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Type: Publications
Category: All Topics

  • Tanveer A. Faruquie, Subhashis Banerjee, Prem Kalra.
    Latent topic model based group activity discovery.
    The Visual Computer.
    Vol. 27, No. 12, pp. 1071-1082, December, 2011.

  • Abhishek Gupta, Jatin Kumar, Daniel J. Mathew, Sorav Bansal, Subhashis Banerjee, Huzur Saran.
    Design and Implementation of the Workflow of an Academic Cloud.
    DNIS 2011, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7108 Springer.
    Vol. 7108, pp. 16-25, December, 2011.

  • Shivendra Tiwari, Saroj Kaushik, Priti Jagwani, Sunita Tiwari.
    A Survey on LBS: System Architecture, Trends and Broad Research Areas.
    DNIS (Databases in Networed Information Systems) 2011, Aizu-Wakamastu, Japan.
    Vol. LNCS 7108, No. ISBN:978-3-642-25731-5, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 223-241, December, 2011.

  • Priti Jagwani , Shivendra Tiwari, Saroj Kaushik.
    Using Middleware as a Certifying Authority in LBS Applications.
    DNIS (Databases in Networed Information Systems) 2011,Aizu-Wakamastu, Japan.
    Vol. LNCS 7108, No. ISBN:P978-3-642-25731-5, pp. 242-255, December, 2011.

  • Saroj Kaushik and Himanshu Tagra.
    Bidding Strategy based on Market Dynamics.
    International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJAI).
    Vol. 7, No. ISSN 0974-0635, pp. 19-35, October, 2011.

  • Saroj Kaushik, Shivendra Kumar and Priti Goplani.
    Reducing Dependency on Middleware for Pull Based Services in LBS Systems.
    ICWCA 2011 (International Conference on Wireless Communications and Applications), Haikou, China.
    Vol. LNICST 72, pp. 90-106, August, 2011.

  • Amitabha Bagchi, Adit Madan and Achal Premi.
    A computationally inexpensive and power efficient fully distributed topology for data collection in heterogeneous wireless sensor networks.
    Proceedings of the 7th IEEE Intl. Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS '11).
    pp. 1-8, June, 2011.

  • Uma Mudenagudi, Subhashis Banerjee and Prem Kalra.
    Space-time Super-Resolution Using Graph-cut Optimization.
    IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.
    Vol. 33, No. 5, pp. 995-1008, May, 2011.

  • Dutta, K., Kaushik, S..
    Machine Learning Approach for the Classification of Demonstrative Pronouns for Indirect Anaphora in Hindi News Items .
    Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics. published by Versita, Warsaw .
    Vol. ISSN 1804-0462, No. 95, pp. 299647 , April, 2011.

  • M.Goyal, Saroj Kaushik and Preetinder Kaur.
    Automated Fuzzy Bidding Strategy Using Agent92s Attitude and Market Competition.
    Studies in Computational Intelligence, Advances in Practical Multi-Agent Systems.
    Vol. 325, pp. 167-180, January, 2011.

  • Tanveer Faruquie, Prem Kalra, Subhashis Banerjee.
    Unsupervised discovery of activity correlations using latent topic models.
    December, 2010.

  • Tiwari, S., Kaushik, S..
    A non functional properties based web service recommender system.
    International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Software Engineering, CiSE 2010.
    Vol. Artical No. 5676953 , pp. 1-4, December, 2010.

  • Chatterjee, N., Kaushik, S., Rastogi, S., Dua, V..
    Automatic email classification using user preference ontology.
    KEOD 2010 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development.
    pp. 165-170, November, 2010.

  • Rudra Tripathy, Amitabha Bagchi and Sameep Mehta.
    A study of rumor control strategies on social networks.
    19th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Mining .
    pp. 1817-1820, October, 2010.

  • Tiwari, S., Kaushik, S..
    WSS-NFP: Tool for web service selection based on non-functional properties using soft computing.
    International Conference on Machine and Web Intelligence, ICMWI 2010 - Proceedings .
    Vol. art. no. 5648127, pp. 54-60 , October, 2010.

  • Kaushik, S., Kollipalli, D. .
    Multi-agent based architecture for querying disjoint data repositories.
    International Conference on Machine and Web Intelligence, ICMWI 2010 - Proceedings .
    Vol. art. no. 5648048, pp. 28-34, October, 2010.

  • Madhu Goyal, Saroj Kaushik and Preetinder Kaur.
    Automated Fuzzy Bidding Strategy for Continuous Double Auctions Using Trading AgentA1A6s Attitude and Market Competition.
    Agents Technologies and Systems (IJATS).
    Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 56-74, October, 2010.

  • Salil Joshi, Sanjiva Prasad.
    An Operational Model for Multiprocessors with Caches.
    6th IFIP International Conference on Theoretical Computer Science (IFIP WCC TCS 2010).
    September, 2010.

  • Chetan Arora and Subhashis Banerjee and Prem Kalra and S.N. Maheshwari.
    An Efficient Graph Cut Algorithm for Computer Vision Problems.
    European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2010).
    pp. 552--565, September, 2010.

  • Kamlesh Dutta, Nupur Prakash, Saroj Kaushik.
    Probabilistic Neural Network Approach to the Classification of Demonstrative Pronouns for Indirect Anaphora in Hindi.
    An International Journal of Expert Systems with Applications.
    Vol. 37, No. 8, pp. 5607-5613, August, 2010.

  • Dutta, K., Prakash, N., Kaushik, S..
    Probabilistic neural network approach to the classification of demonstrative pronouns for indirect anaphora in Hindi.
    Expert Systems with Applications .
    Vol. 37, No. 8, pp. 5607-5613 , August, 2010.

  • Amitabha Bagchi, Adit Madan and Achal Premi.
    Brief Announcement: Hierarchical neighbor graphs: An energy-efficient bounded degree connected structure for wireless networks. .
    6th International Workshop on Algorithms for Sensor Systems, Wireless Ad Hoc Networks and Autonomous Mobile Entities (ALGOSENSORS 2010).
    pp. 31-33, July, 2010.

  • M.Goyal and Saroj Kaushik.
    Using Fuzzy Set Approach in Multi-attribute Automated Auctions.
    ICEIS 2010 (International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems), Funchal, Madeira 96 Portugal .
    Vol. 158, pp. 81-85, June, 2010.

  • Amitabha Bagchi.
    Sparse power-efficient topologies for wireless ad hoc sensor networks.
    IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2010).
    pp. 1-10, April, 2010.

  • Abhishek Prateek, Hridyesh Gupta, Sanjiva Prasad.
    Universal Rich Presence Framework for Intelligent Call Management.
    ACM ICUIMC 2010.
    January, 2010.

  • Kaushik, S., Singhal, N. .
    Pattern prediction in stock market .
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 5866 LNAI.
    No. 5866 LNAI, pp. 81-90 , December, 2009.

  • Tanveer Faruquie, Prem Kalra and Subhashis Banerjee.
    Time based Activity Inference using Latent Dirichlet Allocation.
    British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC).
    September, 2009.

  • Amitabha Bagchi and Garima Lahoti.
    Relating Web pages to enable information-gathering tasks..
    20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia (Hypertext '09).
    pp. 109-118, June, 2009.

  • Soumyadeb Mitra, Marianne Winslett, Richard T. Snodgrass, Shashank Yaduvanshi.
    An Architecture for Regulatory Compliant Database Management.
    IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), Sanghai, China.
    March, 2009.

  • Pranav Singh and S. Arun-Kumar.
    Axiomatization of a Class of Parametrised Bisimilarities.
    Perspectives in Concurrency Theory .
    January, 2009.

  • Surender Baswana, and Vishrut Goyal and Sandeep Sen.
    All-Pairs Nearly 2-Approximate Shortest-Paths in O( n2 polylog n) Time.
    Theoretical Computer Science.
    Vol. 410, No. 1, pp. 84 - 93, January, 2009.

  • Kamlesh Dutta, Nupur Prakash, and Saroj Kaushik.
    Application of Pronominal Divergence and Anaphora Resolution in English-Hindi Machine Translation.
    Research journal 93POLIBITS94 Computer Science and Computer Engineering with Application.
    Vol. 1, No. 39, January, 2009.

  • Nikhil Sawant, Niloy J. Mitra .
    Color Harmonization for Videos .
    Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing.
    December, 2008.

  • Ayesha Choudhary, Santanu Chaudhury, Subhashis Banerjee.
    A Framework for Analysis of Surveillance Videos.
    Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (ICVGIP 2008).
    December, 2008.

  • Ayesha Choudhary, Manish Pal, Subhashis Banerjee, Santanu Chaudhury.
    Unusual Activity Analysis using Video Epitomes and pLSA.
    Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (ICVGIP 2008).
    December, 2008.

  • Uma Mudenagudi, Subhashis Banerjee, Prem Kalra.
    On improving space-time super resolution using a small set of video inputs.
    Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (ICVGIP 2008).
    December, 2008.

  • Kamlesh Dutta, Nupur Prakash, and Saroj Kaushik.
    Pronominal Divergence and Anaphora Resolution in English-Hindi Machine Translation.
    National Conference on Mechanism Science and Technology: from Theory to Application.
    pp. 733-738, November, 2008.

  • V. Muralidhara and Sandeep Sen.
    Improvements on the Johnson bound for Reed Solomon Codes.
    Discrete Applied Mathematics.
    Vol. to appear, pp. electrnic version avail, October, 2008.

  • Rohan Choudhary, Sameep Mehta and Amitabha Bagchi.
    On quantifying changes in temporally evolving datasets.
    Proceedings of the 17th Annual ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM '08).
    pp. 1459-1460, October, 2008.

  • M. Kilian, S. Fleory, Z. Chen, N. J. Mitra, A. Sheffer, H. Pottmann.
    Developable Surfaces with Curved Creases.
    Advances in Architectural Geometry.
    September, 2008.

  • Niloy J Mitra, Mark Pauly.
    Symmetry for Architectural Design.
    Advances in Architectural Geometry.
    September, 2008.

  • Mark Pauly, Niloy J. Mitra, Johannes Wallner, Helmut Pottmann, Leonidas Guibas .
    Discovering Structural Regularity in 3D Geometry.
    ACM siggraph TOG.
    Vol. 3, August, 2008.

  • Dror Aiger, Niloy J. Mitra, Daniel Cohen-Or .
    4-points Congruent Sets for Robust Surface Registration.
    ACM siggraph TOG.
    Vol. 3, August, 2008.

  • Martin Kilian, Simon Floery, Zhonggui Chen, Niloy J. Mitra, Alla Sheffer, Helmut Pottmann .
    Curved Folding.
    ACM siggraph TOG.
    Vol. 3, August, 2008.

  • Amitabha Bagchi and Sohit Bansal.
    Nearest-neighbor graphs on random point sets and their applications to sensor networks.
    27th Annual Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC '08).
    pp. 434, August, 2008.

  • Sanjam Garg, Raghav Bhaskar, Satyanarayana V. Lokam.
    Improved Bounds on Security Reductions for Discrete Log Based Signatures.
    CRYPTO 2008.
    pp. 93-107, August, 2008.

  • S. Baswana, A. Gaur Sandeep Sen and J. Upadhyaya.
    Distance Oracle for unweighted graphs: breaking the quadratic barrier with constant additive error.
    Vol. LNCS, July, 2008.

  • A. Verma and Sandeep Sen.
    # Combating I-O bottleneck using prefetching: Model, Algorithms and Ramifications, .
    Journal of Supercomputing .
    Vol. to appear, pp. electrnic version avail, May, 2008.

  • S. Rajasekaran and S. Sen.
    Optimal and practical algorithms for sorting on the PDM.
    IEEE Transaction on Computers.
    Vol. 57, No. 4, pp. 547 - 561, April, 2008.

  • Rohan Choudhary, Sameep Mehta, Amitabha Bagchi and Rahul Balakrishnan.
    Towards characterization of actor evolution and interactions in news corpora..
    Advances in Information Retrieval , 30th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2008.
    pp. 422-429, March, 2008.

  • Nupur Prakash, Saroj Kaushik and Kamlesh Dutta.
    M3eG: Multilingual, Multimedia and Multimodal Framework for e-Governance.
    National Conference on Computing for National Development- INDIACom 96 2008.
    February, 2008.

  • Phillipa Gill, Martin Arlitt, Zongpeng Li, and Anirban Mahanti.
    Characterizing User Sessions on YouTube.
    ACM/SPIE Fifteenth Annual Multimedia Computing and Networking (MMCN) Conference.
    January, 2008.

  • A. Verma and S. Sen.
    Combating I-O bottleneck using prefetching: Model, Algorithms and Ramifications.
    Journal on Supercompmuting.
    Vol. to appear, January, 2008.

  • Kamlesh Dutta, Nupur Prakash, and Saroj Kaushik.
    Resolving Pronominal Anaphora in Hindi using Hobbs92 Algorithm.
    Web Journal of Formal Computation and Cognitive Linguistics.
    Vol. 1, No. 10, January, 2008.

  • P. Worah and S. Sen.
    A linear time deterministic algorithm to find a small subset that approximates the centroid.
    Information Processing Letters.
    Vol. 105(1), pp. 17 - 19, December, 2007.

  • V. Muralidhara and S. Sen.
    A Result on the Distribution of Quadratic Residues with Applications to Elliptic Curve Cryptography.
    December, 2007.

  • Saroj Kaushik and Sri Krishna Ravulapalli.
    Automatic Conversion of HTML Pages to Semantic Web Pages.
    IICAI-07 (3rd Indian International conference on Artificial Intelligence).
    December, 2007.

  • Uma Mudenagudi, Ankit Gupta, Lakshya Goel, Avanish Kushal, Prem Kalra, and Subhashis Banerjee.
    Super Resolution of images of 3D scenes.
    ACCV 2007, Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 18-22, 2007.
    November, 2007.

  • Saroj Kaushik and S P Tiwari.
    Web Based Tool for Accessing Distributed Relational Databases through Multilingual Fuzzy Interface.
    ANNIE-2007 (International Conference on Artificial Neural Network in Engineering).
    pp. 441-447, November, 2007.

  • Manik Varma and Rahul Garg.
    Locally Invariant Fractal Features for Statistical Texture Classification.
    International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV 2007), October 14-20, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
    October, 2007.

  • Phillipa Gill, Martin Arlitt, Zongpeng Li, and Anirban Mahanti.
    YouTube Traffic Characterization: A View From the Edge.
    ACM SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Conference .
    October, 2007.

  • Jeffrey Erman, Anirban Mahanti, Martin Arlitt , Ira Cohen, Carey Williamson.
    Offline/realtime traffic classification using semi-supervised learning.
    Perform. Eval. (Elsevier).
    Vol. 9-12, pp. 1194--1213, October, 2007.

  • Aniket Mahanti, Carey Williamson , Martin Arlitt ,and Anirban Mahanti.
    Comparing Wired-side and Wireless-side WLAN Monitoring Techniques: A Case Study.
    LCN '07: Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2007).
    pp. 901--910, October, 2007.

  • Saxena, A., Sambhu, G.V., Kaushik, S., Subramaniam, L. V..
    IITD-IBMIRL System for Question Answering Using Pattern Matching, Semantic Type and Semantic Category Recognition.
    Proceedings of The Sixteenth Text REtrieval Conference.
    October, 2007.

  • Parag Chaudhuri, Prem Kalra and Subhashis Banerjee.
    Reusing View-Dependent Animation.
    The Visual Computer (An earlier version appeared in Computer Graphics International (CGI 2007), Petropolis, Brazil, May 2007).
    Vol. 23, No. (9-11), pp. 707-719, September, 2007.

  • Subhajit Sanyal, Prem Kalra and Subhashis Banerjee.
    Designing Quality Walkthroughs.
    Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds (an earlier version appeared in Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA 2007), Hasselt University, Belgium, June 2007) .
    Vol. 18, No. 4-5, pp. 527-538, September, 2007.

  • Ayesha Choudhary, Santanu Chaudhury, Subhashis Banerjee.
    Unusual Activity Analysis in Video Sequences.
    RSFDGrC 2007, LNCS 4482.
    pp. 443-450, August, 2007.

  • Astrid Kiehn.
    An Operational Semantics for Shared Messaging Communication.
    Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science.
    Vol. Vol. 16735, July, 2007.

  • Alireza Keshavarz-Haddad, Vinay Ribeiro, Rudolf Riedi.
    DRB and DCCB: Efficient and Robust Dynamic Broadcast for Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks.
    IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh, and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks (SECON).
    June, 2007.

  • Jeffrey Erman, Anirban Mahanti, and Martin Arlitt.
    Byte me: a case for byte accuracy in traffic classification.
    MineNet '07: Proceedings of the 3rd annual ACM workshop on Mining network data.
    pp. 35--38, June, 2007.

  • Jeffrey Erman, Anirban Mahanti, Martin Arlitt, Ira Cohen, and Carey Williamson.
    Semi-supervised network traffic classification.
    SIGMETRICS '07: Proceedings of the 2007 ACM SIGMETRICS international conference on Measurement and modeling of computer systems.
    pp. 369--370, June, 2007.

  • Rahul Jain and Preeti Ranjan Panda .
    An Efficient Pipelined VLSI Architecture for Lifting-Based 2D-Discrete Wavelet Transform.
    Intl. Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS'07), New Orleans,.
    May, 2007.

  • Amitabha Bagchi, Amitabh Chaudhary, David Eppstein, Michael T. Goodrich.
    Deterministic sampling and range counting in geometric data streams.
    Trans. on Algorithms.
    Vol. 3, No. 2, May, 2007.

  • Parag Chaudhuri, Prem Kalra, Subhashis Banerjee.
    View-dependent Character Animation.
    Springer Research Monograph (ISBN: 1846285917).
    May, 2007.

  • Jeffrey Erman, Anirban Mahanti, Martin Arlitt, and Carey Williamson.
    Identifying and discriminating between web and peer-to-peer traffic in the network core.
    WWW '07: Proceedings of the 16th international conference on World Wide Web.
    pp. 883--892, May, 2007.

