Computer Architecture

Course: ELL 305
Semester I, 2019-20
Credits: 4 (3-0-2)

Instructor: Prof. Smruti R. Sarangi

: Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday: 10 AM to 11 AM, LHC 114
Piazza: (Access code is ell305)

Course Load: Minor 1, Minor 2, End term, 3 programming assignments
Office Hours: Friday 3 to 5 PM, (SIT 215)

Evaluation: 17.5% (Minor 1), 17.5% (Minor 2), 25% (Major), Assignments (12.5% + 12.5% + 15%)
Passing Criteria: At least 30% overall

Policy for late assignments and re-minor:
1. We will hold one re-minor for people who have missed one minor at the end of the major exam. Note that
to ensure a level playing field, it will be significantly harder than the original minor exams. The student needs
to show documentary evidence such as a medical certificate to the TA on the day of the reminor. Please don't
send any mails to the instructor or the TAs regarding this.

2. Every homework will have a deadline. Students can submit after the deadline: 20% penalty per day (rounded to
the next day --> 3 hours late implies 1 day late).

Teaching Assistants:

1. Hameedah Sultan (Head TA)
2. Priyanka Singla
3. Nivedita Shrivastava
4. Churchill Hemraj Khangar
5. Adeeb N. A.
6. Padala Suneel
7. Amit Kumar
8. Vaibhav Singh Khokhar
9. Saurabh Gupta
10. Shubham Sharma
11. Nirmal Sharma

Reference Books
[Textbook]  Computer Organisation and Architecture, Smruti R. Sarangi, McGrawHill 2015
                   Link to the homepage of the book [contains all the slides, and video lectures].

Lectures and Slides:

23rd July
Course Policies

24th July
Introduction: Design of a CPU (from a Turing machine)
Chapter 1
26th July
Number systems: sign-magnitude, 1's complement, bias (pros and cons)
Chapter 2
30th July
2's complement number system

31st July
Representation of floating-point numbers

2nd Aug
Denormal, double precision, and representation of strings

6th Aug
Assembly language: format, register transfer notation, basic instructions, load and store
Chapter 3
7th Aug
Branch instructions. SimpleRisc code for a factorial function.

9th Aug
Call and return instructions, recursive code for the factorial function

13th Aug
Encoding instructions

16th Aug
SRAM, DRAM, and CAM Cells
Chapter 6
20th Aug
Adders: carry select and carry lookahead
Chapter 7
21st Aug
Iterative and Booth Multipliers

Minor 1
30 Aug
Minor 1 solutions, Wallace tree multiplier, Restoring division algorithm

31 Aug
Non-restoring division [with the proof], and floating-point addition

3 Sept
Floating-point addition/subtraction, and rounding

4 Sept
Floating-point multiplication and division

6 Sept
SimpleRisc Processor: IF to MA stages
Chapter 8
7 Sept
RW stage, control unit, data path, control path, introduction to pipelining
Chapter 9
11 Sept
Explanation of the 5 stages of the pipeline.

13 Sept
Delayed branches, code reordering, and interlocks (branch and data)

17 Sept

18 Sept
Performance equations

20 Sept
Performance equations - II

24 Sept
Interrupt and exception handling

Minor 2

1 Oct
Minor 2 solutions.Design of the memory system.
Chapter 10
9th Oct
Spatial locality, temporal locality, Fully associative caches

11th Oct
Fully associative, set associative, and direct-mapped caches

15th Oct
Performance model of memory systems

16th Oct
Types of misses, memory system optimization techniques

18th Oct
Virtual memory and paging

22 Oct
TLB, swap space, shared memory, and protection

23rd Oct
[+extra classes]
Parallel programming, Amdahl's law, Flynn's taxonomy, sequential consistency, coherence
weak consistency
Chapter 11
25th Oct
Snoopy coherence: Write-update and Write-invalidate protocols.

29th Oct
Multithreading, Vector instructions

30th Oct

1st Nov

13th Nov
Course wrap-up, Chapter 12 [self-study component]