Dual Degree Program

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at IIT Delhi is renowned for imparting state of the art graduate and undergraduate education and preparing its students for real world challenges. We attract the brightest students from the country who score very high ranks in the IIT-JEE, arguably the toughest entrance exam for any academic institution. Our alumni have done extremenly well and the list of their achievements is too big to list here, which include managing top companies, designing revolutionary products, and contributing to fundamental research.

Some reasons why you should consider joining us :


The Dual degree programme in Computer Science and Engineering was started in 1997 with the first batch graduating in 2002. It is a five year programmme with the students entitled to both B.Tech. and M.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering at the end of five years. The intake each year is 20 students.

Motivation and Objectives

The motivation behind starting this programme has been mainly to build on the excellent base created through basic science, engineering and CS courses in the undergraduate curriculum to carry out an in-depth project/thesis work in the final year. This project activity starts in the summer following the 8th semester. A substantial part of the 9th semester and all of the 10th semester are devoted to the project. A dual degree project is expected to result in a publication, a prototype or an open-source release.

Differences with the Four Year Programme

The undergraduate component of the dual degree programme is identical to that of the 4-year B.Tech. (CSE) . This is followed with specialized elective courses in the 7th, 8th and 9th semesters and an intensive Masters thesis in the 9th and 10th semesters. In contrast to the 4-year programme, the dual-degree programme has more time and space to allow students to pursue research level interests and pick up additional skills.

Status and Experiences

The students joining this programme have consistently shown a high-degree of maturity in their final year. They have taken up complex projects and have implemented them successfully. Further, they have focused on specific professional goals and career options. A much larger fraction of five year dual degree students join technology startups and R&D setups of front runner companies. This is mainly due to their enhanced skills and research experience, coupled with a much stronger interaction with the faculty. Seven graduates of this programme along with faculty initiated the first faculty-student led technology startup in 2002 ( Kritikal Solutions ). This has turned out to be a role model for graduating students leading to half a dozen other startups.

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