  • Srikanth Kurra, Neeraj K Singh and Preeti Ranjan Panda.
    The Impact of Loop Unrolling on Controller Delay in High Level Synthesis.
    Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE'07), Nice, France.
    April, 2007.

  • Sean Boyden, Anirban Mahanti, and Carey Williamson.
    TCP Vegas Performance with Streaming Media.
    2007 IEEE International Performance, Computing, and Communications Conference.
    pp. 35--44, April, 2007.

  • Rahul Malik and Saroj Kaushik.
    Feature Space Reduction using Phrase Based Representation.
    GLDV-2007 conference (data Structures for Linguistic Resource and Applications).
    pp. 227-230, April, 2007.

  • Amitabha Bagchi, Amitabh Chaudhary, Petr Kolman, and Christian Scheideler.
    Algorithms for Fault-Tolerant Routing in Circuit Switched Networks..
    SIAM Journal of Discrete Math.
    Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 141-157, February, 2007.

  • Nagaraju Pothineni Anshul Kumar Kolin Paul.
    Application Specific Datapath Extension with Distributed I/O Functional Units.
    VLSID 2007.
    January, 2007.

  • A. Malik, A. Jain, M. Matela, S. Chaudhury, S. Bhattacharya.
    Multimodal Retrieval Strategy for Video Collections .
    IJCAI-2007 Workshop on Multimodal Information Retrieval.
    January, 2007.

  • Rahul Jain and Preeti Ranjan Panda.
    Memory Architecture Exploration for Power-Efficient 2D-Discrete Wavelet Transform.
    Intl. Conference on VLSI Design and Embedded Systems (VLSI'07), Bangalore.
    January, 2007.

  • Rakesh Nalluri, Rohan Garg and Preeti Ranjan Panda.
    Customization of Register File Banking Architecture for Low Power.
    Intl. Conference on VLSI Design and Embedded Systems (VLSI'07), Bangalore.
    January, 2007.

  • Neeraj Goel, Anshul Kumar and Preeti Ranjan Panda.
    Power Reduction in VLIW Processor with Compiler Driven Bypass Network.
    Intl. Conference on VLSI Design and Embedded Systems (VLSI'07).
    January, 2007.

  • S. Baswana and S. Sen.
    A Simple Linear Time Algorithm for Computing a $(2k-1)$-Spanner of $O(n^{1+1/k})$ Size in Weighted Graphs.
    Random Structures and Algorithms.
    Vol. to appear, January, 2007.

  • Phillipa Sessini, Matei Leventer, and Anirban Mahanti,.
    Video to Go: The Effects of Mobility on Streaming Media in a CDMA2000 1xEV-DO Network.
    Proc. of the 14th ACM/SPIE Annual Multimedia Computing and Networking Conference (MMCN).
    January, 2007.

  • Rahul Malik, L. Venkata Subramaniam and Saroj Kaushik.
    Automatically Selecting Answer Templates to Respond to Customer Emails.
    IJCAI-07 ( Twentieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence).
    pp. 1659-1664, January, 2007.

  • Vikram Goyal, Shyam K. Gupta, Anand Gupta.
    Malafide Intension and its Mapping to Privacy Policy Purposes for Masquerading.
    Proceedings of the 10th International Database Engineering & Application Symposium (IDEAS'06).
    December, 2006.

  • Shyam K. Gupta, Vikram Goyal, Sanklap Dubey, Bholi Patra, Anand Gupta.
    Design and Development of Malafide Intension based Privacy Violation Detection System.
    International Conference on Information Systems Security (ICISS 2006), Kolkata, India. December 17-21, 2006. LNCS, Springer-Verlag Heidelberg (Research Report).
    December, 2006.

  • Shyam K Gupta, Vikram Goyal, Anand Gupta.
    Malafide Intension Based Detection of Privacy Violation in Information System .
    pp. 365-368, December, 2006.

  • S.K. Gupta, Sankalp Dubey, Vikram Goyal, Anand Gupta.
    A system to test malafide intension based privacy violation detection system.
    First IEEE International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM), Banglore.
    December, 2006.

  • A. Verma and S. Sen.
    Algorithmic ramifications of Prefetching in Memory Hierarchy.
    High Performance Computing.
    December, 2006.

  • Saroj Kaushik and Himanshu Tagra.
    CBR based Learning in E-Auctions.
    Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology.
    Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 18-30, December, 2006.

  • A. Agarwal and Pankaj Jalote.
    Monitoring the security health of software systems.
    IEEE Int. Symp on Sofware Reliability (ISSRE).
    November, 2006.

  • Vibhu Sharma and Pankaj Jalote.
    Stabilization Time - A Quality Metric for Software Product.
    IEEE Int Symp on Software Reliability (ISSRE).
    November, 2006.

  • Srinivasan Keshav, Martin Karsten and Sanjiva Prasad.
    ABC: An Axiomatic Basis for Communication.
    November, 2006.

  • Amitabha Bagchi, Ankur Bhargava, Amitabh Chaudhary, Christian Scheideler and David Eppstein.
    The effect of faults on network expansion.
    Theor. Comput. Syst..
    Vol. 39, No. 6, pp. 903-928, November, 2006.

  • Arzad Alam Kherani.
    Sojourn Times in (Discrete) Time Shared Systems and their Continuous Time Limits .
    VALUETOOLS 2006.
    October, 2006.

  • Smruti Padhy and Arzad Alam Kherani.
    Tail Equivalence for Some Time-shared Systems .
    Valuetools 2006.
    October, 2006.

  • Taposh Banerjee and Arzad Alam Kherani.
    Optimal Control of Admission to a Station in a Closed Two Queue System .
    Valuetools 2006.
    October, 2006.

  • Kolin Paul M Balakrishnan.
    Experiences of a Summer Workshop in Embedded Systems.
    Workshop on Embedded System Education, EMSOFT, South Korea .
    October, 2006.

  • Amitabha Bagchi, Amitabh Chaudhary, Michael T. Goodrich, Chen Li, Michal Shmueli-Scheuer.
    Achieving Communication Efficiency through Push-Pull Partitioning of Semantic Spaces in Client-Server Architectures.
    Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering.
    Vol. 18, No. 10, pp. 1352-1367, October, 2006.

  • Vikram Goyal, S. K. Gupta, Shobhit Saxena, Sanjay Chawla, Anand Gupta.
    Query Rewriting for Detection of Violation through Inferencing.
    Fourth International Conference on Privacy , Security and Trust 2006 (PST 06), Markham, Ontario.
    October, 2006.

  • S. Baswana and S. Sen.
    Approximate distance oracles for unweighted graphs in $O(n^2)$ time.
    ACM Transactions on Algorithms (Special issue SODA 2004) in $O(n^2)$ time.
    Vol. 2, pp. 557 - 577, October, 2006.

  • Rahul Malik, L. Venkata Subramaniam and Saroj Kaushik .
    Email Answering Assistant for Contact Centers.
    LAICS-NLP (Language, Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science for Natural Language Processing Applications Workshop.
    pp. 49-52, October, 2006.

  • S Arun-Kumar.
    On Bisimilarities Induced by Relations on Actions.
    4th IEEE Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods.
    September, 2006.

  • Sanjay Mittal, Rahul Garg, Mukesh Mohania, S K Gupta, Mizoho Iwaihara.
    Detecting Frauds in Online Advertising Systems .
    EC-Web 2006, LNCS-4082, Poland.
    pp. 220-231, September, 2006.

  • Rakesh Nalluri and Preeti Ranjan Panda.
    Energy efficient application specific banked register files.
    10th IEEE VLSI Design and Test Symposium (VDAT '06).
    pp. 56-65, August, 2006.

  • Rahul Jain and Preeti Ranjan Panda .
    A power efficient architecture for 2-D Discrete Wavelet Transform.
    10th IEEE VLSI Design and Test Symposium (VDAT '06).
    pp. 121-129, August, 2006.

  • A. Gupta and P. Jalote.
    An Experimental Comparison of the Effectiveness of Control Flow Based Testing Approaches on Seeded Faults.
    Intl. Conf. on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS 2006).
    August, 2006.

  • Neeraj Goel and Kolin Paul.
    Fault Tolerant FPGA using Redundant Columns.
    Proc of VLSI Design and Test Synposium(VDAT 2006), Goa, India..
    July, 2006.

  • Amitabha Bagchi, Ankur Bhargava, Torsten Suel.
    Approximate maximum weight branchings.
    Information Processing Letters.
    Vol. 99, No. 2, pp. 54-58, July, 2006.

  • Gagan Raj Gupta, Madhur Gupta, and Preeti Ranjan Panda.
    Rapid estimation of control delay from high-level specifications.
    43rd Design Automation Conference (DAC '06).
    pp. 455-458, July, 2006.

  • S. K. Gupta, Sankalp Dubey, Vikram Goyal, Anand Gupta.
    A system to generate Privacy Log for testing Privacy Violation Detection System.
    National Conference on Innovation in Communication and Information Technology, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu.
    July, 2006.

  • Vibhu Sharma, Pankaj Jalote, K.S. Trivedi.
    A Performance engineering tool for tiered systems.
    July, 2006.

  • Vikram Goyal, S K Gupta, Indira Meshram , Anand Gupta.
    Architecture and Design of Non Disclosure Agreements in Privacy Policy Framework .
    ICDE Workshop .
    pp. 90, July, 2006.

  • Saroj Kaushik & Abha Khandelwal.
    Information Filtering using Fuzzy-Genetic Algorithm Approach.
    IETE Journal of Research.
    Vol. 52, No. 4, pp. 295-303, June, 2006.

  • A. Agarwal and Pankaj Jalote.
    Integrating static and dynamic analysis for detecting vulnerabilities.
    June, 2006.

  • Pankaj Jalote, R. Munshi, T. Probsting.
    Components have Test Buddies, 9th Int. SIGSOFT Symposium on Component Based Software Engineering .
    SIGSOFT Componont Based Sw Engg (CBSE).
    June, 2006.

  • Rakesh Kumar, David D. Yao, Amitabha Bagchi, Keith W. Ross, Dan Rubenstein.
    Fluid modeling of pollution proliferation in P2P networks..
    Joint International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems, SIGMETRICS/Performance 2006.
    pp. 335-346, June, 2006.

  • Suhas Gupta, Pranay Pratap, Huzur Saran, S. Arun-Kumar.
    Dynamic Code Instrumentation to Detect and Recover from Return Address Corruption.
    Workshop on Dynamic Analysis WODA 2006.
    May, 2006.

  • Jamshid Bagherzadeh and S. Arun-Kumar.
    Flexible Communication of Agents based on FIPA-ACL.
    Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science.
    Vol. 159, pp. 23-39 , May, 2006.

  • Arzad Alam Kherani , Rachid El Azouzi and Eitan Altman.
    Stability-Throughput tradeoff and routing in multi-hop wireless ad-hoc networks .
    IFIP Networking 2006.
    May, 2006.

  • Arzad Alam Kherani, Dinesh Kumar and Eitan Altman.
    Route lifetime based optimal hop selection in VANETs on highway: An analytical viewpoint .
    IFIP Networking 2006.
    May, 2006.

  • Pankaj Jalote et. al..
    Program Partitioning 96 A framework for combining Static and Dynamic Analysis, 4th Int. Workshop on Dynamic Analysis .
    Workshop on Dynamic Analysis (WODA).
    May, 2006.

  • Arzad Kherani and Rudesindo Nunez-Queija.
    TCP as an Implementation of Age-Based Scheduling: Fairness and Performance .
    IEEE Infocom.
    April, 2006.

  • Ahmad Al Hanbali, Arzad Kherani, Robin Groenevelt, Philippe Nain, Eitan Altman.
    Impact of Mobility on the Performance of Relaying in Ad Hoc Networks .
    IEEE Infocom.
    April, 2006.

  • Rahul Jain, Anindita Mukherjee and Kolin Paul.
    Defect-Aware Design Paradigm for Reconfigurable Architectures.
    IEEE Computer Society Annual IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI 2006).
    April, 2006.

  • Vikram Goyal, S.K.Gupta, Indira Meshram, Anand Gupta.
    PRINDA: Design and Implementation of Non-Disclosure Agreement in Privacy Policy.
    Second international Workshop on Privacy Data Management(ICDE), Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops (ICDEW'06).
    April, 2006.

  • Indira Meshram, S.K. Gupta, Vikram Goyal, Anand Gupta.
    Framework for Individual's Policies using Dynamic, Distributed Workflows.
    IMB 2006, Sydney(Australia).
    February, 2006.

  • S K Gupta, Jaijit Bhattacharya , Rajnish Das and Vishal Kapur.
    Utilizing Network Features for Privacy Violation Detection.
    COMSWARE ( IEEE/ACM) 2006.
    January, 2006.

  • S K Gupta and Jaijit Bhattacharya.
    Protecting Privacy of Health Information Using EPAL Based Privacy Broker.
    HICSS, 2006.
    January, 2006.

  • Vaishali Sadaphal, B. N. Jain.
    Spread-based Heuristic for Sensor Selection in Sensor Networks.
    IEEE/ACM First International Conference on Communication System Software and Middleware (COMSWARE 2006), Delhi.
    January, 2006.

  • A. M. Abbas, B. N. Jain.
    Mitigating Path Diminution in Disjoint Multipath Routing for Mobile Ad hoc Networks.
    accepted for International Journal of Ad hoc and Ubiquitous Computing.
    January, 2006.

  • Arzad Kherani and Rajeev Shorey.
    Modelling TCP Performance in AdHoc Networks with Randomly Varying Channel .
    January, 2006.

  • Arzad Kherani.
    A Direct Approach to Sojourn Times in a Busy Period of an M/M/1 Queue .
    Queueing Systems: Theory and Practice.
    Vol. _, January, 2006.

  • Arzad A. Kherani.
    Interaction of Multiple TCP Connections in an IEEE 802.11 Network.
    National Conference on Communication 2006.
    January, 2006.

  • Arzad Kherani, Dinesh Kumar and Eitan Altman.
    4th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile,Ad-hoc and Wireless Networks.
    January, 2006.

  • Uma Mudenagudi.
    Super Resolution Using Graph-Cut.
    The 5th Annual Inter Research Institute Student Seminar in Computer Science (IRISS 2006).
    January, 2006.

  • Vaishali Sadaphal.
    Spread-based Heuristic for Sensor Selection in Sensor Networks.
    The 5th Annual Inter Research Institute Student Seminar in Computer Science (IRISS 2006).
    January, 2006.

  • Uma Mudenagudi, Ram Singla, Prem Kalra and Subhashis Banerjee.
    Super-resolution using Graph Cut.
    ACCV 2006, LNCS 3852.
    pp. 385-394, January, 2006.

  • Parag Chaudhuri.
    Central Paths for Virtual Navigation.
    The 5th Annual Inter Research Institute Student Seminar in Computer Science (IRISS 2006).
    January, 2006.

  • Anuj Srivastava, Aastha Jain, Shantanu H. Joshi, David Kaziska.
    Statistical Shape Models Using Elastic-String Representations.
    ACCV 2006, LNCS 3852.
    pp. 612-621, January, 2006.

  • Preeti Ranjan Panda .
    Abridged Addressing: A Low Power Memory Addressing Strategy.
    11th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASPDAC '06).
    pp. 892-897, January, 2006.

  • P. Jalote and G. Jain.
    Assigning tasks in 24-hour software development model.
    Journal of Systems and Software.
    Vol. 79, pp. 904-911, January, 2006.

  • Y. Sabharwal, N. Sharma and S. Sen.
    Nearest Neighbors Search using Point Location in Balls with applications to approximate Voronoi Decompositions.
    Journal of Compter and System Sciences.
    Vol. 72(6), pp. 955 - 977, January, 2006.

  • S K Gupta and Jaijit Bhattacharya.
    EPAL Based Privacy Enforcement Using ECA Rules.
    ICISS, 2005.
    Vol. LNCS , 3803, pp. 120-133, December, 2005.

  • N. Devanur, N. Garg, R. Khandekar, V. Pandit, A. Saberi and V. Vazirani.
    Price of Anarchy, Locality Gap, and a Network Service Game.
    1st Workshop on Internet and Network Economics.
    December, 2005.

  • Sanjiva Prasad, Mahendra Bisht, Rahul Agarwal, S. N. Maheshwari.
    Divide and Concur: Employing Chandra and Toueg's Consensus Algorithm in a Multi-level Setting.
    Proceedings of ICDCIT 2005.
    pp. 177-188, December, 2005.

  • Vaishali Sadhaphal, B. N. Jain.
    Sensor Selection Heuristic in Sensor Networks.
    12th Annual IEEE International Conference on High Performance, Goa.
    December, 2005.

  • Saroj Kaushik and Parul Luthra.
    Automatioc Text Summarization.
    IICAI-05 (2nd Indian International conference on Artificial Intelligence).
    pp. 810-820, December, 2005.

  • Ambuj Kumar & Saroj Kaushik.
    Automated C++ Program Generator using English Language Interface .
    International Conference on Cognitive Systems, ICCS-2005.
    December, 2005.

  • Himanshu Tagra and Saroj Kaushik.
    Bidding House: A Web Service and Ontology based Framework for Auctions.
    International Conference on Cognitive Systems - ICCS 2005.
    December, 2005.

  • Sumant Mukherjee and Saroj Kaushik.
    Engineering Emergent behavior in Computer Generated.
    International Conference on Cognitive Systems-ICCS'05.
    December, 2005.

  • Himanshu Tagra and Saroj Kaushik.
    Mole Agents - A New Phenomenon in Auction (from sellers point of view).
    CIMCA-05 (International conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control & Automation) jointly with IAWTIC-05 (Intelligent Agents, Web Technologies & Internet Commerce).
    Vol. 1, pp. 439-444, November, 2005.

  • Kamlesh Dutta, Nupur Prakash & Saroj Kaushik.
    Hybrid Framework for Information Extraction for Geographical Terms in Hindi Language Texts.
    Proceedings of 2005, IEEE International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering, NLP-KE'05.
    pp. 577-581, November, 2005.

  • Astrid Kiehn & S. Arun-Kumar.
    Amortised Bisimulations.
    Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems - FORTE 2005.
    Vol. 3731, No. LNCS, October, 2005.

