Some highlights of the department

Significant Achievements

  • National Award for team ASSISTECH. Read on more here.
  • Prof. Naveen Garg felicitated at IIT Delhi. Watch the felicitation and his full lecture here.

Collaboration activities

  • 29 March, 2022: Prof. Abhilash Jindal wins #MobiCom2021 Best Community Paper Award. The paper "Experience: Developing a Usable Battery Drain Testing and Diagnostic Tool for
    the Mobile Industry" (

    Congratulations to Prof. Abhilash Jindal

  • 25.1.2021:  Abhilash Jindal joins the department as Assistant Professor

    25.1.2021: Nikhil Balaji joins the department as Assistant Professor

  • December 3rd 2020:  Faculty members and students of CSE Department organised and participated in the Indo-Japanese Online Workshop on Security in the IoT Space with Kyushu University:

  • The department is delighted to have Professor Anish Arora visiting us from Ohio State University till 3 Jan 2018. Prof Arora is sitting in Bharti 424.

  • Manjeet Dahiya has won the FIRST PLACE AWARD for his work on "Automatic Verification of Intermittent Systems" (which will appear in VMCAI 2018)  at APLAS 2017 SRC Competition held from November 27-29, 2017 in Suzhou, China.

  • This Suresh Chandra Memorial award for Best MTech Project for the year 2017 goes to Swarnadeep Saha for his project: Open IE 5.0 - Open Information Extraction from Numerical Sentences and Conjunctive Sentences. Congratulations!

  • An unrestricted research grant of USD 10K from Microsoft Research was awarded to Sorav Bansal towards helping to build a strong Systems Research Community in the country, under the "MSR India Virtual Centre 2017" initiative. The Virtual Centre is proposed as a mechanism to foster meaningful research collaborations between MSR and academia and contribute to this larger endeavor. June 2017.

  • Sanjiva Prasad visited Dartmouth College (USA), McGill University, Montreal (Canada), University of Goettingen (Germany), University of Ulm (Germany), Max-Planck Institute of Software Systems (Germany), University of Saarland (Germany),and Technical University of Munich (Germany) as well as attended Dagstuhl Seminar 16251 on "Information-centric Networking and Security" in May-June 2016.  He gave talks on "From ABC to a LiTTLe Logic for mobile networks" at Goettingen, Ulm and Munich and on "Program Execution on Reconfigurable Multicore Architectures" at McGill and Saarbruecken. 

  • A new IMPECS group at IIT-Delhi on “Effective Querying of Large Knowledge-Bases” has started in collaboration with IIIT-Delhi, IIT-Bombay and the Max-Planck Institute for Informatics in Germany. Maya Ramanath will lead the group at IIT-Delhi.

  • Indo-German Max Planck Center for Computer Science (IMPECS) inaugurated on Feb 3, 2010

Faculty awards and achievements

  • 10 April, 2024: Prof. Preeti Ranjan Panda has received Qualcomm Faculty Award 2024

  • 12 Sep, 2023: Prof. Sayan Ranu has selected as INSA Associate Fellow.

  • 13 Feb, 2023: Prof. Abhijnan Chakraborty has received Young Engineers Award 2022-23 in Computer Engineering by the Institution of Engineers

    Congratulations to Prof. Abhijnan Chakraborty

  • 13 Feb, 2023: Prof. Abhijnan Chakraborty has received Young Engineers Award 2022-23 in Computer Engineering by the Institution of Engineers

    Congratulations to Prof. Abhijnan Chakraborty

  • 30 Jan, 2023: Prof. Sayan Ranu has received "EARLY CAREER AWARD"  for the year 2021-2022 (Faculty Research Award, IIT Delhi)

    Congratulations to Prof. Sayan Ranu

  • 21 Nov, 2022: Prof. Abhilash Jindal has received "Google India Research Award 2022"

    Congratulations to Prof. Abhilash Jindal

  • 12 Oct, 2022: The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) India Council has named Prof. Smruti Ranjan Sarangi as the recipient of ACM India Outstanding Contribution to Computing Education (OCCE) Award for 2022

    Congratulations to Prof. Smruti Ranjan Sarangi

  • Sep 2022: Prof. Sayan Ranu has received "Distinguished Reviewer Award" at VLDB 2022

    Congratulations to Prof. Sayan Ranu

  • 22 Sep, 2022: Prof. Abhijnan Chakraborty has received “INAE Young Engineer Award 2022”.

  • 8 February 2022: Prof. Keerti Choudhary has received "Google India Research Award"

    Congratulations to Prof. Keerti Choudhary

  • 8 March, 2022: Prof. Sorav Bansal has received "Qualcomm faculty award"

    Congratulations to Prof. Sorav Bansal

  • 23 March, 2022: Prof. Aaditeshwar Seth has received "SIGCHI Social Impact award 2022"

    Congratulations to Prof. Aaditeshwar Seth

  • 8 March, 2022: Prof. Sorav Bansal has received "Qualcomm faculty award"

    Congratulations to Prof. Sorav Bansal

  • 8 February 2022: Prof. Keerti Choudhary received Google India Research Award

    Congratulations to Prof. Keerti Choudhary

  • 29 March, 2022: Prof. Abhilash Jindal wins #MobiCom2021 Best Community Paper Award. The paper "Experience: Developing a Usable Battery Drain Testing and Diagnostic Tool for
    the Mobile Industry" (

    Congratulations to Prof. Abhilash Jindal

  • 29 March, 2022: Prof. Abhilash Jindal wins #MobiCom2021 Best Community Paper Award. The paper "Experience: Developing a Usable Battery Drain Testing and Diagnostic Tool for
    the Mobile Industry" (

    Congratulations to Prof. Abhilash Jindal

  • 29 March, 2022: #MobiCom2021 Best Community Paper Award goes to "Experience:
    Developing a Usable Battery Drain Testing and Diagnostic Tool for
    the Mobile Industry" by Abhilash Jindal (IIT Delhi).

