan)
01. Introduction: Analysing algorithms
02. Graph Algorithms: Why graphs?
03. Graph Algorithms: Graph representations
01. [PDF]
02. [PDF]
03. [PDF]
[Youtube-01 (Start from 44:00:00)]
Logistics (PDF) Chapter 0
(10 Jan - 15 Jan)
04. Graph Algorithms: Reachability
05. Graph Algorithms: Undirected connectivity
06,07. Graph Algorithms: DFS
04. [PDF]
05. [PDF]
06,07. [PDF]
Chapter 3
(17 Jan - 21 Jan)
06,07. Graph Algorithms: DFS Chapter 3
(24 Jan - 28 Jan)
08. Graph Algorithms: Max Bandwidth 08. [PDF]
(31 Jan - 04 Feb)
09-11. Graph Algorithms: BFS, Dijkstra 9-11. [PDF]
Chapter 4
(07 Feb - 11 Feb)
12. Greedy Algorithms: Introduction
13-14. Greedy Algorithms: Scheduling
12. [PDF]
13-14. [PDF]
Chapter 5
(21 Feb - 25 Feb)
15-16. Greedy Algorithms: Kruskal
17. Divide and Conquer: Multiplication
15-16. [PDF]
17. [PDF]
Chapter 4
(28 Feb - 04 Mar)
18. Divide and Conquer: Master Theorem
19. Divide and Conquer: Sorting and Selection(optional)
20. Divide and Conquer: More examples
18. [PDF]
19. [PDF]
20. [PDF]
Chapter 2
(07 Mar - 11 Mar)
21. Dynamic Programming: Backtracking
22. Dynamic Programming: Weighted scheduling
21. [PDF]
22. [PDF]
Chapter 9,6
(14 Mar - 17 Mar)
23. Dynamic Programming: Longest Increasing Subsequence
24. Dynamic Programming: String Algorithms
23. [PDF]
24. [PDF]
(21 Mar - 26 Mar)
25. Network Flow: Ford-Fulkerson-I
26. Network Flow: Ford-Fulkerson-II
27. Network Flow: Applications
25. [PDF]
26. [PDF]
27. [PDF]