  • Jamshid B Mohasefi & S. Arun-Kumar.
    Flexible Communication of Agents Based on FIPA-ACL.
    IPM International Workshop on Foundations of Software Engineering -- FSEN 2005.
    October, 2005.

  • G. Batra, N. Garg and G. Gupta.
    Heuristic improvements for computing max multicommodity flow and min multicut.
    13th European Symposium on Algorithms.
    October, 2005.

  • R. Shrivaths and Sanjiva Prasad.
    Verifying Dynamics for Biochemical Systems.
    International Conference on Systems Biology.
    October, 2005.

  • R. Shrivaths and Sanjiva Prasad.
    Verifying System Dynamics in the Biochemical Abstract Machine (poster paper).
    4th European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB) 2005, Madrid, Spain.
    September, 2005.

  • Viresh Kumar, Preeti Ranjan Panda.
    A technique for predicting the effect of data cache associativity.
    VLSI design and test symposium (VDAT'05).
    August, 2005.

  • H. Dhand, and N.Goel and M.Agarwal.
    H. Dhand, N.Goel, M.Agarwal and K.Paul, IIT Delhi Partial and Dynamic Reconfiguration in Xilinx FPGAs 96-- A Quantitative Study.
    VDAT 2005.
    August, 2005.

  • Hermann Gruber, Markus Holzer, Astrid Kiehn and Barbara KF6nig.
    On Timed Automata with Discrete Time 96 Structural and Language Theoretical Characterization.
    Developments in Language Theory: 9th International Conference, DLT 2005, Palermo, Italy.
    Vol. LNCS 3572, July, 2005.

  • A. Kumar and Y. Sabharwal and S. Sen.
    Linear Time Algorithms for Clustering Problems in any dimensions.
    pp. 1374 -- 1385, July, 2005.

  • Kolin Paul and Sanjay Rajopadhye.
    Back Propagation Algorithm: Achieving 5 GOPS on the Virtex-E.
    Neural networks: Hardware Implementations ; Springer Publications (in print).
    June, 2005.

  • Bijendra Jain, Keith McCloghrie.
    Method and apparatus for estimating delay and jitter between many network routers using measurements between a preferred set of routers.
    United States Patent 6,912,203.
    June, 2005.

  • Sanjay Rajopadhye and Kolin Paul .
    A 1.5-D Architecture for Back Propagation Training .
    June, 2005.

  • Sumantra Dutta Roy.
    Active 3-D Object Recognition through Next View Planning (Invited article).
    IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC) eNewsletter.
    Vol. Issue #11, June, 2005.

  • Dheeraj Bhardwaj.
    Application I/O on a Parallel File System for Linux Clusters.
    High performance computing: Paradigm and Infrastructure.
    May, 2005.

  • Naveen Garg.
    Saving an epsilon: A 2-approximation for the k-MST problem in graphs.
    ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing.
    May, 2005.

  • Clare Hugget and Koushik Maharatna and Kolin Paul.
    On the Implementation of 128-bit FFT/IFFT for High Performance WPAN.
    2005 IEEE International Symposium 2005 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems.
    May, 2005.

  • Bijendra Jain, Keith McCloghrie.
    , Method and apparatus for estimating delay and jitter between network routers coupled to background network.
    United States Patent 6,885,642 .
    April, 2005.

  • Kolin Paul.
    An FPGA based Test Bed for Bio Inspired Computation.
    12th Reconfigurable Architectures Workshop RAW 2005, Denver.
    April, 2005.

  • Parag Chaudhuri.
    A Framework for View-Dependent Character Animation.
    The 4th Annual Inter Research Institute Student Seminar in Computer Science (IRISS 2005), IIT Kanpur (won the best presentation award).
    April, 2005.

  • Sumantra Dutta Roy, Santanu Chaudhury and Subhashis Banerjee.
    Recognizing Large Isolated 3-D Objects through Next View Planning using Inner Camera Invariants.
    IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics .
    Vol. 35, No. 2, pp. 282 - 292, April, 2005.

  • Subhajit Sanyal.
    Image-based Modelling and Rendering.
    The 4th Annual Inter Research Institute Student Seminar in Computer Science (IRISS 2005), IIT Kanpur.
    April, 2005.

  • S. Rajasekaran and S. Sen.
    PDM Sorting Algorithms that Take a Small Number of Passes.
    April, 2005.

  • Anup Gangwar, M. Balakrishnan, Preeti Ranjan Panda and Anshul Kumar.
    Evaluation of Bus Based Interconnect Mechanisms in Clustered VLIW Architectures.
    DATE 2005.
    March, 2005.

  • Dheeraj Bhardwaj and M. Sinha.
    GridFS: Ensuring Massively Parallel I/O for High Performance Clusters.
    LNCS, International Workshop on Databases in Networked Information Systems (DNIS 2005), Japan.
    March, 2005.

  • Jamshid Bagherzadeh and S Arun-Kumar.
    Layered Clausal Resolution in the Multi-modal Logic of Beliefs and Goals.
    Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Reasoning.
    Vol. 3452, pp. 544-559, March, 2005.

  • Bijendra Jain, Keith McCloghrie.
    Method and apparatus for estimating delay and jitter between network routers.
    United States Patent 6,868,068 .
    March, 2005.

  • Anup Gangwar, M. Balakrishnan, Preeti Ranjan Panda, Anshul Kumar.
    Evaluation of bus-based interconnection mechanisms in clustered VLIW architectures.
    Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE'05).
    pp. 730-735, March, 2005.

  • S. Yerneni, S. Phadke., Dheeraj Bhardwaj, S. Chakraborty, and R. Rastogi.
    Imaging subsurface geology with seismic migration on a computing cluster.
    Current Science.
    Vol. 88, No. 3, pp. 468-474, February, 2005.

  • Ankit Mathur, Mayank Agarwal, Soumyadeb Mitra, Anup Gangwar, M. Balakrishnan, and Subhashis Banerjee.
    SMPS: An FPGA-based Prototyping Environment for Multiprocessor Embedded Systems.
    IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA 2005), Monterey, California.
    February, 2005.

  • Neelesh Korade and S. Arun-Kumar.
    A Logical Characterization of Efficiency Preorders.
    First International Colloquium on THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF COMPUTING-ICTAC 2004.
    Vol. 3407, No. LNCS, pp. 100-114, February, 2005.

  • Mulesh Mohania, Dhruv Swamini, Shyam Kumar Gupta, Sourav Bhowmick, T S Dillon.
    Event Composition and Detection in Dta Stream Stream Management Systems.
    DEXA ( Database and Expert System ApplicationS).
    Vol. LNCS 3588, pp. 756-765, February, 2005.

  • Surender Baswana, Vishrut Goyal, Sandeep Sen.
    All-pairs nearly 2-approximate shortest paths in O(n^2 polylog n) time.
    22nd Symposium on Theoretical Aspect of Computer Science (STACS), Stuttgart, Germany.
    February, 2005.

  • Gaurav Arora, Abhishek Sharma, M. Balakrishnan and D. Nagchoudhuri.
    ADOPT - An Approach to Activity Based Delay Optimization.
    VLSI Design 2005.
    January, 2005.

  • Manoj Kumar Jain, M. Balakrishnan and Anshul Kumar.
    Integrated On-chip Storage Evaluation in ASIP Synthesis.
    VLSI Design 2005.
    January, 2005.

  • Vikram Singh Saun, Preeti Ranjan Panda.
    Extracting Exact Finite State Machines from Behavioral SystemC Descriptions.
    International Conference on VLSI Design.
    January, 2005.

  • Dheeraj Bhardwaj and S. Newhouse.
    The Grid: The Future of Oil and Gas Exploration Computing.
    PETROTECH922005: International Petroleum Conference and Exhibition.
    January, 2005.

  • Naveen Garg, Rohit Khandekar, and Vinayaka Pandit .
    Improved Approximation for Universal Facility Location.
    ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms.
    January, 2005.

  • Ajay Agarwal, B. N. Jain.
    Routing reliability analysis of segmented backup paths in mobile ad hoc networks.
    Proc. of International Conf. on Personal Wireless Comm. (ICPWC 2005), Delhi.
    pp. 52-56, January, 2005.

  • A. M. Abbas, B. N. Jain.
    Analysis of disjoint multipath routing for mobile ad hoc networks.
    Proc. of International Conf. on Personal Wireless Comm. (ICPWC 2005), Delhi.
    pp. 42-46, January, 2005.

  • A. M. Abbas, B. N. Jain.
    Topology control in heterogeneous mobile ad hoc networks.
    Proc. of International Conf. on Personal Wireless Comm. (ICPWC 2005), Delhi.
    pp. 47-51, January, 2005.

  • Vaishali Sadaphal, B. N. Jain.
    Localization accuracy and threshold network density for tracking sensor networks.
    Proc. of International Conf. on Personal Wireless Comm. (ICPWC 2005), Delhi.
    January, 2005.

  • S. Rajasekaran and S. Sen.
    A generalization of the 0-1 principle for sorting.
    Information Processing Letters.
    Vol. 94(1), pp. 43 - 47, January, 2005.

  • Y. Sabharwal and S. Sen.
    A linear time algorithm for approximate 2-means clustering.
    Computational Geometry : Theory and Applications.
    Vol. 32(2), pp. 159 -- 173, January, 2005.

  • Subhajit Sanyal, Mayank Bansal, Prem Kalra and Subhashis Banerjee.
    On Learning Shapes from Shades.
    Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (ICVGIP 2004).
    December, 2004.

  • Dhruv Mahajan, Nipun Kwatra, Sumit Jain, Prem Kalra and Subhashis Banerjee.
    A Framework for Activity Recognition and Detection of Unusual Activities.
    Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (ICVGIP 2004).
    December, 2004.

  • Parag Chaudhuri, Ashwani Jindal, Prem Kalra and Subhashis Banerjee.
    Stylistic Reuse of View-Dependent Animations.
    Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (ICVGIP 2004).
    December, 2004.

  • Puneet Sharma, Angshuman Parashar, Subhashis Banerjee and Prem Kalra.
    An Uncalibrated Lightfield Acquisition System.
    Journal of Image and Vision Computing.
    Vol. 22, No. 14, pp. 1197-1202, December, 2004.

  • Manoj Kumar Jain, M. Balakrishnan and Anshul Kumar .
    Efficient Technique for Exploring Register File SIze in ASIP Design.
    IEEE Trans. on CAD of VLSI.
    Vol. 23, No. 12, pp. 1693-1699, December, 2004.

  • Dheeraj Bhardwaj and Manish Sansi.
    Relational Model Creation Algorithm for Financial Markets.
    First World Congress on Lateral Computing.
    December, 2004.

  • Dheeraj Bhardwaj, J. Cohen, S. McGough and S. Newhouse.
    A Componentized Approach to Grid Enabling Seismic Modeling Algorithm.
    PDCAT'2005, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag.
    pp. 94-97, December, 2004.

  • Sumant Mukherjee and Saroj Kaushik.
    Agent Based Implementation of Automated Command and Control Process.
    International Conference on Cognitive Systems, (ICCS 2004) held in New Delhi, Dec., 14 15, 2004.
    Vol. , pp. ICCS2004-288, December, 2004.

  • M. Jamshid Bagherzadeh and S. Arun-Kumar.
    A Multi-agent Framework Based on Communication and Concurrency.
    Distributed Computing - IWDC 2004.
    Vol. 3326, No. LNCS, pp. 114, December, 2004.

  • S K Gupta and Jaijit Bhattacharya.
    Privacy Broker for Enforcing Privacy Policies in Databases.
    KBCS-2004 ( International Conference on Knowledge Bases Computer Systems).
    pp. 154 - 162, December, 2004.

  • Saroj Kaushik and Himanshu Tagra.
    Restricting the size of Case Base (for Auction) using Genetic Algorithm.
    International Conference on Cognitive Systems - ICCS 2004.
    pp. ICCS2004-319, December, 2004.

  • Amit Kumar, Sandeep Sen and Yogish Sabharwal.
    A simple linear time (1+epsilon)-approximation algorithm for k-means clustering in any dimensions. .
    IEEE Foundations of Computer Science.
    November, 2004.

  • Kamlesh Dutta, Saroj Kaushik and Nupur Prakash.
    HPSG Based Anaphoric Parser and Annotation Tool for Hindi.
    International Symposium on MT, NLP & Translation Support Systems (iSTRANS-2004 held as part of ICSLT-2004 with the event on Speech & Language Systems for Human Communication (SPLASH-2004), .
    pp. 102-106, November, 2004.

  • N. Gupta, P. Mittal, K. S. Patwardhan, S. Dutta Roy, S. Chaudhury, and S. Banerjee.
    On-line Predictive Appearance-based Tracking.
    IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Singapore.
    October, 2004.

  • A. Kumar and Y. Sabharwal and S. Sen.
    A simple linear time approximation algorithm for geometric k-means problem in any dimension.
    October, 2004.

  • Subhajit Sanyal, Mayank Bansal, Subhashis Banerjee, and Prem K Kalra.
    Modeling of Free-Form Surfaces and Shape from Shading.
    2nd International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization, and Transmission 3DPVT'04, Thessaloniki, Greece.
    September, 2004.

  • Parag Chaudhuri, Prem Kalra, Subhashis Banerjee.
    A System for View-Dependent Animation.
    Computer Graphics Forum (Proc Eurographics, Grenoble (France)).
    Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 411 - 420, September, 2004.

  • Naveen Garg and Rohit Khandekar.
    Fractional covering with upper bounds on the variables: Solving LPs with negative entries..
    12th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms.
    pp. 24-35, September, 2004.

  • Neelesh Korade and S. Arun-Kumar.
    A Logical Characterization of Efficiency Preorders.
    First International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing.
    pp. 187-201, September, 2004.

  • Basant Kumar Dwivedi, Anshul Kumar and M.Balakrishnan.
    Automatic Synthesis of System on Chip Multiprocessor Architectures for Process Networks.
    ISSS 2004.
    pp. 60-65, September, 2004.

  • Bijendra Jain, Keith McCloghrie.
    Method and apparatus for metric based server selection.
    United States Patent 6,795,858.
    September, 2004.

  • Kamlesh Dutta, Nupur Prakash, Saroj Kaushik.
    Distributed Architecture for possessive Pronominal Anaphor Resolution in Hindi Language.
    5th Discourse Anaphora and Anaphor Resolution Colloquium DAARC 2004, SE3o Miguel (Azores), Portugal.
    September, 2004.

  • Deepak Garg and Akash Lal and Sanjiva Prasad.
    Effective Chemistry for Synchrony and Asynchrony.
    pp. 479--492, August, 2004.

  • Amit Kumar and Chandra Chekuri.
    Maximum Coverage Problem with Group Budget Constraints..
    International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems.
    August, 2004.

  • A. Goel , C. Chekuri , S. Khanna and Amit Kumar.
    Multi-processor Scheduling for Minimizing Flow Time with epsilon-Resource Augmentation. .
    ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing.
    July, 2004.

  • Minos Garofalakis and Amit Kumar.
    Deterministic Wavelet Thresholding for Maximum-Error Metrics. .
    ACM Principles of Database Systems.
    July, 2004.

  • Surender Baswana, Sandeep Sen and Ramesh Hariharan.
    Improved Decremental Algorithms for Transitive Closure and All-pairs Shortest Paths in Digraphs.
    Journal of Algorithms (accepted for publication 25th August 2004).
    Vol. 2004/1, July, 2004.

  • Parag Chaudhuri, Rohit Khandekar, Deepak Sethi and Prem Kalra.
    An Efficient Central Path Algorithm for Virtual Navigation.
    Computer Graphics International.
    pp. 188--195, June, 2004.

  • Prasun Mathur, Chhavi Upadhyay, Parag Chaudhuri and Prem Kalra.
    A measure for mesh compression of time-variant geometry.
    Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds.
    Vol. 15, No. 3 -4 , pp. 289--296, June, 2004.

  • Bijendra Jain, Keith McCloghrie .
    Method and apparatus for uninterrupted packet transfer using replication over disjoint paths.
    United States Patent 6,751,746.
    June, 2004.

  • Kamlesh Dutta, Saroj Kaushik and Nupur Prakash.
    Information Extraction from Hindi Texts.
    Proceedings of International conference on Language Resourses and Evaluation (LREC-2004), at Lisbon, Portuga.
    pp. 1911-1914, May, 2004.

  • S.K. Gupta, V. Bhatnagar and S.K. Wasan.
    Architecture for Knowledge Discovery & Knowledge Management.
    Knowledge Discovery & Information Systems (KAIS).
    Vol. 2005 (7), pp. 310 - 336, May, 2004.

  • Sumantra Dutta Roy, Santanu Chaudhury and Subhashis Banerjee.
    Active Object Recognition through Next View Planning: A Survey.
    Pattern Recognition.
    Vol. 37, No. 3, pp. 429-446, March, 2004.

  • Dheeraj Bhardwaj.
    BioGrid: Challenges, Problems and Opportunities.
    BIOHORIZON, 2004.
    February, 2004.

  • Abhinav Kamra, Huzur Saran, Sandeep Sen, Rajeev Shorey.
    Fair adaptive bandwidth allocation: a rate control based active queue management discipline.
    Computer Networks.
    Vol. 44, pp. 135-152, February, 2004.

  • Saroj Kaushik and Himanshu Tagra.
    CBR Based automatic bidding in Auctions.
    Proceedings of International conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications 2004 (AIA 2004) .
    pp. 172 -176, February, 2004.

  • Ajay Agarwal, B. N. Jain.
    QoS-based On-Demand Segmented Backup Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.
    IEEE International Conference on Networks 2004, Singapore.
    January, 2004.

  • A. M. Abbas, B. N. Jain.
    IDTC: A Density Based Topology Control in Mobile Ad hoc Networks.
    5th World Wireless Congress, San Francisco, USA.
    January, 2004.

  • Ajay Agarwal, B. N. Jain.
    QoS-Aware Segmented Backup Source Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.
    Proc. of 2nd IEEE Workshop on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks, Cambridge, UK.
    January, 2004.