    Congratulations! to Prof. Abhilash Jindal


  • August 2020:  Sayan Ranu selected to be an Associate of the Indian Academy of Sciences (till December 2023).

  • Prof. Naveen Garg was elected a Fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineering.   (8.Sep.2020)

  • The paper "A Language Modeling Approach for Temporal Information Needs" by  Klaus Berberich, Srikanta Bedathur, Omar Alonso and Gerhard Weikum, which appeared in ECIR 2010 has won the 10 year Test of Time Award at the European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR), 2020. 
    Congratulations to Prof. Srikanta Bedathur.

  • The paper "A Language Modeling Approach for Temporal Information Needs" by
    Klaus Berberich, Srikanta Bedathur, Omar Alonso and Gerhard Weikum, which appeared in ECIR 2010 
    has won the 10 year Test of Time Award at the European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR), 2020. 
    Congratulations to Prof. Srikanta Bedathur.

  • Prof. Srikanta Bedathur has been awarded the ”Alumni Achiever Award” for 2019 from the Department of Computational and Data Sciences, IISc 

  • Prof. Sandeep Sen and Prof. Amit Kumar have written a new book, Design and Analysis of Algorithms: A Contemporary Perspective, which is being published by Cambridge University Press.

  • 25.4.2019. Congratulations to Prof. M. Balakrishnan on receiving the ACM Eugene L. Lawler Award for Humanitarian Contributions within Computer Science and Informatics for research, development, and deployment of cost-effective embedded-system and software solutions addressing mobility and education challenges of the visually impaired in the developing world. Perhaps his best-known technology is the SmartCane project -- a probing cane with ultrasonic ranging that conveys the distance of obstacles using vibrations and allows the visually impaired to detect items above their knees within a distance of 3 meters. Click here to read more about the award and see photos from the departmental get-together.

  • Prof. Preeti Ranjan Panda was a winner of the Indian Electronics & Semiconductor Association (IESA) TECHNOVATION 2018 AWARD in the TECHNO MENTOR category (February 19, 2019).

  • Book Release:  It is my pleasure to share the information about release of my book on "Soft Computing: Fundamentals, Techniques and Application" by McGraw Hill Education in June 2018. This is my 3rd book. One is on Logic and Prolog Programming and other is on Artificial Intelligence. From: Prof Saroj Kaushik

  • Book Release:  It is my pleasure to share the information about release of my book on "Soft Computing: Fundamentals, Techniques and Application" by McGraw Hill Education in June 2018. This is my 3rd book. One is on Logic and Prolog Programming and other is on Artificial Intelligence.

    From: Prof Saroj Kaushik

  • Pleasure to share the information about achievemnt of releasing a book on "Soft Computing:Fundamentals, Techniques and Application" by McGraw Hill Education in June 2018. This is my 3rd book. One on Logic and Prolog Programming and other on Artificial Intelligence.

  • Pleasure to share information about achievemnt of releasing a book on "Soft Computing:Fundamentals, Techniques and Application" by McGraw Hill Education in June 2018. This is my 3rd book in series.

  • Prof Sayan Ranu's work titled Debunking the Myths of Influence Maximization: An In-depth Benchmarking Study has won the SIGMOD reproducibility award for 2018. Co-author Sainyam Galhotra is also a recent CSE BTech graduate from IIT Delhi. Congrats to all authors!

  • Prof. Balakrishnan along with P.V.M. Rao (Mech Engg)  have been awarded the National Award for "Improving the Accessibility for the Differently Abled through S&T interventions" for the year 2018 for their work on developing a Refreshable Braille Display. This is the second time the team has received this award.

  • Sayan Ranu's work on algorithms for molecular synthesis is featured in The Hindu.

  • Priti Jagwani and Saroj Kaushik (2017), Quality Enhancement of Location Based Services Through Real Time Context Aware Obfuscation Using Crowd Sourcing, Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA 2017), held in Trieste, Italy, July 3-6, Part of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS, volume 10409),pp 79-94,

  • Four papers accepted in DATE 2017 (top conference in hardware/computer architecture). Congratulations to all the students: Rahul Jain, Neetu Jindal, Rajshekar K., and Hameedah Sultan, who published their work under the mentorship of Profs. Preeti R. Panda and Smruti R. Sarangi.

  • Naveen Garg awarded 2016 Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar award for Mathematical Sciences.

  • Saroj Kaushik with Kuntal Dey and Ritvik Srivastava got paper " A Paraphrase and Semantic Similarity Detection System on User Generated Short-Text Content on Microblogs" accepted in top tier conference COLING (International Conference on Computational Linguistics), Osaka, Japan, 11th-16th December, 2016.

  • Saroj Kaushik with Kuntal Dey, Hemank Lamba and Seema Nagar got paper "Man-O-Meter: Modeling and Assessing the Evolution of Language Usage of Individuals on Microblogs", accepted in APWeb (Asia PAcific Web Conference), Suzhou, China, 23rd-25th September, 2016.

  • Saroj Kaushik with Kuntal Dey, Sahil Agrawal and Rahul Malviya published paper "Assessment of Effectiveness of Content Models for Approximating Twitter Social Connection Structures", in DyNo Workshop at ASONAM Conference proceedings, San Francisco, USA, 18th - 21st August, 2016.

