3.1. An overview of Pthreads
3.1.1. Introduction
Thread: A Thread is a 'Light Weight Process'. A thread is a
stream of instructions that can be scheduled as an independent
unit. A thread exists within a process, and uses the process
resources. Since threads are very small compared with processes,
thread creation is relatively cheap in terms of CPU costs. As
processes require their own resource bundle, and threads share
resources, threads are likewise memory frugal. There can be
multiple threads within a process. Multithreaded programs may
have several threads running through different code paths
Shared Memory Programming
Shared-memory systems typically provide both static and dynamic
process creation. That is, processes can be created at the beginning of
program execution by a directive to the operating system, or they can be
created during the execution of the program. The best-known dynamic
process creation function is fork. A typical implementation will allow a
process to start another, or child, process by a fork. Three processes
typically manage coordinating among processes in shared memory programs.
The starting, or a parent, process can wait for the termination of the
child process by calling join. The second prevents processes from
improperly accessing shared resources. The third provides a means for
synchronizing the processes.
The shared-memory model is similar to the data-parallel model. It has
a single address (global naming) space. It is similar to the message
passing model in that it is multithreading and synchronous. However,
data reside in a single, shared address space, thus does not have to be
explicitly allocated. Workload can be either explicitly or implicitly
allocated. Communication is done implicitly through shared reads and
writes of variables. However, synchronization is explicit.
Shared variable programs are multi threaded and asynchronous, require
explicit synchronizations to maintain correct execution order among the
processes. Parallel programming based on the shared memory model has not
progressed as much as message passing parallel programming. An indicator
is the lack of a widely accepted standard such as MPI or PVM for message
passing. The current situation is that shared-memory programs are
written in a platform specific language for multiprocessors (mostly SMPs
and PVPs). Such programs are not portable even among multiprocessors,
not to mention multicomputers (MPPs and clusters). Three platform
independent shared memory programming models are X3H5, Pthreads, and
The Pthreads library is a POSIX C API thread library that has
standardized functions for using threads across different
platforms. Historically, hardware vendors have implemented their
own proprietary versions of threads. These implementations
differed substantially from each other making it difficult for
programmers to develop portable threaded applications.
In order to take full advantage of the capabilities provided by
threads, a standardized programming interface was required. For
UNIX systems, this interface has been specified by the IEEE POSIX
1003.1c standard (1995). Implementations that adhere to this
standard are referred to as POSIX threads, or Pthreads. Most
hardware vendors now offer Pthreads in addition to their
proprietary API's. Pthreads are defined as a set of C language programming types and
procedure calls. Vendors usually provide a Pthreads implementation in the form of a header/include file and a library
that you link with your program.
3.1.3. Why Pthreads
- The primary motivation for using Pthreads is to realize
potential program performance gains.
- When compared to the cost of creating and managing a process, a thread can be created with
much less operating system overhead. Managing threads requires
fewer system resources than managing processes.
- All threads within a process share the same address space. Inter-thread
communication is more efficient and in many cases, easier to use
than inter-process communication.
- Threaded applications offer potential performance gains and practical advantages over
non-threaded applications in several other ways:
- Overlapping CPU work with I/O: For example, a program may have sections
where it is performing a long I/O operation. While one thread is
waiting for an I/O system call to complete, other threads can
perform CPU intensive work.
- Priority/real-time scheduling: tasks that are more important can be scheduled to supersede or
interrupt lower priority tasks.
- Asynchronous event handling: tasks that service events of indeterminate frequency and duration
can be interleaved. For example, a web server can both transfer
data from previous requests and manage the arrival of new
- Multi-threaded applications will work on a
uni-processor system; yet naturally take advantage of a
multiprocessor system, without recompiling.
- In a multiprocessor environment, the most important reason for using
Pthreads is to take advantage of potential parallelism. This
will be the focus of the remainder of this tutorial. Designing
Threaded Programs.
- In order for a program to take advantage of Pthreads, it must be able to be organized into discrete,
independent tasks that can execute concurrently.
3.1.4. Basic Pthreads Library Calls
Brief Introduction to Pthreads calls
- int pthread_create(pthread_t *thread, const pthread_attr_t *attr,
void*(*start_routine) (void), void *arg) ;
Creates a new thread, initializes its attributes,
and makes it runnable.
The pthread_create subroutine creates a new thread and initializes its attributes
using the thread attributes object specified by the attr parameter. The new
thread inherits its creating thread's signal mask; but any pending signal
of the creating thread will be cleared for the new thread.
The new thread is made runnable, and will start executing the start_routine
routine, with the parameter specified by the arg parameter. The arg
parameter is a void pointer; it can reference any kind of data. It is not
recommended to cast this pointer into a scalar data type (int for example),
because the casts may not be portable.
