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Welcome to the webpage of CSL211 course !!

Course Description

In this course we intend to teach the fundamentals of computer architecture to the undergraduate students in the Computer Science department.

Instructor : Dr. Smruti R. Sarangi

Credits :  5   [3-1-2] (L-T-P)

L - Three lectures of 50 minutes each will be conducted every week. Venue for the lectures is Block VI, LT-2 lecture hall.

T - A 1 hour tutorial session will be conducted every week (1 1:50 PM, M,Tu,We,Th). The main focus of the tutorial session will be to work through the problem set questions and clarify the concepts taught in the lectures. Questions discussed in the tutorials will be posted on the turorial page. Students are expected to read and understand the posted content before coming to the tutorial session.

P - The practical component of the course involves 3 programming assignments. Details of the programming assignments can be found on this page.


CSL101/CSL102, CSL201, and EEL201. Concurrent registration in EEL201 is acceptable.


Computer Organization and Design, 4th Edition : The Hardware/Software Interface "ARM Edition" by David A. Patterson and John L. Henessy