  • Kuntal Dey, Sahil Agrawal, Rahul Malviya, Saroj Kaushik, Assessment of Effectiveness of Content Models for Approximating Twitter Social Connection Structures, presented in DyNo Workshop at ASONAM Conference, San Francisco, USA, 18th - 21st August, 2016.

  • Sanjiva Prasad presented a paper "Dynamic Execution on Reconfigurable Multicore Architectures" at the PLACES 2016 workshop at ETAPS 2016, Eindhoven, Netherlands.

  • Sanjiva Prasad has a paper [co-authored with Lenore D. Zuck] accepted at EXPRESS/SOS 2016, Quebec Canada, August 2016. "Self-Similarity breeds Resilience".

  • Social impact: Dr. Aaditeshwar Seth's team's work on quality of telecom service has been featured in the media. Click here for the full story.

  • Research paper Machine Learned Machines: Adaptive Co-optimization of Caches, Cores, and On-chip Network by Rahul Jain, Preeti Ranjan Panda, and Sreenivas Subramoney, receives Best Interactive Presentation nomination at DATE 2016, Dresden.

  • Paper by Sandeep Chandran, Preeti Ranjan Panda, Smruti Ranjan Sarangi, Deepak Chauhan, and Sharad Kumar, titled Extending Trace History Through Tapered Summaries in Post-silicon Validation, received a Best Paper nomination at ASPDAC'16, Macau, 25-28 Jan 2016.

  • Sorav Bansal is the Technical Program Co-Chair for the ACM
    Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems 2016: APSys 2016

  • The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment's prestigious National Award for the Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities for the year 2015 was awarded to the Assitech group on the 3rd December by the Finance Minister of India. Assistech's flagship product, the Smartcane for visually challenged persons,  was recognized as one of the two best applied research projects impacting the lives of disabled by the Ministry.

  • The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment's prestigious National Award for the Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities for the year 2015 was awarded to the Assitech group on the 3rd December by the Finance Minister of India. Assitech, whose mission is to "strive towards providing means for independent living with dignity to every member of the society" has developed the Smartcane for visually challenged persons, and this product was recognized as one of the two best applied research projects impacting the lives of disabled by the Ministry. 

  • SmartCane team has been awarded the National Award by Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment for the Best Applied Research/Innovation/Product Development Aimed at Improving the Life of Persons with Disabilities". The award would be given by the Prime Minister on 3rd December.

  • SmartCane team has been awarded the National Award by Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment for the "Best Applied Research/Innovation/Product Development Aimed at Improving the Life of Persons with Disabilities". The award would be given by the Prime Minister on 3rd December.

  • Three papers with IIT D coauthors accepted at AAAI 2016. Click here for details.

  • Four papers with IIT Delhi authors accepted at NIPS 2015, 3 by Parag Singla, 1 by Manik Verma. Students Himanshu Jain and Happy Mittal involved in one each. Click here for details.

  • Sanjiva Prasad presented a paper "A Switch, in Time" [co-authored with Lenore D. Zuck] at the 10th International Symposium on Trustworthy Global Computing (TGC 2015), Madrid, August 31-September 1, 2015.   The article appears in the proceedings.


    Sanjiva Prasad has a paper [co-authored with Lenore D. Zuck] accepted at HVC 2015, Haifa Israel, November 2015. "Limited Mobility, Eventual Stability"

  • Paper titled "Unfolding-based Partial Order Reduction" on which Dr. Subodh Sharma is a co-author has been awarded the best paper in CONCUR 2015 held in Madrid, Spain, from September 1-4, 2015.

  • Sanjiva Prasad presented a talk/paper, "Programming the Internet of Things", on January 12, 2015 at the PLVNET Workshop  (POPL 2015).

    Sanjiva Prasad presented an invited talk, "Designing for Scalability and Trustworthiness in mHealth Systems", at the ICDCIT 2015 International Conference on Distributed Computing and Internet Technology, Bhubaneswar, February 5-8, 2015.  The text of the paper appears in the proceedings Springer LNCS 8956.

    Sanjiva Prasad gave an invited talk at IKT 2015, Urmia Iran, May 26-28, 2015 on "Programming the Internet of Things Safely".

    Sanjiva Prasad visited University of Illinois at Chicago and gave a talk on IoT Security.

    Sanjiva Prasad visited MPI-SWS Saarbruecken and gave talks on IoT Security and logical foundations of network protocols.

    Sanjiva Prasad was a faculty mentor at the Cyber Security Summer School 2015, Estonia from July 13-17, 2015.

    Sanjiva Prasad presented a paper "A Switch, in Time" [co-authored with Lenore D. Zuck] at the 10th International Symposium on Trustworthy Global Computing (TGC 2015), Madrid, August 31-September 1, 2015.   The article appears in the proceedings.

    Chandrika Bhardwaj and Sanjiva Prasad's paper "Parametric Information Flow Control in eHealth" has been accepted at ReHIS,  IEEE HealthCom '15, October 14-17 2015, Boston USA. []

    Sanjiva Prasad has a paper [co-authored with Lenore D. Zuck] accepted at HVC 2015, Haifa Israel, November 2015. "Limited Mobility, Eventual Stability"

    Sanjiva Prasad and Nikolaj Bjorner are PC co-chairs of the ICDCIT 2016 Conference.

    Sanjiva Prasad was on the Programme Committee of LPAR-20 and SEFM 2015.

  • Paper titled "Unfolding-based Partial Order Reduction" on which Dr. Subodh Sharma is a co-author has been awarded the best paper in CONCUR 2015.