  • Naveen Garg and Vijay V. Vazirani and Mihalis Yannakakis.
    Multiway cuts in directed and node weighted graphs..
    Journal of Algorithms.
    Vol. 50, No. 1, pp. 49-61, January, 2004.

  • Guy Even and Naveen Garg and Jochen Koenemann and R. Ravi and Amitabh Sinha.
    Min-max tree covers..
    Operations Research Letters.
    Vol. 32, No. 4, pp. 309-315, January, 2004.

  • Vijay Arya and Naveen Garg and Rohit Khandekar and Kamesh Munagala and Adam Meyerson and Vinayaka Pandit.
    Local Search Heuristics for $k$-median and facility location problems..
    SIAM Journal on Computing.
    Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 544-562, January, 2004.

  • Basant Kumar Dwivedi, Anshul Kumar and M.Balakrishnan .
    Synthesis of Application Specific Multiprocessor Architectures for Process Networks.
    VLSI Design 2004.
    pp. 780-787, January, 2004.

  • A. M. Abbas, P. Khandpur, B. N. Jain.
    NDMA: A Node Disjoint Multi-path Ad hoc Routing Protocol.
    5th World Wireless Congress, San Francisco, USA.
    January, 2004.

  • A. M. Abbas, P. Khandpur, B. N. Jain.
    A Disjoint Alternate Path Routing for Mobile Ad hoc Networks.
    Journal of Internet Technology.
    Vol. 0, January, 2004.

  • S. Rai, B. N. Jain.
    SSDP With Caching: A Service Discovery Protocol for Ad-Hoc Networks.
    MOBWISER 04, Singapore.
    January, 2004.

  • M. Abbas, B. N. Jain.
    Path Diminution in Disjoint Multipath Routing for Mobile Ad hoc Networks.
    15th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Barcelona, Spain.
    January, 2004.

  • 8. S. Phadke, S. Yerneni, S. Chakraborty and Dheeraj Bhardwaj.
    Seismic Numerical Modeling on PARAM Padma.
    Society of Petroleum Geophysicists, Fifth conference- 2004.
    January, 2004.

  • Ankur Agiwal, Parakram Khandpur, Huzur Saran.
    LOCATOR: location estimation system For wireless LANs.
    WMASH 2004.
    pp. 102-109, January, 2004.

  • Huzur Saran, B.N. Jain, Jatin Sharma, Ruchir Bindal, Sachin Keswani, Ritun Patney.
    Wireless Internet Post Office: Providing Rural Access to text based Digital Communication using Wireless Multi-hop Mesh Networking.
    AMIC 2004, Bangkok.
    January, 2004.

  • B. G. Prasad, K. K. Biswas and S.K. Gupta.
    Region based image retrieval using integrated color, shape &location index.
    Computer Vision & Image Understanding.
    Vol. 94, pp. 193-233, January, 2004.

  • R Khare, S K Gupta, Nishith Pathak and S Sohi.
    Stock Broker -P - Sentiment Extraction from the stock market.
    Data Mining V: Data Mining, Text Mining & Their Business Application, WIT Press.
    pp. 43 - 52, January, 2004.

  • Surender Baswana and Sandeep Sen.
    Approximate Distance Oracles for Unweighted Graphs in O(n^2 log n) Time.
    15th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA).
    January, 2004.

  • Anup Gangwar, M. Balakrishnan and Anshul Kumar .
    Impact of Inter-cluster Communication Mechanisms on ILP in Clustered VLIW Architectures.
    December, 2003.

  • Dheeraj Bhardwaj and Manish Sansi.
    Parallel Algorithm for Real Time Decision System for Financial Markets.
    December, 2003.

  • Dheeraj Bhardwaj.
    High Performance Computing in Exploration Geophysics: Changing Dimensions.
    Oil Asia Journal.
    Vol. 24, No. 2-3, December, 2003.

  • Harrien Bullot, S.K. Gupta and Mukesh Mohania.
    A data mining approval for optimizing performance of an incremental crawler.
    Web Intellegence.
    pp. 610-615, November, 2003.

  • Anupam Gupta , Amit Kumar, Martin Pal , Tim Roughgarden.
    Approximation via Cost-Sharing : A Simple Approximation Algorithm for the Multi-commodity Rent-or-Buy Problem. .
    IEEE Foundations of Computer Science.
    October, 2003.

  • Jaewon Seo, Taewhan Kim, Preeti Ranjan Panda.
    Memory Allocation and Mapping in High Level Synthesis - An Integrated Approach.
    IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems.
    Vol. 11, No. 5, October, 2003.

  • Aditya Ramamoorthy, Namrata Vaswani, Santanu Chaudhury and Subhashis Banerjee.
    Recognition of dynamic hand gestures.
    Pattern Recognition.
    Vol. 36, No. 9, pp. 2069-2081, September, 2003.

  • Akash M Kushal, Gaurav Chanda, Kanishka Shrivastava, Mohit Gupta, Subhajit Sanyal, T.V.N. Sri Ram, Prem Kalra and Subhashis Banerjee.
    Multilevel modelling and rendering of architectural scenes.
    Eurographics, Granada (Spain).
    September, 2003.

  • Naveen Garg and Rohit Khandekar and Keshav Kunal and Vinayaka Pandit.
    Bandwidth maximization in multicasting..
    11th European Symposium on Algorithms.
    pp. 242-253, September, 2003.

  • Manoj Kumar Jain, M.Balakrishnan and Anshul Kumar .
    Exploring Storage Organization in ASIP Synthesis.
    Euro-DSD 2003.
    September, 2003.

  • S. K. Gupta, Pankaj Mangal and Vineet Paliwal.
    Some work towards the proof of the reconstruction conjecture.
    Discrete Mathematics.
    Vol. 272, pp. 291-296, September, 2003.

  • Guy Even and Naveen Garg and Jochen Koenemann and R. Ravi and Amitabh Sinha.
    Covering graphs using stars and trees..
    6th International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems.
    pp. 24-35, August, 2003.

  • Preeti Ranjan Panda.
    The energy impact of memory port allocation decisions.
    7th VLSI Design and Test Workshops.
    August, 2003.

  • S. Chakraborty, S. Yerneni, S. Phadke, and Dheeraj Bhardwaj.
    Parallelization Strategies for Seismic modelling algorithms.
    J Ind Geophys Union (IGU).
    Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 11-14, July, 2003.

  • Minos N. Garofalakis, Amit Kumar.
    Correlating XML data streams using tree-edit distance embeddings..
    ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems.
    June, 2003.

  • Anupam Gupta, Amit Kumar, Mikkel Thorup.
    Tree based MPLS routing..
    ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms.
    June, 2003.

  • Anupam Gupta, Amit Kumar, Tim Roughgarden.
    Simpler and better approximation algorithms for network design. .
    ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing.
    June, 2003.

  • Surender Baswana and Sandeep Sen.
    A Simple Linear time Algorithm for Computing (2k-1)-spanner of O(n^{1+1/k}) size for weighted graphs.
    30th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP).
    June, 2003.

  • N. Jain, N. Pabuwal, B. N. Jain.
    An Architectural Framework to deploy Scatternet-based Applications over Bluetooth.
    IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2003), Anchorage, Alaska, USA.
    May, 2003.

  • Sumantra Dutta Roy, Santanu Chaudhury and Subhashis Banerjee.
    Aspect Graph Construction with Noisy Feature Detectors.
    IEEE Transaction on Systems, Man and Cybernetics - Part B: Cybernetics.
    Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 340-351, April, 2003.

  • Rajeev Rastogi, Yuri Breitbart, Minos N. Garofalakis, Amit Kumar.
    Optimal configuration of OSPF aggregates..
    IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking.
    Vol. 11, April, 2003.

  • Anupam Gupta, Amit Kumar, Rajeev Rastogi.
    Exploring the trade-off between label size and stack depth in MPLS Routing. .
    March, 2003.

  • Ela Kumar, Saroj Kaushik and J.R.P. Gupta.
    Pronomial Referent Interpretation System for English Text.
    IETE Journal of Research.
    Vol. Vol 49, , No. jan-feb, 2003, pp. 27-33, March, 2003.

  • Friedrich Eisenbrand and Stefan Funke and Naveen Garg and Jochen Koenemann.
    A combinatorial algorithm for computing a maximum independent set in a $t$-perfect graph..
    14th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms.
    pp. 517-522, January, 2003.

  • Amarjeet Singh, Amit Chhabra, Anup Gangwar, Basant K. Dwivedi, .
    SoC Synthesis with Automatic Interface Generation.
    VLSI Design 2003.
    pp. 585-590, January, 2003.

  • Parminder Chhabra, Ajita John, Huzur Saran, Rajeev Shorey.
    Controlling Malicious Sources at Internet Gateways.
    Proc. of ICC 2003, Anchorage, Alaska.
    January, 2003.

  • Surender Baswana, Ramesh Hariharan and Sandeep Sen.
    Maintaining All-pairs Approximate Shortest Paths under Deletion of Edges.
    14th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA).
    January, 2003.

  • N. Gupta and S. Sen.
    Faster output-sensitive algorithms for three dimensionalconvex hull and maximal vector problem.
    Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing.
    Vol. 63(4), pp. 488 -- 500, January, 2003.

  • Puneet Sharma, Angshuman Parashar, Subhashis Banerjee and Prem Kalra.
    An Uncalibrated Lightfield Acquisition System.
    Indian Conference on Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (ICVGIP2002).
    December, 2002.

  • Akash M Kushal, Vikas Bansal and Subhashis Banerjee.
    A simple method for interactive 3D reconstruction and camera calibration from a single view.
    Indian Conference on Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (ICVGIP2002).
    December, 2002.

  • Namita Gupta, Pooja Mittal, Sumantra Dutta Roy, Santanu Chaudhury, Subhashis Banerjee.
    CONDENSATION-based Predictive EigenTracking.
    Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (ICVGIP2002).
    December, 2002.

  • Preeti Ranjan Panda, Nikil Dutt.
    Memory Architectures for Embedded Systems-on-Chip.
    The 9th International Conference on High Performance Computing.
    pp. 647-662, December, 2002.

  • N. Seetharama Krishna, P. Yadav and Dheeraj Bhardwaj.
    The Parallel I/O Architecture for High Performance Computers using Network Centric Storage System.
    HPC ASIA 2002.
    December, 2002.

  • A. Agarwal, A. M. Abbas, R. Shorey, B. N. Jain.
    A Performance Comparison of Ad Hoc Routing Protocols with Multicasting.
    6th International Conference on High Performance Computing, Bangalore.
    December, 2002.

  • Y. Sabharwal N. Sharma and S. Sen.
    Nearest Neighbor Searching using Point Location in Balls: with applications to approximate Voronoi Decompositions.
    pp. 311--323, December, 2002.

  • Amit Kumar, Anupam Gupta, Tim Roughgarden:.
    A Constant-Factor Approximation Algorithm for the Multicommodity rent-or-buy problem .
    IEEE Foundations of Computer Science.
    November, 2002.

  • Preeti Ranjan Panda, Lakshmikantam Chitturi.
    An Energy-conscious Algorithm for Memory Port Allocation.
    International Conference on Computer Aided Design.
    November, 2002.

  • N. Seetharama Krishna, P. Yadav and Dheeraj Bhardwaj.
    A Scalable High Performance Storage System Architecture.
    15th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems (PDCS 2002).
    pp. 193 96 198, November, 2002.

  • B.G. Prasad, K.K. Biswas and S.K. Gupta.
    Image retrieval using integrated color shape location.
    Image andVision Computing (IVC'02), Auckland.
    November, 2002.

  • S. Sen, S. Chatterjee and N. Dumeer.
    Towards a theory of cache-efficient algorithms.
    Journal of the ACM.
    Vol. 49(6), pp. 828 --858, November, 2002.

  • Naveen Garg and Rohit Khandekar.
    Fast approximation algorithms for fractional steiner forest and related problems..
    43rd Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science.
    pp. 500-509, October, 2002.

  • Naveen Garg and Neal Young.
    On-line end-to-end congestion control..
    43rd Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science.
    pp. 303-312, October, 2002.

  • Manoj Kumar Jain, M. Balakrishnan and Anshul Kumar .
    An Efficient Technique for Exploring Register File Size in ASIP Synthesis.
    CASES 2002.
    pp. 252-261, October, 2002.

  • C.P. Joshi, Anshul Kumar and M. Balakrishnan.
    A New Performance Evaluation Approach for System Level Design Space Exploration.
    pp. 180-185, October, 2002.

  • Bhuvan Middha, Varun Raj, Anup Gangwar, Anshul Kumar, M. Balakrishnan and Paolo Ienne .
    A TRIMARAN Based Framework for Exploring the Design Space of VLIW ASIPS with Coarse Grain Functional Units.
    pp. 2-7, October, 2002.

  • Stefan Steinke, Nils Grunwald, Lars Wehmeyer, Rajeshwari Banakar, M. Balakrishnan and Peter Marwedel .
    Dynamic copying of Instructions into Onchip Memory for Energy Reduction.
    pp. 213-218, October, 2002.

  • S. Yerneni, Dheeraj Bhardwaj, S. Chakraborty and S. Phadke.
    Finite Difference Forward Modeling for Complex Geological Models.
    SEG (Society for Exploration Geophysicists) 72nd Annual International Meeting.
    October, 2002.

  • B.G. Prasad, S.K. Gupta and K.K. Biswas.
    Low dimensional color-location based index to retrieve images by content .
    October, 2002.

  • Chaitanya Swamy, Amit Kumar.
    Primal-Dual Algorithms for Connected Facility Location Problems..
    Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization.
    September, 2002.

  • Amit Chakrabarti, Chandra Chekuri, Anupam Gupta, Amit Kumar.
    Approximation Algorithms for the Unsplittable Flow Problem..
    Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization .
    September, 2002.

  • Saroj Kaushik and Himanshu Tagra.
    Generic Architecture of Agents in Combined Auctions.
    proceedings of IIWAS-2002 (The Fourth International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications and Services), Indonesia.
    pp. 176-181, September, 2002.

  • Namita Gupta, Pooja Mittal, Sumantra Dutta Roy, Santanu Chaudhury and Subhashis Banerjee.
    Developing a Gesture-based Interface.
    IETE Journal of Research: Special Issue on Visual Media Processing.
    Vol. 48, No. 3 and 4, pp. 237-244, August, 2002.

  • Michael Werman, Maolin Qiu, Subhashis Banerjee and Sumantra Dutta Roy.
    Inner Camera Invariants and their Applications.
    Communicated to the Journal of the Optical Society of America, Part A. .
    Vol. 02/4, August, 2002.

  • Amit Kumar, Rajeev Rastogi, Abraham Silberschatz, BFClent Yener.
    Algorithms for provisioning virtual private networks in the hose model..
    IEEE Transa tions on Networking.
    Vol. 10, No. 4, August, 2002.

  • Ashish Gupta (1), Ashish Gupta (2), B. N. Jain, S. Tripathi.
    QoS-Aware Path Protection Schemes for MPLS Networks.
    15th International Conf. on Computer Communications, Mumbai.
    pp. 103-118, August, 2002.

  • Gaurav Agarwal, Dinesh Rathi, Prem Kalra and Subhashis Banerjee.
    A System for Image Based Rendering of Walk-Throughs.
    Computer Graphics International (CGI2002), Bradford, UK.
    July, 2002.

  • Rohit Jaivant Kate, Prem Kalra and Subhashis Banerjee.
    Towards an Automatic Approach for View Dependent Geometry.
    International Journal of Image and Graphics.
    Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 413-423, July, 2002.

  • R.S.Jadon, S.Chaudhury and K.K.Biswas.
    A Fuzzy Theoretic Approach for Camera Motion Detection.
    PMU 2002, 9th International Conf. on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainity in Knowledge Based Systems.
    July, 2002.

  • A. Kamra, H. Saran, R. Shorey and S. Sen.
    Fair adaptive Bandwidth Allocation:a rate control based active queue management.
    pp. 838 -- 849, July, 2002.

  • Rajeev Rastogi, Yuri Breitbart, Minos N. Garofalakis, Amit Kumar.
    Optimal Configuration of OSPF Aggregates..
    June, 2002.

  • David Kempe, Jon M. Kleinberg, Amit Kumar.
    Connectivity and Inference Problems for Temporal Networks..
    Journal of Computing and System Sciences.
    Vol. 64, No. 4, June, 2002.

  • Sanjiva Prasad and S. Arun-Kumar.
    An Introduction to Operational Semantics.
    In Srikant, Shankar: Compiler Design Handbook: Optimizations and Machine Code, CRC Press.
    June, 2002.

  • Chandra Chekuri, Anupam Gupta, Amit Kumar, Joseph Naor, Danny Raz.
    Building Edge-Failure Resilient Networks. .
    Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization.
    May, 2002.

  • Rajeshwari Banakar, Stefan Steinke, Bo-Sik Lee, M. Balakrishnan and Peter Marwedel .
    Scratchpad Memory: A Design Alternative for Cache On-chip Memory in Embedded Systems.
    CODES 2002.
    pp. 73-78, May, 2002.

  • P. Aggarwal, B. Bhattacharya and S. Sen.
    Improved Algorithms for Uniform Partitions of Points.
    Vol. 30, pp. 521 -- 539, April, 2002.

  • Saroj Kaushik and Kamlesh Dutta.
    Aralphore resolution approaches.
    STRANS 2002, IIT kanpur.
    March, 2002.

  • S. Baswana and S. Sen.
    Planar Graph Blocking for External Searching.
    Vol. 34, pp. 298--308, March, 2002.

  • S. Das, P. Verma, B. N. Jain, and M. Gerla.
    ZRESTORE: A link restoration scheme with high aggregation and no reservation.
    the Sixth IFIP Working Conference on Optical Networks Design and Modeling, Torino, Italy.
    February, 2002.

  • Namita Gupta, Pooja Mittal, Sumantra Dutta Roy, Santanu Chaudhury, and Subhashis Banerjee.
    Developing a Personalized Gesture-based Interface.
    Revised version sent to the Pattern Recognition Letters.
    Vol. 02/7, January, 2002.

  • N. Gupta, P. Mittal, S. Dutta Roy, S. Chaudhury, S. Banerjee.
    A Predictive Scheme for Appearance-based Hand Tracking.
    Proc. National Conference on Communications (NCC).
    pp. 513 - 522, January, 2002.