The pthread_create subroutine returns the new thread
via the thread
argument. The caller can use this thread identifier to perform various operations
on the thread. This identifier should be checked to ensure that the thread was successfully
- void pthread_exit(void *value_ptr);
Terminates the calling thread.
The pthread_exit subroutine terminates the calling thread safely,
and stores a termination status for any thread that may join the calling thread.
The termination status is always a void pointer; it can reference any kind
of data. It is not recommended to cast this pointer into a scalar data type
(int for example), because the casts may not be portable. This subroutine
never returns.
Unlike the exit subroutine, the pthread_exit subroutine does not close
files. Thus any file opened and used only by the calling thread must be closed
before calling this subroutine. It is also important to note that the pthread_exit
subroutine frees any thread-specific data, including the thread's stack.
Any data allocated on the stack becomes invalidentifier, since the stack is freed
and the corresponding memory may be reused by another thread. Therefore, thread
synchronization objects (mutexes and condition variables) allocated on a thread'sstack
must be destroyed before the thread calls the pthread_exit subroutine.
Returning from the initial routine of a thread implicitly calls the pthread_exit
subroutine, using the return value as parameter.
Returns the calling thread's identifier.
The pthread_self subroutine returns the calling
thread's identifier.
- int pthread_join(pthread_t thread, void **value_ptr);
The pthread_join subroutine blocks the calling thread
until the thread specified in the call terminates. The target thread's termination status
is returned in the status parameter.
If the target thread is already terminated, but not yet detached, the subroutine
returns immediately. It is impossible to join a detached thread, even if it
is not yet terminated. The target thread is automatically detached after all
joined threads have been woken up.
This subroutine does not itself cause a thread to be terminated. It acts
like the pthread_cond_wait subroutine to wait for a special condition.
- int pthread_detach(pthread_t thread, void **value_ptr);
Detaches the specified thread from the calling thread.
The pthread_detach subroutine is used to indicate to the implementation
that storage for the thread whose thread identifier is in the location thread
can be reclaimed When that thread terminates. This storage shall be reclaimed
on process exit, regardless of whether the thread has been detached or not,
and may include storage for thread return value. If thread has not yet terminated,
pthread_detach shall not cause it to terminate. Multiple pthread_detach
calls on the same target thread causes an error.
If the target thread is already terminated, but not yet detached, the subroutine
returns immediately. It is impossible to join a detached thread, even if it
is not yet terminated. The target thread is automatically detached after all
joined threads have been woken up.
This subroutine does not itself cause a thread to be terminated. It acts
like the pthread_cond_wait subroutine to wait for a special condition.
- int pthread_mutex_init (pthread_mutex_t *mutex, pthread_mutexattr_t
Initializes a mutex and sets its attributes.
The pthread_mutex_init subroutine initializes a new mutex ,
and sets its attributes according to the mutex attributes object attr.
The mutex is initially unlocked.
After initialization of the mutex, the mutex attributes object can be reused
for another mutex initialization, or deleted.
- int pthread_mutex_destroy(pthread_mutex_t *mutex);
Deletes a mutex.
The pthread_mutex_destroy subroutine deletes the mutex mutex. After
deletion of the mutex, the mutex parameter is not validentifier until it is initialized
again by a call to the pthread_mutex_init subroutine.
- int pthread_mutex_lock (pthread_mutex_t *mutex);
Locks a mutex.
The mutex object referenced by mutex is locked by calling pthread_mutex_lock.
If the mutex is already locked, the calling thread blocks until the mutex
becomes available. This operation returns with the mutex object referenced
by mutex in the locked state with the calling thread as its owner.
- int pthread_mutex_trylock (pthread_mutex_t *mutex);
Tries to lock a MuTex.
The function pthread_mutex_trylock is identifierentical to pthread_mutex_lock
except that if the mutex object referenced by mutex is currently locked
(by any thread, including the current thread), the call returns immediately.
- int pthread_mutex_unlock (pthread_mutex_t *mutex);
Unlocks a MuTex.
The pthread_mutex_unlock function releases the mutex object referenced
by mutex. The manner in which a mutex is released is dependent upon
the mutex's type attribute. If there are threads blocked on the mutex object
referenced by mutex when pthread_mutex_unlock is called, resulting
in the mutex becoming available, the scheduling policy is used to determine
which thread shall acquire the mutex.
The pthread_mutex_unlock function releases the mutex object referenced
by mutex. The manner in which a mutex is released is dependent upon
the mutex's type attribute. If there are threads blocked on the mutex object
referenced by mutex when pthread_mutex_unlock is called, resulting
in the mutex becoming available, the scheduling policy is used to determine
which thread shall acquire the mutex.
Compilation, Linking and Execution of
Pthreads Programs
use #include<pthread.h> in
the program.
use linker flag -lpthread when
The specific files to be used will differ with implementation on
various platforms.