  • Saroj Kaushik and Sunita Tiwari received Best Paper Award for their research paper entiled " Crowsourcing Based Fuzzy Information Enrichment of Tourist spot Recommender Systems" in ICCSA'2015 held in Banff, Canada, 22nd June-26th June 2015.

  • Sorav Bansal receives a faculty award of USD 25K from VMware for his research on operating systems and machine virtualization.

  • Mausam has been granted Senior Member status in the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence(AAAI).

  • Mausam appeared on NDTV prime for a debate on artificial intelligence. Watch it here.

  • Prof. M. Balakrishnan's Smart Cane featured on BBC. Link here.

  • Mausam and Parag Singla awarded research grant from Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information for research on knowledge extraction worth USD90K.

  • Mausam awarded Google research grant worth USD50K for research on open inference rule learning.

  • Mausam awarded a research grant from University of Washington Seattle worth USD77K on scaling up multi-document summarization.

  • Parag Singla has been awarded the Microsoft Young Faculty Incentive Fellowship.

  • Amitabha Bagchi has received an unrestricted research award from Yahoo! under the Yahoo! Faculty Research and Engagement Program.

  • Amitabha Bagchi has received IIT Delhi's teaching excellence award in 2013.

  • Aaditeshwar Seth's startup, Gram Vaani, has completed over 100 projects all across the country on using community media technologies for development.

  • Team led by Aaditeshwar Seth won the “Rising Stars in Global Health” award in 2012

  • Maya Ramanath received Yahoo faculty research engagement award in 2013.

  • Sorav Bansal received IBM faculty award in 2013.

  • Sorav Bansal received Netapp faculty fellowship for the period 2012-13.

  • Sorav Bansal received IIT Delhi teaching excellence award in 2012.

  • S Arun-Kumar, Sorav Bansal and Amitabha Bagchi were awarded IIT Delhi's Excellence in Teaching for the year 2012.

  • Amitabha Bagchi and Maya Ramanath received an Unrestricted Gift from the Faculty Research and Engagement Program of Yahoo! for their proposal on Trend Detection on Twitter.

  • Dr. Amit Kumar awarded INSA Medal for Young Scientist 2011! Congrats!

  • Prof. M. Balakrishnan and Prof. Anshul Kumar were honoured by IIT alumnus for exemplary mentorship and guidance to their students.


  • Sorav Bansal wins IBM SUR Award, 2011 of USD 15000 to encourage collaborative research on Virtualization and Cloud Computing.

  • Wellcome Trust UK has announced a funding of British Pounds 430000 (nearly Rs. 3 crores) for translational research of Smart Cane developed by IIT Delhi. IIT Delhi would carry out the project in collaboration with its industrial partner Phoenix Medical Systems, Chennai and the NGO working for the visually impaired Saksham Trust, Delhi. The project envisages pilot production and field trials leading to a development of an affordable device (target price within Rs 2000) meeting Indian and European standards within two years.

  • The ASSISTECH group's paper on a Smartcane for the Visually Impaired has won the best paper award at the 12th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled People (TRANSED 2010).

  • Aaditeshwar Seth's project on rural community radio stations won the Juror's distinction at the Manthan Awards.

  • Pankaj Jalote's project proposal on "Rapidly Developing Software using Globally Distributed Teams" has been chosen as one of the winners of the First SAP Research & Innovation Award India.

  • M Balakrishnan and Kolin Paul are the winners of 2005 VASVIK industrial reserach awards [photograph]

  • Anirban Mahanti authored the paper titled The Flattening Internet Topology: Natural Evolution, Unsightly Barnacles or Contrived Collapse? which received the Best Paper Award at the 9th Passive and Active Measurement (PAM) conference, 2008.

  • S Arun Kumar received the IBM Faculty Award in 2007.

  • Preeti Ranjan Panda received the IBM Faculty Award in 2007.

  • Sandeep Sen has been elected as a Fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore in 2007.

  • Anup Gangwar, M. Balakrishnan and Anshul Kumar authored the paper titled Impact of intercluster communication mechanisms on ILP in clustered VLIW architectures which received the best paper of the year award for the journal ACM Transaction on Design Automation and Electronic Systems, 2007.

  • Naveen Garg received the IBM Faculty Award in 2006.

  • Amit Kumar received the INAE Young Engineer Award in 2006.

  • Naveen Garg received the INSA Young Scientist Award in 2006.

  • Amit Kumar received the IBM Faculty Award in 2005.

  • Naveen Garg received the INAE Young Engineer Award in 2005.

  • Naveen Garg received the Career Award for Young Teachers given by the AICTE in 2004.

  • Naveen Garg has been chosen to lead a partner group on "Approximation Algorithms" by the Max Planck Society, Munich. (link) .

  • Preeti Ranjan Panda received the Department of Science and Technology Young Scientist Award in 2003.

  • Naveen Garg received the Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Award by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany in 2002.

  • Dheeraj Bharadwaj received the Young Scientist Award by Indian National Science Academy in 2000.

Student awards and achievements

  • 27 Oct, 2023: Kushagra Gupta (2021CS50592) has received UPE ACM Scholarship Award

  • Archit Bubna 2019CS10331 has received President's Gold Medal

    Vishal Bindal (2018CS50425), Arnav Tuli (2019CS10424) and Chirag Mohapatra (2018CS50403) have received BOSS Award for Best project Award

    Avantika Agarwal (2019CS10338) andHimanshu Gaurav Singh (2019CS10358) have received the Suresh Chandra Memorial Award for Undergarduates.

    Harshit Verma (2021MCS2133) and Nikita Bhamu (2018CS50413) have received the Suresh Chandra Memorial Award for Postgarduates.