  • Naveen Garg and Marina Papatriantafilou and Philippas Tsigas.
    Distributed List Coloring: How to Dynamically Allocate Frequencies to Mobile Base Stations..
    Wireless Networks.
    Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 49-60, January, 2002.

  • K.N. Murali Mohan, Rohini Krishnan, Anshul Kumar and M. Balakrishnan .
    A New Divide and Conquer Method for Achieving High-speed Division in Hardware.
    VLSI Design 2002/ASPDAC 2002.
    pp. 535-540, January, 2002.

  • Vishal P. Bhatt, M. Balakrishnan and Anshul Kumar .
    Exploring the Number of Register Windows in ASIP Synthsis.
    VLSI Design 2002/ASPDAC 2002.
    pp. 233-238, January, 2002.

  • Sandeep Sen , S. Baswana, R. Hariharan.
    Improved online algorithms for transitive-closure and all-pairs shortest paths in digraphs for edge deletions,.
    STOC 2002..
    January, 2002.

  • R.S. Jadon, Santanu Chaudhury and K.K. Biswas.
    A Fuzzy Theoretic Approach for Video Segmentation Using Syntactic Features .
    Pattern Recognition Letters.
    Vol. 22, No. 13, pp. 1359-1369, November, 2001.

  • L. Wehmeyer, Manoj Jain, Stefan Steinke, Peter Marwedel and M. Balakrishnan .
    Analysis of the Influence of Register File Size on Energy Consumption, Code Size and Execution Time.
    Vol. 20, No. 11, pp. 1329-1337, November, 2001.

  • Saroj Kaushik and Manoj Kumar.
    Natural Language Translation using Neural Networks.
    proceedings of ANNIE-2001 (International Conference on Artificial Neural Network in Engineering) held at St. Louis, USA.
    pp. 993-1000, November, 2001.

  • Anupam Gupta, Amit Kumar, Rajeev Rastogi.
    Traveling with a Pez Dispenser (Or, Routing Issues in MPLS)..
    IEEE Foundations of Computer Science.
    October, 2001.

  • Anupam Gupta, Amit Kumar.
    Sorting and Selection with Structured Costs.
    IEEE Foundations of Computer Science.
    October, 2001.

  • Prem Kalra, Ashish Kapoor, Udit K Goyal,.
    VTalk: A System for generating text-to-audio-visual speech.
    IETE Technical Review, .
    Vol. 18, pp. 307-314, August, 2001.

  • Amit Kumar, Rajeev Rastogi, Abraham Silberschatz, BFClent Yener.
    Algorithms for provisioning virtual private networks in the hose model..
    August, 2001.

  • Sumantra Dutta Roy, Santanu Chaudhury and Subhashis Banerjee.
    Recognizing Large 3-D Objects through Next View Planning using an Uncalibrated Camera.
    IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Vancouver, BC, Canada.
    pp. II: 276-281, July, 2001.

  • Anupam Gupta, Jon M. Kleinberg, Amit Kumar, Rajeev Rastogi, BFClent Yener.
    Provisioning a virtual private network: a network design problem for multicommodity flow..
    ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing.
    July, 2001.

  • Vijay Arya and Naveen Garg and Rohit Khandekar and Kamesh Munagala and Adam Meyerson and Vinayaka Pandit.
    Local Search Heuristics for $k$-median and facility location problems..
    33rd Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing.
    pp. 21-29, July, 2001.

  • B.G. Prasad, S.K. Gupta and K.K. Biswas.
    Shape based index for region based image retrieval.
    National Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (NCDAR'2001).
    July, 2001.

  • Naveen Garg and Rohit Khandekar and Goran Konjevod and R. Ravi and F.S. Salman and Amitabh Sinha.
    On the Integrality Gap of a Natural Formulation of the Single-Sink Buy-at-bulk Network Design Problem..
    Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization.
    pp. 170-184, June, 2001.

  • S.K. Dey and D. Bhardwaj.
    Parallelized PFI for large-scale non-linear systems in a distributed computing environment.
    Applicable Mathematics .
    June, 2001.

  • B. G. Prasad, S.K.Gupta and K.K.Biswas.
    Color and Shape Index for Region Based Image Retrieval .
    IWVF4, 4th International Workshop on visual Form,LNCS 2059, Capri, Itali.
    pp. 716-725, May, 2001.

  • Basant K. Dwivedi, Jan Hoogerbrugge, Paul Stravers and M. Balakrishnan.
    Exploring Design Space of Parallel Realizations: MPEG-2 Decoder Case Study.
    CODES 2001.
    pp. 92-97, April, 2001.

  • Manoj Kumar Jain, Lars Wehmeyer, Stefan Steinke, Peter Marwedel and M. Balakrishnan .
    Evaluating Register File Size in ASIP Design.
    CODES 2001.
    pp. 109-114, April, 2001.

  • S.K.Gupta, P. Suresh and Vasudha Bhatnagar.
    Data mining using knowledge concentrates.
    SPI Conference on Data Mining, Florida, USA.
    April, 2001.

  • Sumantra Dutta Roy, Santanu Chaudhury and Subhashis Banerjee.
    Aspect Graph based Modeling and Recognition with an Active Sensor: A Robust Approach.
    Proc. Indian National Science Academy, Part A, Special Issue on Image Processing,Vision and Pattern Recognition.
    Vol. 67, No. 2, pp. 187-206, March, 2001.

  • D. Dubhashi and S. Sen.
    Concentration of measure for randomized algorithms: techniques and applications.
    Handbook of Randomized Algorithms.
    Vol. I, pp. 35 - 101, March, 2001.

  • M. Dyer and S. Sen.
    Fast and optimal parallel multidimensional search in PRAMs with applications to linear-programming and related problems.
    SIAM Journal on Computing.
    Vol. 40, March, 2001.

  • Vasudha Bhatnagar, S.K. Gupta and S.K. Wasan.
    On Mining of Data.
    IETE Journal of Research, Special Issue on Data and Knowledge.
    Vol. 47, No. 1, February, 2001.

  • N. Gupta and S. Sen.
    An efficient output-size sensitive parallel algorithm for hidden-surface removal for terrains.
    Vol. 31, pp. 179 -- 207, February, 2001.

  • S.sen ,N. Gupta and S. Chopra, .
    Optimal, Output-Sensitive Algorithms for Constructing Upper Envelope of Line Segments in Par- allel,.
    Proc. of FSTTCS , LNCS 2245,.
    pp. 183-194, January, 2001.

  • Jon M. Kleinberg, Amit Kumar.
    Wavelength Conversion in Optical Networks..
    Journal of Algorithms.
    Vol. 38, No. 1, January, 2001.

  • Manoj Kumar Jain, M. Balakrishnan and Anshul Kumar .
    ASIP Design Methodologies: Survey and Issues.
    VLSI Design 2001.
    pp. 76-81, January, 2001.

  • Anupam Rastogi, M. Balakrishnan and Anshul Kumar.
    Integrating Communication Cost Estimation in Embedded Systems Design: A PCI Case Study.
    VLSI Design 2001.
    pp. 23-28, January, 2001.

  • S.K. Gupta & Vasudha Bhatnagar.
    A Proposal for data mining management system.
    Workshop on Data Mining & Knowledge Management (in conjunction with ICDM'01).
    January, 2001.

  • Kapoor A, Goyal UK, Kalra P,.
    Modeling Co-articulation for Text-to-Audiovisual Speech Synthesizer.
    December, 2000.

  • Sumantra Dutta Roy, Santanu Chaudhury and Subhashis Banerjee.
    Part-based Isolated 3-D Object Recognition through Next View Planning using Inner Camera Invariants.
    Proc. Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and ImageProcessing (ICVGIP'2000), Bangalore, India.
    December, 2000.

  • Kumar Neeraj Verma, Jean Goubault-Larrecq, Sanjiva Prasad, S. Arun-Kumar.
    Reflecting BDDs in Coq.
    Asian Computing Science Conference 2000.
    December, 2000.

  • Kumar Neeraj Verma, Jean Goubault-Larrecq, Sanjiva Prasad & S. Arun-Kumar.
    Reflecting BDDs in Coq .
    Proceedings ASIAN 2000, Penang, Malaysia.
    Vol. 1961, December, 2000.

  • Vivek Haldar, Gokul Varadhan, Abhishek Saxena, M. Balakrishnan and Subhashis Banerjee .
    Design of Embedded Systems for Real-Time Vision.
    ICVGIP 2000.
    December, 2000.

  • Shoma Chatterjee, Subhashis Banerjee and K. K. Biswas.
    View Morphing based Facial Video Compression.
    Proc. Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and ImageProcessing (ICVGIP'2000), Bangalore, India.
    December, 2000.

  • Amit Kumar, Jon Kleinberg.
    Fairness Measures for Resource Allocation..
    IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science.
    November, 2000.

  • Saroj Kaushik, S Kamal & Shivaji Das.
    Adaptive Image Segmentation using Genetic Algorithm.
    Accepted in 13th International Conference on Computers Applications in Industry and Engineering (CAINE-2000) held in Hawaii, USA.
    November, 2000.

  • Shoma Chatterjee, Subhashis Banerjee and K. K. Biswas..
    Reconstruction of Local Features for Facial Video Compression.
    IEEE ICIP'2000, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
    pp. TA07.02, September, 2000.

  • S.K. Gupta, V. Bhatnagar & S.K. Wasan.
    User centric mining of association rules.
    DDM I: Workshop of PKDD'2000, Lyons, France.
    September, 2000.

  • Laurence Boissieux, Gergo Kiss, Nadia Magnenat Thalmann, Prem Kalra,.
    Simulation of Skin Aging and Wrinkles with Cosmetics Insight.
    Proceedings of Eurographics Workshop on Animation and Simulation (EGCAS 2000), Interlaken,.
    August, 2000.

  • Sanjiva Prasad , R. M. Amadio.
    Modelling IP Mobility.
    Journal Of Formal Methods.
    Vol. 17, No. 1, August, 2000.

  • S. Phadke, Dheeraj Bhardwaj & S. Yerneni.
    Marine synthetic seismograms using elastic wave equation.
    SEG (Society for Exploration Geophysicists) 70th Annual International Meeting.
    August, 2000.

  • Dheeraj Bhardwaj, S. Phadke & S. Yerneni.
    On improving performance of migration algorithms using MPI and MPI-IO.
    SEG (Society for Exploration Geophysicists) 70th Annual International Meeting.
    August, 2000.

  • Goyal UK, Kapoor A, Kalra P, .
    Text-to-Audiovisual Speech Synthesizer.
    in International Conference Virtual Worlds 2000, Paris, .
    July, 2000.

  • Akshaye Sama, M. Balakrishnan and J.F.M. Theeuwen.
    Speeding up Power Estimation of Embedded Software.
    ISLPED 2000.
    pp. 191-196, July, 2000.

  • M. Balakrishnan and Heman Khanna.
    Allocation of FIFO Structures in RTL Data Paths.
    Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 294-310, July, 2000.

  • S.K. Gupta.
    Intention Mining.
    Workshop on Mining Scientific Databases, AHPCRC, Minnesota, USA.
    July, 2000.

  • Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann, Sunil Hadap, Prem Kalra, .
    State of the Art in Hair Simulation.
    International Workshop on Human Modeling and Animation, Seoul, Korea, .
    June, 2000.

  • Dheeraj Bhardwaj.
    Formation of Shock Waves in Magnetogasdynamic Flows.
    International Journal of Engineering Science.
    Vol. 38, pp. 1197-1206, June, 2000.

  • David Kempe, Jon M. Kleinberg, Amit Kumar.
    Connectivity and inference problems for temporal networks. .
    ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing.
    May, 2000.

  • Dheeraj Bhardwaj.
    Problem Solving Environment for wave equation based seismic modelling.
    IMACS922000: International Conference on Scientific Computing & Mathematical Modelling.
    pp. 78 96 87, May, 2000.

  • J. D6berg, A. Kumar, and A. Hemani.
    Grammar-Based Hardware Synthesis from Port Size Independent Specifications.
    IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems.
    Vol. 8, No. 2, April, 2000.

  • S.K.Gupta, Vasudha Bhatnagar, S. K. Wasan and DVLN Somayajulu.
    Intension Mining: A New Paradigm in Knowledge Discovery.
    Vol. IITD/CSE/TR2000/001, March 2000 , March, 2000.

  • Sushil Chandra Jain, Shashi Kumar, Anshul Kumar.
    Evaluation of various routing architectures for multi-FPGA Boards.
    International Conference on VLSI Design 2000.
    January, 2000.

  • Rahul Garg, Huzur Saran .
    Stochastic Fair Sharing: A Capacity Resizing Approach toFair Sharing.
    January, 2000.

  • M.F. Abdulla, C.P. Ravikumar, and Anshul Kumar.
    A Scheme for Multiple On-chip Signature Checking for Embedded SRAMs.
    Journal of System Architecture.
    Vol. 46, pp. 181-199, January, 2000.

  • Naveen Garg and Goran Konjevod and R. Ravi.
    A polylogarithmic approximation algorithm for the group steiner tree problem..
    Journal of Algorithms.
    Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 66-84, January, 2000.

  • Susanne Albers and Naveen Garg and Stefano Leonardi.
    Minimizing stall time in single and parallel disk systems..
    Journal of the ACM.
    Vol. 47, No. 6, pp. 969-986, January, 2000.

  • Aviral Srivastava, Mohit Kumar, Sanjiv Kapoor, Shashi Kumar and M. Balakrishnan.
    Optimal Hardware/Software Partitioning for Concurrent Specification using Dynamic Programming.
    VLSI Design 2000.
    pp. 110-113, January, 2000.

  • T. Vinod Kumar, P. Sharma, M. Balakrishnan and S. Malik.
    Processor Evaluation in an Embedded Systems Design Environment.
    VLSI Design 2000.
    pp. 98-103, January, 2000.

  • Arvind Rajawat, M. Balakrishnan and Anshul Kumar.
    Interface Synthesis: Issues and Approaches.
    VLSI Design 2000.
    pp. 92-97, January, 2000.

  • Dheeraj Bhardwaj, S. Phadke and S. Yerneni.
    Efficient Parallel I/O for Seismic Imaging in a Distributed Computing Environment.
    SPG (Society of Petroleum Geophysicists) third conference - 2000.
    pp. 105 96108, January, 2000.

  • S. Phadke, Dheeraj Bhardwaj and S. Yerneni.
    3D seismic modeling in a Message Passing Environment.
    SPG (Society of Petroleum Geophysicists) third conference- 2000.
    pp. 168 - 172, January, 2000.

  • S. Phadke, Dheeraj Bhardwaj and S.K. Dey.
    An Explicit Predictor-Corrector Solver with Application to Seismic Wave Modelling.
    Computers & Geosciences.
    Vol. 26, No. 8-9, pp. 1053-1058, January, 2000.

  • Dheeraj Bhardwaj and R. Shankar.
    A Computational Method for Regularized Long Wave Equation.
    Computers and Mathematics with Applications.
    Vol. 40, No. 12, pp. 1397-1404, January, 2000.

  • Dheeraj Bhardwaj, T.V. Singh and R. Shankar.
    Higher Order Solver for Cylindrical Shock Problem. Mathematical and Computer in Modelling.
    Mathematical and Computer in Modelling.
    Vol. 32, No. 9, pp. 997-1003, January, 2000.

  • Sumantra Dutta Roy, Santanu Chaudhury and Subhashis Banerjee.
    Isolated 3D Object Recognition using Next View Planning.
    IEEE Transactions Systems, Man and Cybernetics - Part A.
    Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 67-76, January, 2000.

  • S. Sen and S. Baswana, .
    Planar Graph Blocking for External Searching,.
    Proc. of FSTTCS, LNCS 1974,.
    pp. 252-263, January, 2000.

  • S. Sen and S. Chatterjee.
    Towards a theory of cache-efficient algorithms.
    January, 2000.

  • S. Chatterjee and S. Sen.
    Cache-Efficient Matrix Transposition.
    January, 2000.

  • Rahul Garg, Huzur Saran .
    Scheduling Algorithms for Bounded Delay Service in Virtual Networks.
    December, 1999.

  • Deepak Bansal, Manish Kalia, Huzur Saran,.
    MOBIDAT: A Mobile Transaction Protocol.
    6th Intl. IEEE/ACM Conference on High Performance Computing, HIPC'99, Calcutta,.
    December, 1999.

  • R. M. Amadio and Sanjiva Prasad.
    The Game of the Name in Cryptographic Tables.
    ASIAN'99 Advances in Computing Science.
    Vol. LNCS 1742, pp. 15-26, December, 1999.

  • Naveen Garg and Sachin Jain and Chaitanya Swamy.
    A randomized algorithm for flow-shop scheduling..
    19th International Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science.
    pp. 213-218, December, 1999.

  • Ela Kumar, Saroj Kaushik and J.R.P. Gupta.
    Empirical Studies on Discourse Analysis.
    Int. Conference on Cognitive Systems.
    pp. 786-792, December, 1999.

  • Harsh Nanda and Saroj Kaushik.
    Web Based access of Relational Databases using Fuzzy Language Queries.
    Int. Conference on Cognitive Systems .
    pp. 388-400., December, 1999.

  • P. Agarwal and B. Bhattacharya and S. Sen.
    Output-Sensitive Algorithms for Uniform Partitions of Points.
    December, 1999.

  • Dheeraj Bhardwaj.
    Parallel Solver for Hyperbolic System of Equations and its Application to Oil Exploration.
    International AMSE conference on Computer Modeling, Simulation and Communication (CMSC-99).
    November, 1999.

  • Navin Rajpal, Santanu Chaudhury and Subhashis Banerjee.
    Recognition of Partially Occluded Objects using Neural Network based Indexing.
    Pattern Recognition.
    Vol. 32, pp. 1737-1749, October, 1999.

  • K.C.Ravishankar, B.G.Prasad, S.K.Gupta and K.K.Biswas.
    Dominant Color Region Based Indexing for CBIR.
    ICIAP99 (International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing), Venice, Italy.
    September, 1999.

