Amitabha Bagchi

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
IIT Delhi

Email: bagchi at cse dot iitd dot ac dot in
Phone: (91 11) 2659 6397

Research Interests: Data Algorithmics and Analytics, Probability and Networks.

Currently Teaching:

Previously taught courses.

Reference letter policy: I only give reference letters to students who have worked on a project under my supervision or who have performed extremely well in an advanced (700+ level) course. I will not be able to write letters for any purpose for students who have taken a 100 level course with me. Note that I will not be verifying course assignments/projects as resume items. Also: If you just need someone to certify that you are/were a student here then please contact the UG/PG Section, I am not the right person for this.

Research Publications


2023 2022 Previous publications by year.