  • 8 May, 2023: Ms. Shivangi Bithel has been awarded an ACM-W scholarship for attendance at ACM SIGIR 2023.

  • Vinayak Gupta has been adjudged as a “Challenger” (runner up) in the ML Fundamentals category of NASSCOM AI Gamechangers awards 2022

  • 26 Sep, 2022: Mr. Sahil Manchanda has received "Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship-INDIA 2022"

  • 22 Sep, 2022: Ms. Anjali has received Google PhD Fellowship 2022


  • Vinayak Gupta has been awarded the “Best of AIMLSystems - Outstanding Doctoral Work” award at the first International Conference on AI-ML Systems, 2021, for his work “Learning Neural Models for Continuous-Time Sequences”. The award carries a certificate and a cash prize of USD 500, sponsored by the Professor Ram Kumar Memorial Foundation. The announcement is at

  • The paper "Security Types for Synchronous Data Flow Systems" written by PhD student R. Madhukar Yerraguntla with Profs Sanjiva Prasad and Subodh Sharma was selected as the best paper at MEMOCODE 2020. 

  • Jatin Batra has been named the winner of the ACM India Doctoral Dissertation Award for 2018-19.  His thesis titled "Dynamic Programming for Scheduling Problems" was completed under the supervision of Prof. Naveen Garg and Prof. Amit Kumar.  The Award will be formally presented at the ACM India Annual Event in Ahmedabad on February 15, 2020.

  • Kuntal Dey (PhD student working with Prof Saroj Kaushik)  has been selected by Scientific Committee of the Heidelberg Laureate Forum Foundation (HLFF) to participate in the 7th Heidelberg Laureate Forum, to be held from 22nd  to 27the Sept., 2019 in Heidelberg, Germany. This opportunity is given to only the 200 most qualified Young Researchers over the globe to enrich and share the unique atmosphere of the Heidelberg Laureate Forum.

  • Kuntal Dey (PhD student working with Prof Saroj Kaushik)  has been selected by Scientific Committee of the Heidelberg Laureate Forum Foundation (HLFF) to participate in the 7th Heidelberg Laureate Forum, to be held from 22nd  to 27the Sept  in Heidelberg, Germany.  This opportunity is given to only the 200 most qualified Young Researchers over the globe to enrich and share the unique atmosphere of the Heidelberg Laureate Forum.

  • Kuntal Dey (PhD student working with me)  has been selected by Scientific Committee of the Heidelberg Laureate Forum Foundation (HLFF) to participate in the 7th Heidelberg Laureate Forum, to be held from 22nd  to 27the Sept  in Heidelberg, Germany.  This opportunity is given to only the 200 most qualified Young Researchers over the globe to enrich and share the unique atmosphere of the Heidelberg Laureate Forum.

  • PhD student Himanshu Jain’s paper on the Slice algorithm for recommending related queries on a search engine, coauthored by Venkatesh Balasubramanian, Bhanu Chunduri, and Manik Varma, has won the Best Paper Award at the 12th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, the world’s premier conference on web search (along with WWW). Read more at the Microsoft Research Blog's post on extreme classification and Slice.

  • Rahul Jain wins the Best PhD Thesis Award at the recently concluded 32nd International Conference on VLSI Design and 18th Intl. Conf. on Embedded Systems for his thesis titled "Machine Learned Machines: Reinforcement Learning Exploration for Architecture Co-optimization". The research was supervised by P. R. Panda, supported by Intel and DST/SERB's PM Fellowship program.

  • A team of three students from CSE/SIT, Anupam Sobti, Ayushi Agarwal and Saurabh Tewari, won the first prize in the Cadence Tensilica Hackathon held on 5th January as a part of Embedded and VLSI Design Conference 2019. The theme of the hackathon was "Porting deep Neural Network for Cadence® Tensilica® AI Processor".

  • Sandeep Chandran has been awarded the FITT "Best Industry Relevant PhD Project in IIT Delhi" Award for his PhD thesis titled "FlexDFD: Flexible DFD Hardware for Efficient Post-silicon Validation" for the year 2017-18. The award carries a cash prize of Rs. 60,000. The research was carried out in collaboration with Freescale/NXP Semiconductor and the Semiconductor Research Consortium.

  • Kuntal Dey, Ritvik Shrivastava, Saroj Kaushik(2018), Topical Stance Detection for Twitter: A Two-Phase LSTM Model Using Attention. 40th European Conference on Information reitrival (ECIR 2018), March 2018. Link : : Posted by Prof Saroj Kaushik

    Kuntal Dey, Saroj Kaushik, Kritika Garg, Ritvik Shrivastava(2018), Topic Lifecycle on Social Networks: Analyzing the Effects of Semantic Continuity and Social Communities. 40th European Conference on Information reitrival (ECIR 2018), March 2018.Link: : Posted by Prof Saroj Kaushik

  • Kuntal Dey, Ritvik Shrivastava, Saroj Kaushik(2018), Topical Stance Detection for Twitter: A Two-Phase LSTM Model Using Attention. 40th European Conference on Information reitrival (ECIR 2018), March 2018. Link : : Posted by Prof Saroj Kaushik

    Kuntal Dey, Saroj Kaushik, Kritika Garg, Ritvik Shrivastava(2018), Topic Lifecycle on Social Networks: Analyzing the Effects of Semantic Continuity and Social Communities. 40th European Conference on Information reitrival (ECIR 2018), March 2018.Link: : Posted by Prof Saroj Kaushik

  • Danish Contractor named one of India's Top 10 Innovators Under 35 for the year 2018 by Mint and MIT Technology Review. 