  • S.K. Gupta, Sambasiva Rao & Vasudha Bhatnagar.
    K-Mean clustering algorithm for categorical attributes.
    Data Warehouse and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK'99), Proceedings in LNCS.
    September, 1999.

  • S.K.Gupta, K.Sambasiva Rao and Vasudha Bhatnagar.
    K-Means Clustering Algorithm for Categorial Attributes.
    DaWaK99 (Data Warehouse and Knowledge Discovery), Florence, Italy.
    September, 1999.

  • Shoma Chatterjee, Subhashis Banerjee and K. K. Biswas.
    Affine Structure based Facial Image Encoding.
    IEE Proceedings Vision, Image and Signal Processing.
    Vol. 146, No. 4, pp. 211-221, August, 1999.

  • R. M . Amadio and Sanjiva Prasad.
    The Game of the Name in Cryptographic Tables .
    INRIA Report.
    Vol. RR 3733, July, 1999.

  • Thomas Meincke, Ahmed Hemani, Shashi Kumar, P.Ellervee, Johnny Oberg.
    Globally Asynchronous Locally Synchronous VLSI Architecture for large high performance ASICs .
    Proceedings Design Automation Conference, .
    June, 1999.

  • S. Sen and Neelima Gupta.
    Distribution sensitive algorithms.
    Nordic Journal on Computing (Special Issue).
    Vol. 6, pp. 194 - 211, June, 1999.

  • Michael Werman, Subhashis Banerjee, Sumantra Dutta Roy and Maolin Qiu.
    Robot Localization using Uncalibrated Camera Invariants.
    IEEE Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'99), Fort Collins, Colorado.
    pp. II:353-359, June, 1999.

  • W. Horn, Bengt Svantesson, Shashi Kumar, Axel Jantsch.
    Hardware Synthesis of an ATM multiplexor from SDL to VHDL.
    IEEE Workshop on VLSI, California, U.S.A..
    April, 1999.

  • Axel Jantsch, Shashi Kumar, Ahmed Hemani.
    The Rugby Model: A Framework for the study of Modelling, Analysis, and Synthesis Concepts in Electronic Systems.
    Proceedings of Design Automation and Test in Europe.
    March, 1999.

  • V. Padmini, B. B. Madan, B. N. Jain.
    A Linear Array Processor for Large Sparse Matrix Operations- I: Cholesky Factorization.
    Parallel Algorithms and Applications.
    Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 187-215, March, 1999.

  • V. Padmini, B. B. Madan, B. N. Jain.
    A Linear Array Processor for Large Sparse Matrix Operations- II: Triangular System Solvers and Matrix Multiplication.
    Parallel Algorithms and Applications.
    Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 217-237, March, 1999.

  • John Bruno, Banu Ozden, Huzur Saran, Abraham Silberschatz,.
    Early Fair Drop: A New Buffer Management Policy .
    ACM/SPIE Multimedia Computing and Networking 1999, San Jose, CA,.
    January, 1999.

  • Wu Y, Kalra P, Moccozet L, Magnenat Thalmann N, .
    Simulating Wrinkles and Skin Aging,.
    The Visual Computer, .
    Vol. 15, pp. No 4, 183-198, January, 1999.

  • Sanjeev Kapoor , M. Kathuria.
    Bus Routing And Allocation.
    Vol. , January, 1999.

  • M.F. Abdulla, C.P. Ravikumar and Anshul Kumar.
    Built-in Self Test based on Multiple On-chip Signature Checking.
    Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Vol. 14, pp. 227-244, January, 1999.

  • J. D6berg, A. Kumar, A. Hemani, S. Kumar.
    Specification and Synthesis of Exception Handling in Grammar-based Hardware Synthesis.
    Journal of Electrical Engineering and Information Science, Korea.
    Vol. 3, No. 6, pp. 724-735, January, 1999.

  • Jon M. Kleinberg, Amit Kumar.
    Wavelength Conversion in Optical Networks..
    ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms.
    January, 1999.

  • Yefim Dinitz and Naveen Garg and Michel X. Goemans.
    On the single-source unsplittable flow problem..
    Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 17-41, January, 1999.

  • Rashmi Goswami, V. Srinivasan and M. Balakrishnan.
    MPEG-2 Video Data Simulator: A Case Study in Constrained HW-SW Codesign.
    VLSI Design 1999.
    pp. 128-131, January, 1999.

  • Ajoy Chakravarthy and M. Balakrishnan.
    Simulation and Modeling of a Multi-cast ATM Switch.
    VLSI Design 1999.
    pp. 242-247, January, 1999.

  • Dheeraj Bhardwaj and R. Upadhyay.
    Group Theoretic Method for Converging Shock Wave Problem.
    Applied Mathematics Letters .
    Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 79-86, January, 1999.

  • S. Yerneni, Dheeraj Bhardwaj and S. Phadke.
    Implementation of wave equation based Imaging Techniques on PARAM 10000.
    The journal of geophysical union.
    Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 45-50, January, 1999.

  • S. Phadke, Dheeraj Bhardwaj and S. Yerneni.
    Development of migration and modelling algorithms for imaging crustal structures.
    Research Highlights Volume in Earth Sciences (Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India).
    Vol. 1, pp. Paper No. 15, January, 1999.

  • Dheeraj Bhardwaj, S. Yerneni and S. Phadke.
    Parallel Computing in Seismic Data Processing.
    PETROTECH-99: 3RD International Petroleum Conference and Exhibition.
    pp. 279 - 286, January, 1999.

  • Naveen Garg and Huzur Saran and Vijay V. Vazirani.
    Finding separator cuts in planar graphs within twice the optimal..
    SIAM Journal on Computing.
    Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 159-179, January, 1999.

  • S.K. Gupta and Amrinder Singh.
    On Tree roots of Graph.
    International Journal of Mathematics.
    Vol. 76, January, 1999.

  • Huzur Saran , John Bruno , Banu Ozden , Abraham Silberschatz.
    Early Fair Drop: A New Buffer Management Policy.
    ACM/SPIE Multimedia Computing And Networking.
    Vol. , 1999.

  • Sanjeev Kapoor , A. Kumar , V. Kwatra , B. Singh.
    Using Separating Planes Between Objects For Dynamic Binary Space Partitioning.
    International Conference On Visual Computing.
    Vol. , 1999.

  • Sanjeev Kapoor.
    Efficiently Computing Geodesic Shortest Paths.
    ACM Symposium On Theory Of Computing.
    Vol. , 1999.

  • Sumantra Dutta Roy, Santanu Chaudhury and Subhashis Banerjee.
    Aspect Graph Construction with Noisy Feature Detectors.
    Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (ICVGIP'98), IIT Delhi.
    pp. 166-172, December, 1998.

  • Motilal Agrawal, Shyam Sadhwani, Santanu Chaudhury and Subhashis Banerjee.
    Recognition of Dynamic Hand Gestures.
    Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (ICVGIP'98), IIT Delhi.
    pp. 179-184, December, 1998.

  • Ashutosh, Ardaman Singh, Santanu Chaudhury and Subhashis Banerjee.
    A Gesture Based Interface for Remote Robot Control.
    Proc. IEEE Tencon, New Delhi.
    December, 1998.

  • Shoma Chatterjee, Subhashis Banerjee and K. K. Biswas.
    Real-Time Affine Structure based Video Compression Algorithm.
    Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (ICVGIP'98), IIT Delhi.
    pp. 57-63, December, 1998.

  • Saroj Kaushik, Ashish Silodia and Anupam Gupta .
    Design and Development of Risk Analyser Using Fuzzy Approach.
    International Conference on Cognitive Systems.
    pp. 359-370, December, 1998.

  • Ela Kumar, Saroj Kaushik and Muinuddin.
    A Truly Interactive Variable Initiative Natural Language System.
    International Conference on Cognitive Systems.
    pp. 395-399, December, 1998.

  • Ela Kumar, Saroj Kaushik and Muinuddin.
    Analysis of reference in Text and Discourse, , .
    International Conference on Cognitive Systems.
    pp. 400-407, December, 1998.

  • R.Bhat, B.Chandra, K.K.Biswas.
    Classification and Semantics of Objects and Relations of Object-Relation-Object Constructs.
    Journal of Intelligent Systems.
    Vol. 8, November, 1998.

  • Naveen Garg and Jochen Koenemann.
    Faster and simpler algorithms for multicommodity flow and other fractional packing problems..
    39th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science.
    pp. 253-259, October, 1998.

  • Yefim Dinitz and Naveen Garg and Michel X. Goemans.
    On the single-source unsplittable flow problem..
    39th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science.
    pp. 290-299, October, 1998.

  • Sanjiva Prasad , R. M. Amadio.
    Modelling IP Mobility.
    Proc. Of CONCUR '98.
    Vol. LNCS 1466, pp. 301-316, September, 1998.

  • P K Kalra , Magnenat Thalmann N , Moccozet L , Sannier G , Aubel A , Thalmann D.
    Real Time Animation of Realistic Virtual Humans.
    IEEE Computer Graphics And Applications.
    Vol. 18, No. 5, pp. 42-56, September, 1998.

  • S.K. Gupta, J.K. Arora, DVLN Somayajulu and Vasudha Bhatnagar.
    Scalable Classifier Using Dynamic Pruning .
    International Conference on Database and Expert System Application (DEXA'98).
    August, 1998.

  • A.R. Naseer, M. Balakrishnan and Anshul Kumar.
    Direct Mapping of RTL Structures onto LUT based FPGAs.
    Vol. 17, No. 7, pp. 624-631, July, 1998.

  • Saroj Kaushik & Punam Bedi.
    Multimedia Dimension to Frame Based Systems.
    Accepted in ISCA 7th International Conference on Intelligent Systems.
    July, 1998.

  • S. Sen and N. Gupta.
    Distribution sensitive algorithms.
    July, 1998.

  • Prem Kalra , Magnenat Thalmann N , Escher M.
    Face To Virtual Face.
    Proc. of IEEE Special Issue on Multimedia.
    Vol. 86, No. 5, pp. 870-883, May, 1998.

  • Susanne Albers and Naveen Garg and Stefano Leonardi.
    Minimizing stall time in single and parallel disk systems..
    30th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing.
    pp. 454-462, May, 1998.

  • N. Gupta and S. Sen.
    An improved output-sensitive parallel algorithm for hidden-surface removal for terrains.
    ACM Int'l Parallel Processing Symposium.
    April, 1998.

  • Saroj Kaushik & Punam Bedi.
    Distributed Frame Systems.
    Accepted in 13th International Conference on Computers and Their Applications (CATA 98), held in USA, .
    March, 1998.

  • J. D6berg, Anshul Kumar and A. Hemani.
    Scheduling of Outputs in Grammar-based Hardware Synthesis of Data Communication Protocols.
    Scheduling of Outputs in Grammar-based Hardware Synthesis of Data Communication Protocols.
    February, 1998.

  • Sanjiva Prasad , R. M. Amadio.
    Modelling IP Mobility.
    Journal Of Formal Methods.
    January, 1998.

  • Sanjiva Prasad , R. M. Amadio.
    Modelling IP Mobility.
    Proc. Of CONCUR.
    January, 1998.

  • Bengt Svantesson, Shashi Kumar, Ahmed Hemani.
    A methodology and algorithms for effient interprocess communication synthesis from system descriptions in SDL.
    International Conference on VLSI Design, Chennai, India.
    January, 1998.

  • Sumantra Dutta Roy, Santanu Chaudhury and Subhashis Banerjee.
    Isolated 3D Object Recognition using Next View Planning.
    Proc. International Symposium on Intelligent Robotics Systems, CAIR, Bangalore.
    January, 1998.

  • Sanjiva Prasad , R. M. Amadio.
    Modelling IP Mobility.
    INRIA Report.
    Vol. RR-3301, January, 1998.

  • M.F. Abdulla, C.P. Ravikumar and Anshul Kumar.
    Optimization of Mutual and Signature Testing Schemes for Highly Concurrent Systems.
    Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Vol. 12, pp. 199-216, January, 1998.

  • J. D6berg, Anshul Kumar and A. Jantsch.
    An Object Oriented Concept for Intelligent Library Functions.
    Proc. of 11th Intl. Conf. on VLSI Design, Chennai, India.
    pp. 355-358 , January, 1998.

  • M.F. Abdulla, C.P. Ravikumar and Anshul Kumar.
    On-chip Signature Checking for Embedded Memories.
    Proc. of 11th Intl. Conf. on VLSI Design, Chennai, India.
    pp. 558-563 , January, 1998.

  • M.F. Abdulla, C.P. Ravikumar and Anshul Kumar.
    Hybrid Testing Schemes Based on Mutual and Signature testing.
    Proc. of 11th Intl. Conf. on VLSI Design, Chennai, India.
    pp. 293-296 , January, 1998.

  • Naveen Garg and Shiva Chaudhuri and R. Ravi.
    The $p$-neighbor $k$-center problem..
    Information Processing Letters.
    Vol. 65, No. 3, pp. 131-134, January, 1998.

  • Naveen Garg and Goran Konjevod and R. Ravi.
    A polylogarithmic approximation algorithm for the group steiner tree problem..
    9th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms .
    pp. 253-259, January, 1998.

  • Sitanshu Jain, M. Balakrishnan, Anshul Kumar and Shashi Kumar.
    Speeding Up Program Execution Using Reconfigurable Hardware and a Hardware Function Library.
    VLSI Design 1998.
    pp. 400-405, January, 1998.

  • S.K. Lodha, Shashank Gupta, M. Balakrishnan and Subhashis Banerjee.
    Real Time Collision Detection and Avoidance: A Case Study for Design Space Exploration in HW-SW Codesign.
    VLSI Design 1998.
    pp. 97-102, January, 1998.

  • Shoma Chatterjee, Subhashis Banerjee and K. K. Biswas.
    Structure based Motion Image Compression using Global and Local Motion Parameters.
    Proc. International Symposium on Intelligent Robotics Systems, CAIR, Bangalore.
    January, 1998.

  • S. Phadke, Dheeraj Bhardwaj and S. Yerneni.
    Wave equation based migration and modelling algorithms on parallel computers.
    SPG (Society of Petroleum Geophysicists) conference (1998).
    pp. 55 96 59, January, 1998.

  • S. Phadke and D. Bhardwaj.
    Parallel Implementation of Seismic Modeling Algorithms on PARAM OpenFrame.
    Neural, Parallel and Scientific Computations .
    Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 469 - 478, January, 1998.

  • R. Shankar and Dheeraj Bhardwaj.
    Similarity Solution of Reactive Shock in Magnetogasdynamics.
    Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems: An international Journal of theory and applications.
    Vol. 6, No. 1-2, pp. 195-210, January, 1998.

  • D. Bhardwaj, S.K. Dey and S. Phadke.
    A predictor-corrector solver for wave equation based seismic modeling.
    IMACS9298: International conference on Scientific Computing and Mathematical Modeling.
    pp. 164 96 174, January, 1998.

  • S. Yerneni, Dheeraj Bhardwaj and S. Phadke.
    Wave equation based Imaging Techniques.
    35th annual convention and meeting on 93Continental Margins of India - Evolution, Processes and Potentials.
    January, 1998.

  • M. Dominic, B. N. Jain.
    Conditions for On-Line Scheduling of Hard Real-Time Tasks on Multiprocessors.
    Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing.
    Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 121-137, January, 1998.

  • V. Padmini, B. B. Madan, B. N. Jain.
    Re-ordering for Parallelism.
    International Journal of Computer Mathematics.
    Vol. 67, pp. 373-390, January, 1998.

  • Sanjeev Kapoor , A. Kumar , V. Kwatra , B. Singh.
    Dynamic Binary Space Partitioning For Hidden Surface Removal.
    Proc. Of ICGVIP.
    Vol. , 1998.

  • Huzur Saran , Sandesh Goel , Partho Mishra , Cormac Sreenan.
    Design And Evaluation Of A Platform For Mobile Packet Telephony.
    8th International Workshop On Network And Operating Systems Support For Digital Audio And Video.
    Vol. , 1998.

  • Huzur Saran , Sandesh Goel , Partho Mishra , Rajat Ahuja.
    Implementation And Performance Evaluation Of Mobility-enhanced ATM Signaling.
    9th IEEE Workshop On Local And Metropolitan Area Networks.
    Vol. , 1998.

  • Saroj Kaushik & Kamlesh Dutta.
    Paragraph Comprehension using FOL Formalism as an Intermediate Representation, .
    International Conference on Cognitive Systems.
    December, 1997.

  • Bengt Svantesson, Shashi Kumar, Ahmed Hemani.
    An efficient scheme for hardware implementation of processes with multiple active instances.
    Nordic VLSI Design Conference,NORCHIP, Tallin, Estonia.
    November, 1997.

  • G. Sudhir, Subhashis Banerjee and Andrew Zisserman.
    Finding Point Correspondences in Motion Sequences Preserving Affine Structure.
    Computer Vision and Image Understanding.
    Vol. 68, No. 2, pp. 237-246, November, 1997.

  • S. Phadke and Dheeraj Bhardwaj.
    Depth extrapolation of seismic wavefields using cubic spline approximation.
    SEG (Society for Exploration Geophysicists) 67th Annual International Meeting.
    November, 1997.

  • S. Phadke and Dheeraj Bhardwaj.
    PVM Implementation of higher order finite difference seismic modelling algorithms in a distributed computing environment.
    SEG (Society for Exploration Geophysicists) 67th Annual International Meeting.
    November, 1997.

  • S. Sen.
    Lower bounds for parallel algebraic decision trees, parallel complexity of convex hulls and related problems.
    Theoretical Computer Science.
    Vol. 188, pp. 59 - 78, November, 1997.

  • B. Bhattacaharya and S. Sen.
    On a simple practical optimal output-sensitive randomized planar convex hull algorithm.
    Journal of Algorithms.
    Vol. 25, pp. 177 - 193, October, 1997.

  • Prem Kalra , Wu Y , Magnenat Thalmann N.
    Physically Based Wrinkle Simulation And Skin Rendering.
    Proc. of Eurographics Workshop on Computer Simulation and Animation.
    Vol. , pp. 69-80, August, 1997.

