COL727: Rapid Mixing in Markov Chains

I semester: 2024-25

Amitabha Bagchi

Class Timings: Tu Fr 3:30PM.
Room: LH 521.


Basics of finite Markov chains; classical Markov Chains including Coupon Collection, Gambler's Ruin, Polya's urn, Birth and Death chains; Total Variation Distance; the Convergence Theorem; Mixing Time; bounding mixing time via couplings; bounding mixing time via strong stationary times; random walks on networks; bounding mixing time via hitting times; cover times; spectral bounds on mixing time; mixing time bounds via comparison between chains.

Background required: Elementary probability, some graph theory, linear algebra.


Other references

Course Calendar

Topic listing is tentative and likely to change as we go along. Topics marked "Self study" are supposed to be read on your own.



All submissions will be via gradescope. You may write by hand or latex your solutions. Please make sure you write your name on top of the first sheet of paper. Please see: Guidelines for writing a proof, and also how to upload your paper to Gradescope.


Collaboratation and Plagiarism Policy

Attendance policy

Any student with less than 75% attendance will receive one letter grade less than the grade based on evaluations. Audit students with less than 75% attendance will receive and Audit Fail grade irrespective of exam scores.

Audit policy

Audit pass will be given at 50%.
Amitabha Bagchi