  • Manjeet Dahiya has won the FIRST PLACE AWARD for his work on "Automatic Verification of Intermittent Systems" (which will appear in VMCAI 2018)  at APLAS 2017 SRC Competition held from November 27-29, 2017 in Suzhou, China.

  • Manjeet Dahiya won the first place award at the Student Research Competition (SRC) at the 15th Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems (APLAS) 2017 held in Suzhou, China, for his work on "Automatic Verification of Intermittent Programs".  You can find a picture of the award here. You can see the conference paper based on this work (appearing at VMCAI 2018) here.

  • Saiyed Kashif Shaukat and Vinay J. Ribeiro's paper titled "RansomWall: A Layered Defense System against Cryptographic Ransomware Attacks using Machine Learning" has been accepted for publication at COMSNETS 2018.

  • Neha Sengupta's paper "Benchmark Generator for Dynamic Overlapping Communities in Networks" (ICDE 2017, co-authors Michael Hamann and Dorothea Wagner) declared Best Paper by the German Research Foundation (DFG) Priority Programme on Algorithms for Big Data which sponsored the research.

  • The Suresh Chandra Memorial award for Best MTech Project for the year 2017 goes to Swarnadeep Saha for his project: Open IE 5.0 - Open Information Extraction from Numerical Sentences and Conjunctive Sentences. Congratulations!

  • The Suresh Chandra Memorial award for Best MTech Project for the year 2017 goes to Swarnadeep Saha for his project: 
    Open IE 5.0 - Open Information Extraction from Numerical Sentences and Conjunctive Sentences. Congratulations!

  • Priti Jagwani and Saroj Kaushik (2017), Quality Enhancement of Location Based Services Through Real Time Context Aware Obfuscation Using Crowd Sourcing, Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA 2017), held in Trieste, Italy, July 2-6, Part of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS, volume 10409),pp 79-94,

  • Paper by Rajesh Kumar PalIerum Shanaya, [with Kolin PaulSanjiva Prasad]
    Dynamic core allocation for energy efficient video decoding in homogeneous and heterogeneous multicore architectures. In Journal Future Generation Comp. Syst. 56247-261 (2016)

  • Chandrika Bhardwaj has a paper [co-authored with Sanjiva Prasad] accepted in the journal Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience: "PRAVAH: PARAMETERISED INFORMATION FLOW CONTROL IN E-HEALTH", Volume 17, Number 3, 2016. DOI 10.12694/scpe.v17i3.1177

  • Sanjiva Prasad has a paper [co-authored with Lenore D. Zuck] accepted at EXPRESS/SOS 2016, Quebec Canada, August 2016. "Self-Similarity breeds Resilience".

  • CS&E MTech students are being sought out by top employers! Click here to see the details of the 2015-15 placement season.

  • MTechs and MS(R) students from CS&E at IIT are attracting the attention of employers from top companies.

    In the 2015-16 placement season our MTechs were placed with international technology majors, exciting startups and financial giants as well as public sector majors. In the future we expect this high level of interest in our MTechs to grow as our alumni go on to make a mark in their workplaces.




    Number placed









    APT Portfolio


    Morgan Stanley




    Honeywell Technology Solutions


    Infosys Ltd.


    MAQ Software




    Nutanix Technologies India Private Ltd.


    Securifi Embedded Systems India Pvt. Ltd




    Works Applications Co., LTD.







    Saavn Media Pvt. Ltd





  • Neha Sengupta has been awarded the prestigious and highly competitive IBM PhD Fellowship for 2016. Congratulations, Neha!

  • MIT Technology Review recognizes each year 35 innovators under the age of 35 who have made an impact through their work.

    Dr. Rohan Paul has been recognized as one of the 35 innovators this year for his work on SmartCane at IIT Delhi. Read moe about it at

  • PhD student Amit Ruhela's research on influential users on Twitter has been covered in the news.

  • The paper "Dynamic Core Allocation for Energy Efficient Video Decoding in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Multicore Architectures'' by Rajesh Kumar Pal,

    Kolin Paul and Sanjiva Prasad has been accepted for publication in the journal Future Generation Computer Systems.

  • Four papers with contributors from IIT Delhi accepted at NIPS 2015. Click here for details.

  • Chandrika Bhardwaj and Sanjiva Prasad's paper "Parametric Information Flow Control in eHealth" has been accepted at ReHIS,  IEEE HealthCom '15, October 14-17 2015, Boston USA. []

  • PhD student Dipanjan Chakraborty's proposal on using mobile phones to improve transparency and accountability in government schemes, has been accepted for funding by the Google IIT pilot program. Congratulations!

  • PhD student Dipanjan Chakraborty's proposal on using mobile phones to improve transparency and accountability in government schemes, has been accepted for funding by the Google IIT pilot program.

  • M.Tech. students Neeta Meshram and Heena Bansal have won the "Cadence Design Contest 2014 -Tensilica Project" under M.E./M.Tech. category. The project involved design of a Stereo Acoustic Echo Cancellation System and was supervised by Prof. Anshul Kumar and Dr Monika Aggarwal (CARE). Congratulations!

  • Chirag Jain, a student of Prof Subodh Kumar, won the first prize for project awards under the Undergraduate category during IIT Delhi's Open House 2014, for his work on an Improved Algorithm for Sequence Alignment on GPUs. Congrats!

  • Ankit Kumar, Dhruv Gupta and Pulkit Sapra of the ASSISTECH group have bagged the best project award for developing affordable Refreshable Braille Cells at TechTop 2014, a national innovation contest. Congratulations!

