COL865: Physics-Based Animation
Paper presentations and discussions
Each student will be expected to give two paper presentations. Other papers of interest will be covered in class discussions.
The paper presentation should be 18 to 20 minutes long, and will be followed by questions from the rest of the class. In your presentation, you must (i) clearly define the problem addressed by the work, (ii) describe the key ideas and novel contributions, and (iii) discuss the tradeoffs and limitations of the proposed approach. You should also try to relate the presented paper to its broader context, for example in terms of the state of the art at the time, fundamental concepts and issues discussed in the course, and/or potential applications.
Every student other than the presenter is expected to also read the paper in advance, and prepare some questions or comments on interesting issues raised by the paper.
Suggested papers for presentations and discussions are given below. Each presentation will be from one of the two lists. If you would like to present a different paper not on these lists, please talk to me about it first. We will also have in-class discussion sessions for many of the other papers in the lists that did not get presented.
Go through some of these papers and choose which one(s) you would prefer to give your presentations on, and which others you would like to have discussed in class. I recommend carefully reading the abstracts and introductions and also skimming the technical sections before making your decision. Submit your preferences for the first presentation on Moodle by Friday, September 28, and your preferences for the second presentation on Moodle by Sunday, October 21.
Papers from 2010 and earlier
- O’Brien and Hodgins, “Graphical modeling and animation of brittle fracture” (SIGGRAPH 1999)
- Irving et al., “Invertible finite elements for robust simulation of large deformation” (SCA 2004)
- Molino et al., “A virtual node algorithm for changing mesh topology during simulation” (SIGGRAPH 2004)
- Müller et al., “Point based animation of elastic, plastic and melting objects” (SCA 2004)
- Müller et al., “Meshless deformations based on shape matching” (SIGGRAPH 2005)
- Bargteil et al., “A finite element method for animating large viscoplastic flow” (SIGGRAPH 2007)
- Bickel et al., “Capture and modeling of non-linear heterogeneous soft tissue” (SIGGRAPH 2009)
- Kharevych et al., “Numerical coarsening of inhomogeneous elastic materials” (SIGGRAPH 2009)
Sheets and strands:
- Baraff et al., “Untangling cloth” (SIGGRAPH 2003)
- Grinspun et al., “Discrete shells” (SCA 2003)
- Bergou et al., “TRACKS: Toward directable thin shells” (SIGGRAPH 2007)
- Bergou et al., “Discrete elastic rods” (SIGGRAPH 2008)
- Kaldor et al., “Simulating knitted cloth at the yarn level” (SIGGRAPH 2008)
- McAdams et al., “Detail preserving continuum simulation of straight hair” (SIGGRAPH 2009)
- Thomaszewski et al., “Continuum-based strain limiting” (Eurographics 2009)
Collisions, contact, and coupling:
- Guendelman et al., “Coupling water and smoke to thin deformable and rigid shells” (SIGGRAPH 2005)
- Harmon et al., “Robust treatment of simultaneous collisions” (SIGGRAPH 2008)
- Kaufman et al., “Staggered projections for frictional contact in multibody systems” (SIGGRAPH Asia 2008)
- Otaduy et al., “Implicit contact handling for deformable objects” (Eurographics 2009)
- Nguyen et al., “Physically based modeling and animation of fire” (SIGGRAPH 2002)
- Treuille et al., “Keyframe control of smoke simulations” (SIGGRAPH 2003)
- Park and Kim, “Vortex fluid for gaseous phenomena” (SCA 2005)
- Adams et al., “Adaptively sampled particle fluids” (SIGGRAPH 2007)
- Batty and Bridson, “Accurate viscous free surfaces for buckling, coiling and rotating liquids” (SCA 2008)
- Kim et al., “Wavelet turbulence for fluid simulation” (SIGGRAPH 2008)
- Wojtan et al., “Deforming meshes that split and merge” (SIGGRAPH 2009)
- Chentanez and Müller, “Real-time simulation of large bodies of water with small scale details” (SCA 2010)
Post-2010 papers
- Faure et al., “Sparse meshless models of complex deformable solids” (SIGGRAPH 2011)
- Levin et al., “Eulerian solid simulation with contact” (SIGGRAPH 2011)
- Barbič et al., “Interactive editing of deformable simulations” (SIGGRAPH 2012)
- Xu et al., “Nonlinear material design using principal stretches” (SIGGRAPH 2015)
- Dinev et al., “FEPR: Fast energy projection for real-time simulation of deformable objects” (SIGGRAPH 2018)
- Smith et al., “Stable neo-Hookean flesh simulation” (SIGGRAPH 2018)
Sheets and strands:
- Sueda et al., “Large-scale dynamic simulation of highly constrained strands” (SIGGRAPH 2011)
- Umetani et al., “Sensitive couture for interactive garment editing and modeling” (SIGGRAPH 2011)
- Schreck et al., “Non-smooth developable geometry for interactively animating paper crumpling” (SIGGRAPH 2015)
Collisions, contact, and coupling:
- Smith et al., “Reflections on simultaneous impact” (SIGGRAPH 2012)
- Macklin et al., “Unified particle physics for real-time applications” (SIGGRAPH 2014)
- Jiang et al., “Anisotropic elastoplasticity for cloth, knit and hair frictional contact” (SIGGRAPH 2017)
- Wang et al., “Bounce maps: An improved restitution model for real-time rigid-body impact” (SIGGRAPH 2017)
- Ando et al., “Highly adaptive liquid simulations on tetrahedral meshes” (SIGGRAPH 2013)
- Gregson et al., “From capture to simulation - Connecting forward and inverse problems in fluids” (SIGGRAPH 2014)
- Zhu et al., “Codimensional surface tension flow on simplicial complexes” (SIGGRAPH 2014)
- Allen and Raghuvanshi, “Aerophones in flatland: Interactive wave simulation of wind instruments” (SIGGRAPH 2015)
- Jiang et al., “The affine particle-in-cell method” (SIGGRAPH 2015)
- Barreio et al., “Conformation constraints for efficient viscoelastic fluid simulation” (SIGGRAPH Asia 2017)
- Um et al., “Perceptual evaluation of liquid simulation methods” (SIGGRAPH 2017)
- Hu et al., “A moving least squares material point method with displacement discontinuity and two-way rigid body coupling” (SIGGRAPH 2018)