  • Sanjiva Prasad, B. Karthikeyan, T. R. Vishwanath.
    Mechanizing Various Pi-calculi In HOL.
    Proc. of TPHOLs.
    August, 1997.

  • Shashi Kumar, Axel Jantsch, Peeter Ellervee, Ahmed Hemani, Anshul Kumar .
    Internal Representation for Specification and Design of Heterogenous Systems.
    Third Workshop on Systems Design Languages, Italy.
    July, 1997.

  • Prem Kalra , Lee W , Magnenat Thalmann N.
    Model Based Face Reconstruction For Animation.
    Vol. , pp. 323-338, July, 1997.

  • Gurmeet Singh Manku, Pankaj Jain, Amit Aggarwal, Lalit Kumar and Subhashis Banerjee.
    Object Tracking using Affine Structure for Point Correspondences.
    IEEE Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR97), San Juan, Puerto Rico.
    June, 1997.

  • G. Caprihan, S. Kumar and H.Saran,.
    A Quality of Service Translation Methodology based on User Perception, .
    The IEEE Singapore International Conference on Networking, .
    April, 1997.

  • M.F. Abdulla, C.P. Ravikumar and Anshul Kumar.
    A Scheme for On-chip Signature Checking for Embedded SRAMs.
    Proc. of the IEEE European Design and Test Conf. France.
    March, 1997.

  • Saroj Kaushik.
    An Efficient Selection Algorithm: Sequential and Parallel, .
    Accepted in 12th International Conference on Computers and Their Applications (CATA 97), held in Arizona, USA.
    March, 1997.

  • A. Aggarwal, D. Kravets, J. Park and S.Sen.
    Parallel Searching in generalized Mone Arrays with Applications.
    Vol. 19, pp. 291 - 317, March, 1997.

  • Sanjiva Prasad , R. M. Amadio.
    Modelling IP Mobility.
    INRIA Research Project.
    Vol. 3301, January, 1997.

  • Sanjiva Prasad , B. Karthikeyan , T. R. Vishwanath.
    Mechanizing Various Pi-calculi In HOL.
    Proc. Of TPHOL.
    January, 1997.

  • Kalra P, Magnenat Thalmann N, Becheiraz P, Thalmann D .
    Communication Between Synthetic Actors,.
    Chapter in the book: Automated Spoken Dialogues Systems (Ed LuperFoy S), MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. .
    January, 1997.

  • M.F. Abdulla, C.P. Ravikumar and Anshul Kumar.
    Efficient Implementation of Multiple On-chip Signature Checking.
    Proc. of 10th Intl. Conf. on VLSI Design, Hyderabad, India.
    pp. 297-302, January, 1997.

  • Naveen Garg and Vijay V. Vazirani and Mihalis Yannakakis.
    Primal-dual approximation algorithms for integral flow and multicut in trees, with applications to matching and set cover..
    Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 3-20, January, 1997.

  • Naveen Garg and Dorit S. Hochbaum.
    An O($log k$) approximation algorithm for the $k$ minimum spanning tree problem in the plane..
    Algorithmica .
    Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 111-121, January, 1997.

  • Gaurav Agarwal, Nitin Thapar, Kamal Agarwal, M. Balakrishnan and Shashi Kumar.
    A Novel Reconfigurable Co-processor Architecture.
    VLSI Design 1997.
    pp. 370-375, January, 1997.

  • Heman Khanna and M. Balakrishnan.
    Allocation of FIFO Structures in RTL Data Paths.
    VLSI Design 1997.
    pp. 130-133, January, 1997.

  • A.R. Naseer, M. Balakrishnan and Anshul Kumar.
    Optimal Clock Period for Synthesized Data Paths.
    VLSI Design 1997.
    pp. 134-139, January, 1997.

  • P.C. Jain, R. Shankar and Dheeraj Bhardwaj.
    Numerical Solution of Korteweg -deVries (KdV) Equation.
    Chaos, Solitons & Fractals.
    Vol. 8, No. 6, pp. 943 - 951, January, 1997.

  • S.K. Gupta, DVLN Somayajulu and Shubha Mani.
    A filter for possible inconsistencies for nulls in Oracle.
    Conference on Management of Data (COMAD).
    pp. 183-200, January, 1997.

  • S.K. Gupta DVLN Somayajulu and O.V. Ram.
    A Parallel 4NF relational decomposition algorithm.
    5th International Conference on Advanced Computing.
    pp. 336-342, January, 1997.

  • S.K. Gupta, DVLN Somayajulu, O.V. Ram and Vasudha Bhatnagar.
    An approach for handling incomplete information in object-oriented database.
    National Conference on Object-Oriented Technology.
    pp. 86-94, January, 1997.

  • S.K. Gupta, Lokesh Gupta and Amit Sudan.
    Ramsey Number for Fan-Fan Graphs.
    Journal of Combinatorics, Information and System Sciences.
    Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 85-93, January, 1997.

  • N. Gupta and S. Sen.
    Optimal output-sensitive algorithms for constructing planar hulls in parallel.
    Computational Geometry : Theory and Applications.
    Vol. 8, pp. 151 - 166, January, 1997.

  • Prem Kalra , Fasel J. H. D , Gingins P , Magnenat Thalmann N , Baur C , Cuttat J. F , Muster M , Gailloud P.
    The Liver Of The Visible Man.
    Clinical Anatomy.
    Vol. , 1997.

  • Sanjeev Kapoor , G. Das , M. Smid.
    On The Complexity Of Approximating Travelling Salesman Problem Tours And Minimum Spanning Trees.
    Vol. , 1997.

  • Sanjeev Kapoor , S. N. Maheshwari , J. S. B. Mitchell.
    An Efficient Algorithm For Euclidean Shortest Paths Amongst Polygonal Obstacles.
    Discrete And Computational Geometry.
    Vol. , 1997.

  • Kamal Jain, S. Arun-Kumar.
    Testing Processes for Efficiency.
    FSTTCS 16.
    Vol. 1180, pp. 100-110, December, 1996.

  • P.Ellervee, Anshul Kumar, B.Svantesson and A. Hemani.
    Segment Based Scheduling of Control Dominated Applications in High Level Synthesis.
    Proc. of Intl. Workshop on Logic and High Level Synthesis organized by IFIP TC10 WG10.5, Grenoble, France.
    December, 1996.

  • A.R. Naseer, M. Balakrishnan and Anshul Kumar.
    A Novel Approach to Direct Realization of RTL Structures using FPGAs.
    Intl. Workshop on Logic and High Level Synthesis.
    December, 1996.

  • Gurmeet Singh Manku, Pankaj Jain, Ashish Thusoo and Subhashis Banerjee.
    Foveal Tracking of a Single Moving Object using Affine Structure.
    Proc. Symposium on Intelligent Systems-96, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
    November, 1996.

  • P. Ellervee, A. Kumar, B. Svantesson, A. Hemani.
    Internal Representation and Behavioural Synthesis of Control Dominated Applications.
    The 14th IEEE NORCHIP Conference.
    pp. 142-149, November, 1996.

  • F. Bueno, J. D6berg, Anshul Kumar and M. Torkelsson.
    High Level Synthesis of a 1 Mbps Direct-Sequence Spread-Spectrum RAKE Receiver.
    Proceedings of SASIMI'96, Fukuoka, Japan.
    November, 1996.

  • Naveen Garg.
    A 3-approximation algorithm for the minimum tree spanning $k$ vertices..
    37th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science.
    pp. 302-309, November, 1996.

  • P. Ellervee, A. Hemani, Anshul Kumar, B. Svantesson, J. D6berg and H. Tenhunen.
    Controller Synthesis in Control and Memory Centric High Level Synthesis System.
    Proceedings of BEC'96 - The 5th Biennial Conference on Electronics and Microsystems Technology, Tallinn, Estonia.
    October, 1996.

  • Prem Kalra , Beylot P , Gingins P , Magnenat Thalmann N , Maurel W , Thalmann D , Fasel J.
    3D Interactive Topological Modelling Using Visible Human Dataset.
    Computer Graphics Forum (Proc Eurographics).
    Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 33-44, August, 1996.

  • S.K.Bose, K.K.Biswas, S.K.Gupta.
    An Integrated approach for Range Image Segmentation and Representation.
    Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering.
    Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 243-252, August, 1996.

  • S.K.Bose, K.K.Biswas and S.K.Gupta.
    Model Based Object Recognition-The role of Affine Invariants.
    Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering.
    Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 227-234, August, 1996.

  • S. Sen.
    Parallel multidimensional searching using approximation algorithms with applications to linear programming and related problems.
    July, 1996.

  • Naveen Garg and Marina Papatriantafilou and Philippas Tsigas.
    Distributed List Coloring: How to Dynamically Allocate Frequencies to Mobile Base Stations..
    8th IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing.
    pp. 18-25, July, 1996.

  • M.F. Abdulla, C.P. Ravikumar and Anshul Kumar.
    BIST with Multiple On-chip Signature Comparisons.
    Proceedings of IEEE European Test Workshop, Monntpellier, France.
    pp. 27-31 , June, 1996.

  • P. Agarwal and S. Sen.
    Selection in Monotone Matrices and computing k-th Nearest Neighbours.
    Journal of Algorithms.
    Vol. 20, pp. 581--601, June, 1996.

  • N. Gupta and S. Sen.
    Faster Output-Sensitive Parallel Convex Hulls for $d leq 3$: Optimal Sublogarithmic Algorithms for Small Outputs.
    ACM SYmp. on Comput. Geometry.
    May, 1996.

  • Saroj Kaushik, Jaspreet Singh.
    Analysis of Verb Phrase in Hindi Sentences, .
    Symposium on Machine Aids for Translation - SMATAC'96.
    April, 1996.

  • Shoma Chatterjee, Subhashis Banerjee and K. K. Biswas.
    Video Compression for Multimedia Transmission.
    Proc. International Conference on Multimedia Information Systems, New Delhi.
    February, 1996.

  • Saroj Kaushik, Savita Panwar.
    CONSYS - A Multimedia Conversation System, .
    International Conference on Multimedia Information Systems - MULTIMEDIA'96.
    Vol. 54-59, February, 1996.

  • Sanjiva Prasad.
    Models Of Mobile Computing Agents.
    ACM Computing Surveys.
    Vol. 28, No. 4, January, 1996.

  • Sanjiva Prasad.
    Models Of Mobile Computing Agents.
    ACM Computing Surveys.
    Vol. 28, No. 4, January, 1996.

  • Kalra P .
    Human Facial Animation.
    chapter in Interactive Computer Animation (Editors Nadia Magnenat Thalmann and Daniel Thalmann), Printice Hall Europe, .
    pp. 165-204, January, 1996.

  • J.P. Singh, Anshul Kumar and Shashi Kumar.
    A Multiplier Generator for FPGAs.
    Proceedings of 9th International Conference on VLSI Design, Bangalore.
    January, 1996.

  • M.F. Abdulla, C.P. Ravikumar and Anshul Kumar.
    A Novel BIST Architecture with Built-in Self-Check.
    Proceedings of 9th International Conference on VLSI Design, Bangalore.
    pp. 57-60 , January, 1996.

  • Naveen Garg and Vijay V. Vazirani and Mihalis Yannakakis.
    Approximate max-flow min-(multi)cut theorems and their applications..
    SIAM Journal on Computing .
    Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 235-251, January, 1996.

  • Dheeraj Bhardwaj.
    A Computational Method for Solving two dimensional Burgers' Equation.
    Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems: An international Journal of theory and applications.
    Vol. 4, No. 3-4, pp. 285-292, January, 1996.

  • S.K. Bose, K.K. Biswas and S.K. Gupta.
    Object Recognition through affine invariant feature indexing technique.
    International Conference on Visual Information Systems, VISUAL'96, Australia.
    January, 1996.

  • S.K. Gupta and Naveen Kumar.
    An Interpretation of the parameters of conic and two lines invariants.
    2nd Conference on Computer Vision, Singapore.
    January, 1996.

  • Prem Kalra , Wu Y , Magnenat Thalmann N.
    Simulation Of Static And Dynamic Wrinkles Of The Human Face.
    Proc. Computer Animation.
    Vol. , pp. 90-97, 1996.

  • Huzur Saran , S. Keshav , R. Ahuja.
    Design And Implementation Of A Native Mode ATM Transport Protocol.
    IEEE Transactions On Networking.
    Vol. , 1996.

  • Huzur Saran , G. Caprihan , S. Kumar.
    A Framework For Quality Of Service Translation.
    International Conference On Networking.
    Vol. , 1996.

  • Huzur Saran , S. Keshav , R. Ahuja.
    Design And Implementation Of A Native Mode ATM Transport Protocol.
    IEEE Infocom.
    Vol. , 1996.

  • Prem Kalra , Maurel W , Thalmann D , Hoffmeyer P , Beylot P , Gingins P , Magnenat Thalmann N.
    A Biomechanical Musculoskelal Model Of Human Upper Limb For Dynamic Simulation.
    Proc. Of Eurographics Workshop On Computer Simulation And Animation.
    Vol. , 1996.

  • Prem Kalra , Gingins P , Beylot P , Magnenat Thalmann N , Maurel W , Thalmann D , Fasel J.
    Modelling Using The Visible Human Dataset.
    Proc. Medical Informatics.
    Vol. , pp. 739-743, 1996.

  • Huzur Saran , V. V. Vazirani , B. Sunder Rajan.
    An Efficient Algorithm For Constructing Minimal Trellises For Codes Over Finite Abelian Groups.
    IEEE Transactions On Information Theory.
    Vol. , 1996.

  • Huzur Saran , V. V. Vazirani , B. Sunder Rajan.
    An Efficient Algorithm For Constructing Minimal Trellises For Codes Over Finite Abelian Groups.
    IEEE Transactions On Information Theory.
    Vol. , 1996.

  • Huzur Saran , V. V. Vazirani , B. Sunder Rajan.
    An Efficient Algorithm For Constructing Minimal Trellises For Codes Over Finite Abelian Groups.
    37th Annual IEEE Symposium On Foundations Of Computer Science.
    Vol. , 1996.

  • Sanjeev Kapoor , M. Smid.
    New Techniques For Exact And Approximate Dynamic Closest Point Problems.
    Siam Journal Of Computing.
    Vol. , 1996.

  • Sanjeev Kapoor.
    On Minimum 3-cuts And Approximating Graph Partitioning Using Cut Trees.
    International IPCO Conference.
    Vol. , 1996.

  • Sanjeev Kapoor , G. Das , M. Smid.
    On The Complexity Of Approximating Travelling Salesman Problem Tours And Minimum Spanning Trees.
    Proc. Of FST And TCS India.
    Vol. , 1996.

  • Sanjeev Kapoor , Tripurari Singh.
    Dynamically Maintaining Shortest Path Trees In Simple Polygons.
    Proc. Of FST And TCS India.
    Vol. , 1996.

  • Chinar Kapoor, Subodh Mathur, Subhashis Banerjee and K. K. Biswas.
    Motion Compression using Affine Structure.
    Proc. Indian Conference on Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Computer Vision, IIT Kharagpur.
    pp. 55-59, December, 1995.

  • Sumantra Dutta Roy, Santanu Chaudhury and Subhashis Banerjee.
    3D Object Recognition through Next View Planning.
    Proc. Indian Conference on Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Computer Vision, IIT Kharagpur.
    pp. 241-246, December, 1995.

  • A. Kumar, Santanu Chaudhury and Subhashis Banerjee..
    Understanding Chess Board Positions through Visual Search: A Case study in Active and Purposive Vision.
    Proc. Indian Conference on Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Computer Vision, IIT Kharagpur.
    pp. 275-280, December, 1995.

  • Ashok Bhatia and Subhashis Banerjee..
    Drishti: A General Purpose X-Window based Image Processing Package.
    Proc. Indian Conference on Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Computer Vision, IIT Kharagpur.
    pp. 323-327, December, 1995.

  • Gurmeet Singh Manku, Himanshu Nautiyal and Subhashis Banerjee.
    Object Tracking using Affine Multiple Views Geometry.
    Proc. Indian Conference on Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Computer Vision, IIT Kharagpur.
    pp. 269-274, December, 1995.

  • G. Sudhir, Subhashis Banerjee, K. K. Biswas and R. Bahl.
    A Cooperative Integration of Stereopsis and Optic Flow Computation.
    Journal of the Optical Society of America A.
    Vol. 12, No. 12, pp. 2564-2572, December, 1995.

  • Saroj Kaushik, Prerna Zutshi.
    Analysis and Generation of Hindi Sentences, .
    International Conference on Cognitive Systems - ICCS'95.
    pp. 209-218, December, 1995.

  • Saroj Kaushik, Sangeeta Wadhwa.
    Natural Language Interface to Databases .
    Natural Language Processing Pacific Rim Symposium - NLPRS'95, held in Seoul, Korea.
    December, 1995.

  • Daldegan A, Kalra P, Magnenat Thalmann N .
    An Emotion Based Tool for Simlating Virtual Actor's Facial Expressive Behavior.
    XV International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society (SCCC'95), Arica, .
    pp. 123-136, November, 1995.

  • S. Sen.
    Fractional Cascading Revisited.
    Journal of Algorithms.
    Vol. 19, pp. 161 - 172, September, 1995.

  • S. Keshav, C. Lund, S. Philips, N. Reingold, H.Saran, .
    An empirical evaluation of virtual circuit establishment/teardown policies in IP-over-ATM networks.
    IEEE Journal of selected areas in communication .
    Vol. .., September, 1995.

  • Boulic R , Capin T , Huang Z , Prem Kalra, Lintermann B , Magnenat Thalmann N , Moccozet L , Molet T , Pandzic I , Sarr K , Schmitt A , Shen J , Thalmann D.
    The Humanoid Environment For Interactive Animation Of Multiple Deformable Human Characters.
    Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. Eurographics).
    Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 337-348, August, 1995.

  • S.K.Bose, K.K.Biswas, S.K.Gupta.
    Range Image Segmentation and Description using Differential Surface Invariants.
    Proc. 3rd European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing- EUFIT '95 Aachen, Germany .
    Vol. 3, August, 1995.