  • Shibashis Guha, a research scholar advised by Prof. S. Arun Kumar, has settled a 15-year old open problem in timed automata. Their paper, titled "Reducing Clocks in Timed Automata while Preserving Bisimuation", has been accepted for publication in CONCUR 2014, Rome, Italy.

  • Deeksha Gautam, Madhulika Mohanty, Sudhanshu Shekhar and Nitish Varshney won the first prize in Yahoo! HackU 2013 at IIT-Delhi for their app named "Polarizer", which classifies controversial comments into pro and con. Congratulations!

  • Deeksha Gautam, Madhulika Mohanty, Sudhanshu Shekhar and Nitish Varshney win the first prize in Yahoo! HackU 2013 at IIT-Delhi for their app named "Polarizer", which classifies controversial comments into pro and con. Congratulations!

  • A demo paper: "ESTHETE: A news browsing system to visualize the context and evolution of news stories" by recent graduates Rahul Goyal and Ravee Malla along with Amitabha Bagchi, Sameep Mehta and Maya Ramanath has been accepted at CIKM 2013!

  • Paper accepted at SOSP 2013 on "Fast Dynamic Binary Translation for the Kernel" by Piyus Kedia and Sorav Bansal.

  • Paper accepted at <a href="/">SOSP 2013</a> on "Fast Dynamic Binary Translation for the Kernel" by Piyus Kedia and Sorav Bansal.

  • Amit Ruhela, PhD student of Dr Aaditeshwar Seth, has been awarded the best presentation in the COMSNETS 2012 PhD forum for his work on online social networks and Internet content distribution.

  • The team of Rudradev Basak, Nikhil Garg and Pradeep George Mathis, under the guidance of Prof. Naveen Garg, have secured 18th place in the ACM ICPC 2012 contest. Many congrats to the team from IIT Delhi!

  • Paper accepted at ASPLOS 2013 on "Efficient Virtualization on Power Architecture Platforms" by Aashish Mittal, Dushyant Bansal, Sorav Bansal, Varun Sethi.

  • Best poster award for the poster "Roshni:Indoor Navigation System for visually impaired" by Dhruv JainProf. M. Balakrishnan et. al. presented at the4th IBM Collaborative Academia Research Exchange (I-CARE 2012) held in Bangalore, India during October 18th to 20th, 2012. Congratulations to theRoshni team.

  • Best paper award for the paper entitled "FUSION OF NAVIGATION TECHNOLOGY AND E-LEARNING SYSTEMS FOR ON-THE-SPOT LEARNING" by Shivendra Tiwari and Saroj Kaushik in IET International Conference on Wireless Communications and Applications- ICWCA 2012 held at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia  during October 8th   to 10th, 2012.

  • Best paper award for the paper entitled "Design and user study of an affordable cellphone based indoor navigation system for visually impaired”, byDhruv JainProf. M. Balakrishnan et. al. at the 13th International Conference on “Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled People” (TRANSED 2012) held in New Delhi, India during 17 September 17th to 20th, 2012. Congratulations to the Roshni team.

  • Sandeep Kumar Bindal wins third prize at PLDI SRC 2011in the Undergraduate Category. Details of his work are:

    • Title of the work: Systematic Ranking of the Threads Schedules for Testing MultiThreaded Programs.
    • Supervisor: Dr. Sorav Bansal
    • Award Details: Third Prize in the Under-Graduate Category

  • Shamsher Singh and Kanak Biswas's research on gait recognition has been accepted in ICDM, a premier forum on data mining.

  • A research paper by Trinabh Gupta and Sanchit Garg co-authored with Anirban Mahanti and Niklas Carlsson has been accepted at ACM SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Conference 2009, a premiere venue for publishing results on Internet measurements, analysis, and modeling. Also, Trinabh and Sanchit's project bags best B. Tech. project award.

  • The work of Jivitej Chadda, Naveen Garg, Amit Kumar, and Muralidhara has been accepted in STOC 2009, a premier theory conference.

  • Silpa, PhD student wins Intel Scholar Program 2008 more

  • Rohan Paul, Dheeraj Mehra and Vaibhav Singh has received INAE Innovative Student Projects Award 2008 for their major project.

  • Navneet Kumar Pandey, S. K. Gupta and Shaweta Likha authored the paper titled Algebra for Capability Based Attack Correlation received the best student paper award sponsored by Nokia in Workshop in Information Security Theory and Practices held in Spain in May 08 [more].

  • Anup Gangwar , M. Balakrishnan and Anshul Kumar authored the paper titled Impact of intercluster communication mechanisms on ILP in clustered VLIW architectures which received the best paper of the year award for the journal ACM Transaction on Design Automation and Electronic Systems, 2007.

  • Uma Mudenagudi and Yogish Sabharwal received best paper awards in their respective areas media processing and theoretical computer science atIRISS, 2007 .

  • Akshat Verma received the best paper award in the {em Algorithms and Applications} area in the High Performance Computing Conference (Bangalore), 2006.

  • Parag Chaudhuri received the IBM award for outstanding Ph. D. thesis, 2006.

  • Parag Chaudhuri 's Ph. D. thesis is accepted as a Springer research monograph, 2006. ( link )

  • Surender Baswana and Rohit Khandekar received the IBM award for outstanding Ph. D. thesis, 2005.

  • Parag Chaudhuri received the best paper award at IRISS, 2005 .

  • Anup Gangwar received a best presentation of a session award at IRISS, 2004 .

  • Rohit Khandekar received the best paper award at IRISS, 2003 Surender Baswana received a "Commendable Research'' prize.

  • Shoma Chatterjee received a best presentation of a session award at IRISS, 2002 .