(A) Using command line arguments:
The compilation and execution details of Pthreads programs will
vary from a system to another. The essential steps are common to all
the systems.
# cc <program name> -o
<executable name> -lpthread
For example to compile
a simple Hello World program user can type
cc Pthreads_HelloWorld.c -o Pthreads_HelloWorld -lpthread
(B) Using a Makefile:
For more control over the process of compiling and linking programs
for Pthreads, you should use a 'Makefile'.
You may also use some commands in Makefile particularly for programs
contained in a large number of files. The user has to specify
the names of the program and appropriate paths to link some of the
libraries required for Pthreads programs in the Makefile
To compile and link a Pthreads program, you can use the command
(C) Executing a Program:
To execute a Pthreads Program, type the name of the executable at
command prompt.
of the Executable>
For example, to execute
a simple HelloWorld Program, user must type:
# HelloWorld
output must look similar to the following:
3.1.6. Compilation,Linking and
Execution of Pthreads Programs on PARAM 10000:
PARAM 10000 runs SunOS 5.6. Sun has its own proprietary implementation
of threads for SMP systems. They are called Solaris Threads.
Sun has included the support for POSIX Threads also.
The files and libraries needed are as follows:
POSIX Threads:
libposix4.* is needed if semaphore support is needed.
Compiling Pthreads Programs:
use #include<pthread.h> in
the program.
use linker flag -lpthread when
use linker flag -lpthread4 when
semaphores are used.
The standard Sun Workshop Compiler can be used to compile Pthread
programs on PARAM 10000.
For the Hands-On Session on PARAM 10000, the application user can
use Makefile.pthread
Example Program : "pthreads_HelloWorld.c"
The simple Pthreads program is "HelloWorld"
program, in which the threads print the message "Hello World!"
The number of threads is hard
coded into the program - 2, thread1 prints "Hello" and thread2
prints "World!". The main thread just creates
the child threads.
The simple Pthreads program in C
language in which the threads print "Hello World!" message is
explained below. We describe the
features of the entire code and describe the program in details. We include the
appropriate header file for threads support.
The function printmsg is the routine that will be executed by the child threads.
This routine prints the string that
has been passed to it.
The following segment of the code
explains these features. The description of program is as follows:
# include <pthread.h>
void * printmsg(char *s){
printf(" %s", s);
Following the routine is the main function, the starting point for the
program. We start by declaring the variables for child threads. pthread_t
is the type of the variable to be declared. We declare two child threads.
pthread_t thread1, thread2;
After declaring the variables, we
need to initialize the threads. We use pthread_create routine provided by the
Pthreads library to accomplish
the same.
pthread_create(&thread1, NULL,
(void*(*)(void *))printmsg, (void*)"Hello
"); /* Assign work to thread1.*/
pthread_create(&thread2, NULL, (void*(*)(void *))printmsg,
(void*)"World!"); /* Assign work to thread 2. */
will initialize the thread, the thread attributes, the address of the routine
the thread has to start executing
and the parameters for that routine.
As soon as a thread is created, it
will start executing the routine that has been assigned to it by pthread_create.
From the code it can be clearly seen
that both the worker threads are executing the same routine. Each thread has
its own copy of the stack variables
for the routine. thread1 will execute the routine with "Hello"
as the parameter and thread2 with
"World!" as the parameter. Depending on the implementation
of the standard on your platform, either of the threads may execute first giving
the output as either "Hello World!" or "World!Hello".
After creating the workers and assigning
work to them, we have to inform the main thread to wait for them to finish.
If this is not done, the main
thread does its work and then terminates without checking if the worker threads
have finished or not, terminating
any worker thread that may be active at that time. We use the routine pthread_wait
for this purpose. This is
a blocking call. The call will return only after the thread specified has terminated.
/* Join the threads to inform the
main thread to wait till they are done.
pthread_join(thread1, NULL);
pthread_join(thread2, NULL);
Here we inform the main thread to
wait for the termination of thread1 and thread2. After both the
calls have returned, the main
thread will continue and terminate.
Here we inform the main thread to
wait for the termination of thread1 and thread2. After both the
calls have returned, the main
thread will continue and terminate.
3.1.8. List of Extended Tools Available in Pthreads 
Etnus Total View Supports thread debugging.
GDB supports threads minimally. - http://www.delorie.com/gnu/docs/gdb/gdb_25.html
Smart GDB for Threads Debugging: http://hegel.ittc.ukans.edu/projects/smartgdb/
The debugger that comes with the DevPro compiler set from Sun
understands threads.
Use the TNF utilities (included as part of the Solaris
system) to trace, debug, and gather performance analysis information from
your applications and libraries. The TNF utilities integrate trace
information from the kernel and from multiple user processes and threads,
and so are especially useful for multithreaded code.
