In this assignment, you will implement two techniques for computer
animation: keyframe animation of articulated characters, and
physics-based simulation of mass-spring systems. Use the code provided
at to display the
computed animation.
There are three required tasks and three optional tasks. Students
working in pairs are required to do all three required tasks
and at least one of the three optional tasks. For
students working in pairs, the optional tasks are not necessary but can
give up to 10% extra marks.
Design an articulated character composed of several bones
connected with hinge joints. Attach one or more fixed meshes to each
bone, each of which is translated rigidly by the bone’s transformation.
Animate the character’s motion by keyframing the hinge angles.
- Each bone may be specified by a pointer to its parent bone, the
position (in the parent bone’s coordinate system) where it is attached,
and the rotation axis of the joint. The character’s pose is then
determined by the root bone’s translation vector and rotation
quaternion, and the hinge angles of all joints.
- Try to make your character have a realistic skeleton hierarchy with
a reasonable number of bones and joints. Submissions with 3 or fewer
bones, or with a hierarchy depth of 1 (e.g. everything being a child of
the root), will definitely lose marks.
- Design the character’s motion by manually specifying the pose at
various keyframes, and interpolate them using Catmull-Rom splines. Work
out the correct derivative formula for keyframes that are not equally
spaced in time, instead of the simpler formula given in class. Show the
animated motion of your character using at least 5 keyframes.
- Optional task: Implement inverse kinematics, so
that your character can be animated by directly specifying the positions
of the end effectors.
- Let the root bone’s translation and rotation still be set by
keyframing, and only compute the hinge angles through IK. Note that if
you want to be able to achieve an arbitrary 3D position, you will need
at least 3 joints with different axes between the root and the end
- Refer to Bill
Baxter’s slides which explain several methods to solve the IK
problem, or the FABRIK algorithm
which is more recent. Choose any technique and implement it.
- Demonstrate your implementation by showing an example of a motion
that would be hard to achieve by manually specifying joint angles,
e.g. a character’s hand moving in a perfect circle.
Implement a mass-spring system for simulating a single sheet of
cloth. To do this, you will create a collection of particles in a grid
layout, connected to nearby particles with springs. Also add a gravity
force acting on all the particles, and allow some particles to be
labeled as “fixed” in space so that they never move. Perform time
stepping using the semi-implicit Euler scheme.
- The spring constant of shear springs should be less than that of the
structural springs, and that of bending springs should be much less. For
each type of spring, the damping constant should be much less than the
spring constant.
- You may evaluate the damping forces using the current particle
velocities, i.e. \(\mathbf f(\mathbf
x^n,\mathbf v^n)\) instead of \(\mathbf
f(\mathbf x^n,\mathbf v^{n+1})\), so that you don’t have to solve
a system of equations to do time stepping.
- Your implementation should be generic enough that you are able to
simulate sheets of different sizes (physical length and width),
different resolutions (number of particles), and different material
properties (mass density and stiffness).
- Demonstrate your implementation by simulating a 1m × 1m sheet of
cloth, initially horizontal with two adjacent corners fixed, swinging
down and then back and forth under gravity. Tune the simulation
parameters so that the motion looks somewhat realistic, although it may
be a bit stretchy.
- Optional task: Replace the structural springs with
inextensible constraints, and use position-based dynamics to simulate
them. Since the shear and bending springs are much weaker, you can still
evaluate their contribution explicitly as before. Only use constraint
projections for the structural edges.
- You will need to do multiple iterations of the PBD loop to ensure
that all constraints are close to satisfied. Tune the iteration count to
get a cloth that does not significantly stretch.
- Refer to the
original paper by Müller et al. (2006) for more details.
- Demonstrate your implementation using the same cloth from the
previous task, showing that the cloth appears nearly inextensible when
using constraints.
Modify your simulation to handle collisions of particles with
moving obstacles. You may use discrete collision detection, i.e. you
only need to check for collisions at the end of the time step. Also, you
only need to test the particles of the mass-spring system; you are not
required to handle the case where an edge or face of the cloth is
intersecting the obstacle but all particles are outside.
- Your implementation should support collisions with spheres and
infinite planes. Spheres may further have a time-varying transformation
applied to them. Assume constant linear and angular velocities specified
by the user.
- For collision response, include normal forces with user-specified
ε, frictional forces with user-specified μ, and
position correction to move particles out of the obstacle. Note that the
velocity response should depend not on the absolute velocity of the
particle, but on the relative velocity between it and the
obstacle at the point of contact!
- Include the obstacles as well in the displayed scene. You may wish
to draw the spheres slightly smaller (or equivalently, check collisions
with a slightly larger shape) so that penetrating edges and faces are
not too noticeable. For infinite planes, just draw a large finite
- Demonstrate your implementation on a scene with a ground plane and
one or more spheres. At least one of the spheres should be moving, and
the cloth should collide with all of them and with the ground.
- Optional task: Right now, your cloth will happily
pass through itself and get tangled, because we are not testing for
self-collisions. Fully robust self-collision handling is very hard, but
we can do an OK job just by handling inter-particle collisions: make
sure the distance between all non-adjacent particles is at
least Δx, the rest length of the structural edges. This way a
particle is unlikely to sneak through the gap between adjacent
- To speed up inter-particle collision detection, use a uniform grid
of size Δx (see lecture 20). Since we only care about particles
at distance Δx or less, you only need to check the 3×3×3
adjacent cells for each particle.
- Treat the distance between nearby particles as a constraint, and
apply a projection impulse to both their positions and velocities in the
usual way.
- Set up a simulation where significant self-collisions occur,
e.g. when an initially vertical sheet of cloth drops on the ground, and
show results with and without self-collisions.
Extra optional task: Put all three parts of the
assignment together by draping a cloth on top of a keyframed
- This task is optional for everyone, regardless of whether they are
working individually or in pairs, and does not count as one of the three
optional tasks that students working in pairs are required to do. It is
worth up to 10% extra marks.
- You may need to add support for more collision shapes to represent
the limbs of the character. Instead of testing with the exact limb
geometry, use an easy-to-query approximation such as a box or a “capsule”.
- You’ll have to compute the instantaneous linear and angular velocity
of the colliding limb based on the joint angles and their time
- To keep things simple, the cloth can just be something like a shawl
or a poncho (a square with a neck hole cut in the middle; here’s
a famous example).
Submit your assignment on Moodle before midnight on the due date.
Your submission should be a zip file that contains your entire source
code for the assignment, not including any binary object files or
executables. The zip file should also contain a PDF report that
- one or more representative frames of each of the demonstration
- discussion of any implementation choices or unusual features of your
- explanation of any required components you could not implement, and
what problems you faced in doing them.
You should also record videos of your demonstration animations, as
mentioned on Moodle. These are likely to be too big to upload to the
Moodle assignment submission system, so please upload them somewhere
else (like the institute’s Owncloud or Sharepoint, Google Drive,
or even YouTube), make them world-readable, and include links to them in
the PDF report.
Separately, each of you working in groups will individually
submit a short response in a separate form regarding how much you and
your groupmate(s) contributed to the work in this assignment.