  • The department won the worldwide IBM Linux Scholar Challenge in 2002 , primarily through the efforts of our dual-degree and UG students.

Editorial boards and Program Chairs

Technology transfer

  • OnBoard - a device that facilitates boarding of pulbilc buses by visually impaired was successfully tested on 25 BEST buses in Mumbai for more than 2 months. The technology is now being transferred to KritiKal Solutions for scaling up production and full scale deployment.

  • Sorav Bansal developed the course “Operating Systems” for NPTEL.

  • Kritikal Solutions is the first faculty-student led start-up from IITD. It was started in 2002 by seven graduating dual-degree students and five faculty members from the department. Kritikal Solutions has successfully gone through the incubation phase and have recently opened up a new office in Noida. Since their inception they have carried out several challenging technology products and projects.

  • GridSolv is a recent Technology Business Incubation company started from the department.

  • The department has recently developed security product prototypes of Vehicle authorization system and Vehicle underside scanner in collaboration with Kritikal Solutions and some other private companies. BEL and ECIL, two leading public sector companies in the country, have decided to acquire the technologies from IITD and the technologies are being transferred to them.

Department News

  • 24.01.2024: Prof. Rajendra Kumar joins the Department as Assistant Professor

  • 24.01.2024: Prof. Priyanka Golia joins the Department as Assistant Professor

  • 01.09.2023: Prof. Tarun Mangla joins the Department as Assistant Professor

  • 01.09.2023: Prof. Tarun Mngla joins the Department as Assistant Professor

  • 03.04.2023: Kaustubh Beedkar joins the Department as Assistant Professor

  • 06.04.2023:  Vaishnavi Sundararajan joins the Department as Assistant Professor

  • 03.04.2023: Kaustubh Beedkar joins the Department as Assistant Professor

  • 07.10.2021: Kumar Madhukar joins the Department as Assistant Professor

    25.11.2021: Rohit Vaish joins the Department as Assistant Professor

  • 25.1.2021:  Abhilash Jindal joins the department as Assistant Professor

    25.1.2021: Nikhil Balaji joins the department as Assistant Professor

  • 14.07.2020: Dr Vireshwar Kumar joins as an Assistant Professor

  • 30.09.2020: Dr Keerti Choudhary joins as an Assistant Professor.

  • 1.10.2020:  Dr Venkata Koppula joins as an Assistant Professor.

  • 23.11.2020:   Dr Abhijnan Chakraborty joins as an Assistant Professor.

  • Photos from recent events in our department:

  • 2.11.2019: All three winners of the Distinguished Alumnus Award at Convocation 2019 were from the CSE Department:

    • Prof. Srinivasan Keshav 
    • Mohit Aron
    • Binny Bansal

  • Prof. Rohan Paul joined the Department on 1 October 2019. 

  • We welcome two new faculty members, Ashish Chiplunkar and Soham Chakraborty, who joined the department on 2nd September 2019.

  • Congratulations to Mr. Som Dutt Sharma who has been awarded the Sansthan Incentive Award (to Group 'B', 'C' and 'D' staff) for 2018. He received a cash award of Rs. 12,000 along with a citation and certificate on 15 Aug 2018 at the Award Ceremony held in the Seminar Hall of the Institute.

  • The department mourns the untimely passing of our staff member Abhishek Sharma, who passed away at a young age on 25 August 2019. He will be remembered for his enthusiasm for learning, helpful nature, and hard work that contributed greatly to the department. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and loved ones.

  • The department is delighted to have Prof. Anish Arora visiting us from Ohio State University till the 3rd of Jan 2018.

  • Alumnus Pankaj Gupta (BTech 1991) has donated Rs 40 Lakhs to endow three Young Faculty Awards for new faculty joining the department. Read more here about the award and Pankaj.

  • Our department has been ranked as the #1 Indian department in Computer Science and Information Systems by QS World University Rankings for the year 2015-16.

  • Welcome to Prof B N Jain for joining the department as Visiting Professor.

  • Department welcomes new faculty Dr Subodh Sharma joined in April 2015.

  • The department welcomes new faculty Amit Pande and Subodh Sharma who have joined us in April 2015!

  • We welcome Rahul Garg, who has just joined the department as a Professor. Rahul works in the area of Machine Learning and High Performace Computing.

  • Embedded Systems Week (ESWeek) conference will be organised by CSE, IIT Delhi, from 12-17 October 2014. This is the top international research forum for Embedded Systems and Software, bringing together three leading conferences (CASES, CODES+ISSS, and EMSOFT), two symposia (ESTIMedia and RSP) and several workshops and tutorials. All are invited! Tutorials at the conference are of special relevance to students. Register your interest in attending.

  • Smruti Ranjan Sarangi's book, Computer Organization and Architecture, has been released on August 14th by publisher McGrawHill India. The book is now available at Flipkart and Amazon.

  • We welcome Inspire Faculty Shweta Agrawal to the department. Shweta works in the area of Cryptography and Information Theory.

  • We welcome Mausam, who has just joined the department as Associate Professor. Mausam works in the area of Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing. 

  • A team from IIT Delhi has developed an ICT-based system for better governance and delivery of schemes. More details can be found here.

  • Smruti Sarangi taught the course “Computer Architecture” to IIT Ropar via NKN in 2011-12.

  • Sorav Bansal developed the course “Operating Systems” for NPTEL (ongoing)

  • We have a new addition to the CSE faculty: Parag Singla. Welcome Parag!

Departmental Activities

  • Rijurekha Sen's work on Air Pollution Monitoring is in the news.


  • Assistech: A new research group on assistive technologies

  • ACT4D: A new research group on ICTD

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