- LockLint: LockLint verifies the consistent use of mutex and
readers/writer locks in multithreaded ANSI C programs.LockLint performs a
static analysis of the use of mutex and readers/writer locks, and looks for
inconsistent use of these locking techniques. In looking for inconsistent
use of locks, LockLint detects the most common causes of data races and
3.1.9. Pthreads Information on
The Web
Pthreads Web pages:
The usenet newsgroups:  
3.1.10.Reference Books on
- Steve Kleiman, Devang Shah and Bart Smaalders, Programming
With Threads. SunSoft Press. ISBN: 0-13-172389-8.
Threads Primer - A Guide to Multithreaded Programming
by Bil Lewis and Daniel J. Berg, First edition. ISBN 0-13-443698-9
Pthreads Programing. by Bradford Nichols, Dick Buttlar and
Jacqueline Proulx Farrell. ISBN:
3.1.11. Pthreads FAQ
What are Threads?
A Thread is an encapsulation of the flow of control in a program.
Most people are used to writing single-threaded programs - that is,
programs that only execute one path through their code "at a
time". Multithreaded programs may have several threads running
through different code paths "simultaneously".
Why are threads interesting?
A context switch between two threads in a single process is considerably
cheaper than a context switch between two processes. In addition,
the fact that all data except for stack and registers are shared between
threads makes them a natural vehicle for expressing tasks that can
be broken down into subtasks that can be run cooperatively.
What are Pthreads?
Pthreads stands from POSIX Threads. POSIX threads, based on the IEEE
POSIX 1003.1c-1995 (also known as the ISO/IEC 9945-1:1996) standard,
part of the ANSI/IEEE 1003.1, 1996 edition, standard.
Lightweight process
A lightweight process (also known in some implementations, confusingly,
as a kernel thread) is a schedulable entity that the kernel is aware
of. On most systems, it consists of some execution context and some
accounting information (i.e. much less than a full-blown process).
Several operating systems allow lightweight processes to be "bound"
to particular CPUs; this guarantees that those threads will only
execute on the specified CPUs.
MT safety
If some piece of code is described as MT-safe, this indicates that
it can be used safely within a multithreaded program, and that it
supports a "reasonable" level of concurrency. This isn't
very interesting; what you, as a programmer using threads, need
to worry about is code that is not MT-safe. MT-unsafe code may use
global and/or static data. If you need to call MT-unsafe code from
within a multithreaded program, you may need to go to some effort
to ensure that only one thread calls that code at any time.
Wrapping a global lock around MT-unsafe code will generally let
you call it from within a multithreaded program, but since this
does not permit concurrent access to that code, it is not considered
to make it MT-safe.
Scheduling involves deciding what thread should execute next on
a particular CPU. It is usually also taken as involving the context
switch to that thread.
What are the different kinds of threads?
There are two main kinds of threads implementations:
- User-space threads, and
- Kernel-supported threads.
There are several sets of differences between these different threads
- Architectural differences
User-space threads live without any support from the kernel; they
maintain all of their state in user space. Since the kernel does
not know about them, they cannot be scheduled to run on multiple
processors in parallel.
Kernel-supported threads fall into two classes. In a "pure"
kernel-supported system, the kernel is responsible for scheduling
all threads. Systems in which the kernel cooperates with a user-level
library to do scheduling are known as two-level, or hybrid, systems.
Typically, the kernel schedules LWPs, and the user-level library
schedules threads onto LWPs. Because of its performance problems
(caused by the need to cross the user/kernel protection boundary
twice for every thread context switch), the former class has fewer
members than does the latter (at least on Unix variants). Both classes
allow threads to be run across multiple processors in parallel.
In terms of context switch time, user-space threads are the fastest,
with two-level threads coming next (all other things being equal).
However, if you have a multiprocessor, user-level threads can only
be run on a single CPU, while both two-level and pure kernel-supported
threads can be run on multiple CPUs simultaneously.
- Potential problems with functionality
Because the kernel does not know about user threads, there is a
danger that ordinary blocking system calls will block the entire
process (this is bad) rather than just the calling thread. This
means that user-space threads libraries need to jump through hoops
in order to provide "blocking" system calls that don't
block the entire process. This problem also exists with two-level
kernel-supported threads, though it is not as acute as for user-level
threads. What usually happens here is that system calls block entire
LWPs. This means that if more threads exist than do LWPs and all
of the LWPs are blocked in system calls, then other threads that
could potentially make forward progress are prevented from doing
The Solaris threads library provides a reasonable solution to this problem. If the kernel notices that all LWPs in a process are blocked, it sends a signal to the process. This signal is caught by the user-level threads library, which can create another LWP so that the process will continue to make progress.