  • G.S. Manku, Anshul Kumar Shashi Kumar.
    Circuit Partitioning with Partial Order for Mixed Simulation Emulation Environment.
    Proc. of 6th IEEE Intl. Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping, Chapel Hill, USA.
    June, 1995.

  • J. reif and S. Sen.
    An efficient output-sensitive hidden-surface removal algorithm for polyhedral terrains.
    Mathematical and Computer Modelling.
    Vol. 21, pp. 89 - 104, May, 1995.

  • S. Arun-Kumar, V. Natarajan.
    Conformance: A Precongruence Close to Bisimilarity.
    Structures in Concurrency Theory.
    Vol. 526, pp. 55-68, May, 1995.

  • Kalra P, Beylot P, Gingins P, Magnenat-Thalmann N, Volino P, Hoffmeyer P, Fasel J, Terrier F,.
    Topological Modeling of Human Anatomy Using Medical Data,.
    Computer Animation '95, Geneva,.
    pp. 172-180, April, 1995.

  • Alok Mittal,Aditya Vailaya, S, Banerjee and M. Balakrishnan.
    Real Time Vision System for Collision Detection.
    CSI Journal of Computer Science and Informatics .
    Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 174-208, March, 1995.

  • B.M. Subraya, Anshul Kumar and Shashi Kumar.
    An HOL based framework for design of correct high level synthesizers.
    Proc. of 8th Intl. Conf. on VLSI Design, New Delhi IEEE Computer Society Press.
    pp. 249-254, January, 1995.

  • Prem Kalra , Magnenat Thalmann N , Pandzic I. S.
    Direct Face To Face Communication Between Real And Virtual Humans.
    International Journal Of Information Technology.
    Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 145-157, January, 1995.

  • Prem Kalra.
    Human Facial Animation.
    Book Chapter In Computer Animation.
    Vol. , January, 1995.

  • Naveen Garg and Vijay V. Vazirani.
    A polyhedron with all $s$--$t$ cuts as vertices, and adjacency of cuts..
    Mathematical Programming (A).
    Vol. 70, No. 1, pp. 17-25, January, 1995.

  • Alok Kumar, Anshul Kumar and M. Balakrishnan.
    Heuristic Search based Approach to Scheduling, Allocation and Binding in Data Path Synthesis.
    VLSI Design 1995.
    pp. 75-80, January, 1995.

  • S.K. Bose, K.K. Biswas and S.K. Gupta.
    Range Image Segmentation and Description using differential surface invariants.
    3rd European Congress on Intelleigent Techniques and Soft Computing (EUFIT'95).
    Vol. 3, pp. 1373-1379, January, 1995.

  • K. D. Sharma, Punam Bedi, and Saroj Kaushik.
    FSQL: Frame - Oriented Structured Query Language.
    Journal of Information Science and Technology.
    Vol. Vol 4, No. No. 2, pp. 142-168, January, 1995.

  • Prem Kalra , Magnenat Thalmann N.
    The Simulation Of Virtual TV.
    Pacific Graphics.
    Vol. , 1995.

  • Huzur Saran , V. V. Vazirani.
    Finding A K-cut Within Twice The Optimal.
    Siam Journal Of Computing.
    Vol. , pp. 101-108, 1995.

  • Sanjeev Kapoor , H. Ramesh.
    Algorithms For Enumerating All Spanning Trees Of Directed Graphs.
    Vol. , 1995.

  • Sanjeev Kapoor , S. N. Maheshwari.
    Efficiently Constructing The Visibility Graph Of A Simple Polygon With Obstacles.
    Siam Journal Of Computing.
    Vol. , 1995.

  • Sanjeev Kapoor.
    Dynamically Maintaining Maxima In 2-dimensions.
    Siam Journal Of Computing.
    Vol. , 1995.

  • Sanjeev Kapoor , H. Ramesh.
    Algorithms For Enumerating All Spanning Trees Of Undirected And Weighted Graphs.
    Siam Journal Of Computing.
    Vol. 24, No. 3, 1995.

  • S. Sen.
    Lower bounds for parallel algebraic decision trees, complexity of convex hulls and related problems.
    FST & TCS.
    December, 1994.

  • Sanjiva Prasad , R. M. Amadio.
    Localities And Failures.
    Proc. of FST & TCS.
    Vol. LNCS 880, pp. 205-216, December, 1994.

  • Naveen Garg and Huzur Saran and Vijay V. Vazirani.
    Finding separator cuts in planar graphs within twice the optimal..
    35th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science .
    pp. 14-23, November, 1994.

  • H. Saran, S. Keshav, C. R. Kalmanek, .
    Scheduling Disciplines for XUNET .
    Multimedia Systems Journal, .
    Vol. .., September, 1994.

  • G. Sudhir, Subhashis Banerjee, K. K. Biswas and R. Bahl.
    A Cooperative Integration of Stereopsis and Optic Flow Computation.
    Proc. 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Jerusalem, Israel.
    September, 1994.

  • G. Sudhir, Subhashis Banerjee and R. Bahl.
    Surface Reconstruction from Sparse Range Data and Visual Images.
    Proc. 3rd International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Computer Vision, Singapore.
    August, 1994.

  • P. Agarwal and S. Sen.
    Selection in Monotone Matrices and computing k-th Nearest Neighbours.
    July, 1994.

  • Naveen Garg and Vijay V. Vazirani and Mihalis Yannakakis.
    Multiway cuts in directed and node weighted graphs..
    21st International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming.
    pp. 487-498, July, 1994.

  • J. Reif and S. Sen.
    Random Sampling techniques for binary search on fixed connection networks with applications to geometric algorithms.
    SIAM Jnl on Computing.
    Vol. 23, pp. 633 - 651, June, 1994.

  • Naveen Garg and Dorit S. Hochbaum.
    An O($log k$) approximation algorithm for the $k$ minimum spanning tree problem in the plane..
    26th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing.
    pp. 233-240, May, 1994.

  • Sanjiva Prasad.
    Towards A Formulae-as-types View Of Communicating Applicative Processes.
    Technical Report ECRC.
    Vol. ERCR-94-32, April, 1994.

  • Saroj Kaushik.
    Machine Translation System, .
    Workshop on Machine Aids for Translation, held at IIT Kanpur.
    March, 1994.

  • Saroj Kaushik and Sangeeta Wadhwa.
    Authoring System, .
    International Conference on Applications of information Technology in South Asian Languages - AKSHARA'94.
    February, 1994.

  • Huzur Saran , S. Keshav , C. R. Kalmanek .
    Scheduling Disciplines For Xunet.
    Multimedia Systems Journal.
    Vol. , pp. 118-128, January, 1994.

  • Sanjiva Prasad.
    Cut Elimination For LU With Mingle.
    Technical Report ECRC.
    January, 1994.

  • Sanjiva Prasad.
    The Positive Intutionistic Fragment Of LU.
    Technical Report ECRC.
    January, 1994.

  • Sanjiva Prasad.
    Towards A Formulae-as-types View Of Communicating Applicative Processes.
    Technical Report ECRC.
    January, 1994.

  • Sanjiva Prasad , R. M. Amadio.
    Localities And Failures.
    Proc. Of FST & TCS.
    pp. 205-216, January, 1994.

  • Sanjiva Prasad.
    Cut Elimination For LU With Mingle.
    Technical Report ECRC.
    Vol. ECRC-94-10, January, 1994.

  • Sanjiva Prasad.
    The Positive Intutionistic Fragment Of LU.
    Technical Report ECRC.
    Vol. ECRC-94-11, January, 1994.

  • Prem Kalra , Panzic I. S , Magnenat Thalmann N.
    Real Time Facial Interaction.
    Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 157-163, January, 1994.

  • Manica Aggarwal and Naveen Garg.
    A scaling technique for better network design.
    5th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms.
    pp. 233-240, January, 1994.

  • Rohit Bhagat and S.K. Gupta.
    SOLSYS: An Education multimedia application for the solara system.
    Annual Conference of Society for Information Science.
    January, 1994.

  • Prem Kalra , Magnenat Thalmann N.
    Modelling Of Vascular Expression In Facial Animation.
    IEEE Computer Society Press.
    Vol. , pp. 50-58, 1994.

  • Huzur Saran , S. Keshav , C. R. Kalmanek.
    Scheduling Disciplines For Xunet.
    Multimedia Systems Journal.
    Vol. , pp. 118-128, 1994.

  • Huzur Saran , S. Keshav.
    An Empirical Evaluation Of Virtual Circuit Establishment/teardown Policies In IP-over-ATM Networks.
    IEEE Infocom.
    Vol. , 1994.

  • Huzur Saran , H. Narayanan , V. V. Vazirani.
    Randomised Parallel Algorithms For Matroid Union.
    Siam Journal Of Computing.
    Vol. , pp. 387-397, 1994.

  • Huzur Saran , V. Arora , V. Santosh , V. V. Vazirani.
    A Limited Backtrack Greedy Schema For Approximation Algorithms.
    14th Annual International Conference On Foundations Of Software Technology And Theoretical Computer Science.
    Vol. , 1994.

  • Huzur Saran , V. V. Vazirani , Naveen Garg.
    Finding Separator Cuts In Planar Graphs Within Twice The Optimal.
    35th Annual IEEE Symposium On Foundations Of Computer Science.
    Vol. , 1994.

  • Sanjeev Kapoor , M. Smid.
    New Techniques For Exact And Approximate Dynamic Closest Point Problems.
    ACM Symposium On Computational Geometry.
    Vol. , 1994.

  • Sanjeev Kapoor.
    Dynamically Maintaining Maxima In 2-dimensions.
    ACM Symposium On Computational Geometry.
    Vol. , 1994.

  • Sanjiva Prasad , B. Thomsen , L. Leth , T. M. Kuo , A. Kramer , F. Knabe , A. Giacalone.
    Facile Antigua Release Programming Guide.
    Technical Report ECRC.
    Vol. ECRC-93-20, December, 1993.

  • Punam Bedi, K.D. Sharma, Saroj Kaushik.
    Triggers in Frames,.
    International Computing Congress.
    December, 1993.

  • M.K. Saxena, K.K.Biswas and P.C.P. Bhatt. .
    Problem Solving with Distributed Knowledge.
    Readings in Distributed Systems, IEEE Press.
    Vol. 1, November, 1993.

  • Naveen Garg and Vijay V. Vazirani and Mihalis Yannakakis.
    Primal-dual approximation algorithms for integral flow and multicut in trees, with applications to matching and set cover..
    20th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming.
    pp. 64-75, July, 1993.

  • G. Sudhir, Subhashis Banerjee and Andrew Zisserman.
    Finding Point Correspondences in Motion Sequences Preserving Affine Structure.
    Proc. 4th British Machine Vision Conference, Guildford, Surrey.
    June, 1993.

  • Naveen Garg and Vijay V. Vazirani.
    A polyhedron with all $s$--$t$ cuts as vertices, and adjacency of cuts..
    3rd Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization Conference.
    pp. 281-289, June, 1993.

  • Y. Mansour, J. Park and B. Scheiber and S. Sen.
    rraysImproved Selection in Totally Monotone .
    Int'l Journal on Computational Geometry and Applications.
    Vol. 3, pp. 115 - 132, May, 1993.

  • Naveen Garg and Vijay V. Vazirani and Mihalis Yannakakis.
    Approximate max-flow min-(multi)cut theorems and their applications..
    25th Annual ACM SYmposium on Theory of Computing..
    pp. 698-707, May, 1993.

  • Punam Bedi, K. D. Sharma and Saroj Kaushik.
    Time Dimension to Frame Systems, .
    Journal of Information Science and Technology.
    Vol. Vol 2, No. No. 3, pp. 212-228, April, 1993.

  • Sangeeta Wadhwa & Saroj Kaushik.
    Querying Databases in Hindi, .
    National Seminar on Computer Processing of Hindi Language - COMPHIL-93.
    April, 1993.

  • Sanjiva Prasad , B. Thomsen , L. Leth , T. M. Kuo , A. Kramer , F. Knabe , A. Giacalone.
    Facile Antigua Release Programming Guide.
    Technical Report ECRC.
    January, 1993.

  • Prem Kalra , Gujar U. G , Bhavsar V. C , Chao S.
    Traversed Geometric Fractals.
    IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications.
    Vol. 13, No. 5, pp. 61-67, January, 1993.

  • Naveen Garg and Aman Singla and Vempala S. Santosh.
    Improved approximation algorithms for biconnected subgraphs via better lower bounding techniques..
    4th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms.
    pp. 103-111, January, 1993.

  • R. Shankar and Dheeraj Bhardwaj.
    On Reactive shock in magnetogasdynamic flow.
    Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications.
    Vol. 179, No. 2, pp. 335-348, January, 1993.

  • B. N. Jain, A. K. Agrawala.
    Open Systems Interconnection: Its Architecture and Protocols (revised edition).
    McGraw Hill, New York, NY, and in Japanese, Soft Research Center, Tokyo.
    January, 1993.

  • Prem Kalra , Gobbetti E , Magnenat Thalmann N , Thalmann D.
    A Multimedia Testbed For Facial Animation Control.
    Proc. MMM.
    Vol. , pp. 59-72, 1993.

  • Prem Kalra , Magnenat Thalmann N.
    Simulation Of Facial Skin Using Texture Mapping And Coloration.
    Vol. , pp. 365-373, 1993.

  • Huzur Saran , S. Keshav , C. R. Kalmanek.
    Scheduling Disciplines For Xunet.
    4th International Workshop On Network And Operating Systems Support For Digital Audio And Video.
    Vol. , 1993.

  • M.Hanmandlu, C.Rangaiah and K.K.Biswas.
    Quadrics Based matching technique for 3D image recognition.
    Image and Vision Computing.
    Vol. 10, November, 1992.

  • K. Mulmuley and S. Sen.
    Dynamic point-location in arrangements of hyperplanes hyperplanes.
    Discrete and Computational Geometry.
    Vol. 8, October, 1992.

  • S.K.Bose, K.K.Biswas, S.K.Gupta.
    Use of symmetry in Index Based Feature Invariant Shape Recognition.
    Proc. of 2nd International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICARCV'92.
    September, 1992.

  • Saroj Kaushik and Sangeeta Wadhwa.
    Word Formation of Hindi Words.
    Workshop on Computer Application in Indian Languages .
    August, 1992.

  • S. Sen.
    Fractional Cascading Simplified.
    July, 1992.

  • Subhashis Banerjee, P. S. Sastry and Y. V. Venkatesh.
    Surface Reconstruction from Disparate Shading: An Integration of Shape from Shading and Stereopsis.
    Proc. 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, The Hague, Netherlands.
    June, 1992.

  • Sanjiva Prasad.
    Verification Of Numerical Programs Using Penelope.
    Proc. of COMPASS.
    June, 1992.

  • J. Reif and S. Sen.
    Optimal randomized parallel algorithms for computational geometry.
    Vol. 7, pp. 91 - 117, June, 1992.

  • J. Reif and S. Sen.
    Optimal parallel randomized algorithms for three-dimensional convex hulls and related problems.
    SIAM Jnl on Computing.
    Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 466 - 485, June, 1992.

  • Saroj Kaushik and Sangeeta Wadhwa.
    Intelligent Question Generator.
    National Seminar & Workshop on Systems Design & Simulation - SYDSIM-92 .
    April, 1992.

  • Saroj Kaushik and Sangita Gupta.
    Automatic Case Generation and Morphology of Hindi Noun Words.
    National Seminar & Workshop on Systems Design & Simulation - SYDSIM'92.
    April, 1992.

  • Navin Rajpal, Subhashis Banerjee and R. Bahl.
    Automatic Object Identification from Sonar Image Shadow.
    Proc. 20th International Symposium on Acoustical Imaging, Nanjing, China.
    March, 1992.

  • Sanjiva Prasad.
    Verification Of Numerical Programs Using Penelope.
    Proc. Of Compass.
    January, 1992.

  • S. Arun-Kumar, M. Hennessy.
    An Efficiency Preorder for Processes.
    Acta Informatica.
    Vol. 29, pp. 737-760, January, 1992.

  • Kalra P, Mangili A, Magnenat-Thalmann N, Thalmann D .
    Simulation of Facial Muscle Actions Based on Rational Free Form Deformations,.
    Eurographics '92, Cambridge, U.K., Computer Graphics Forum.
    Vol. 2 No.3, pp. 59-69, January, 1992.

  • Moccozet L, Kalra P .
    Interactive and Controlled Synthesis of 3D Irregular Shapes,.
    Chapte in Virtual Worlds and Multimedia (Eds Magnenat Thalmann N, Thalmann D),.
    pp. 179-195, January, 1992.

  • Magnenat Thalmann N, Kalra P .
    A Model for Creating and Visualiing Speech and Emotion, .
    6th International Workshop on Natural Language Generation, Italy, in Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer Verlag. .
    pp. 1-12, January, 1992.

  • Manu Lauria, Shashi Kumar and Anshul Kumar.
    A Partitioning Scheme for Multiple PLA Based Control Part Synthesis in IDEAS.
    Proc. of 5th Intl. Conf. on VLSI Design, Bangalore, India IEEE Computer Society Press.
    pp. 181-186, January, 1992.

  • S. Rajasekaran and Sandeep Sen.
    On parallel integer sorting.
    Acta Informatica.
    Vol. 29, pp. 1 -15, January, 1992.

  • Huzur Saran , H. Narayanan , V. V. Vazirani.
    Randomised Parallel Algorithms For Matroid Union, Arboresences, And Edge-disjoint Spanning Trees.
    3rd Annual Symposium On Discrete Algorithms.
    Vol. , 1992.

  • Sanjeev Kapoor , V. Sarin.
    Algorithms For Relative Neighbourhood Graphs And Vornoi Diagrams In Simple Polygons.
    Canadian Conference On Computational Geometry.
    Vol. , 1992.

  • Punam Bedi, K.D. Sharma and Saroj Kaushik.
    A Frame System Shell (FS_SHELL) .
    Information Technology in Everyday Life, Proc XXVI Annual Convention of Computer Society of India.
    pp. 283-297, September, 1991.

  • Sanjiva Prasad.
    Towards A Symmetric Integration Of Concurrent And Functional Programming.
    Ph. D. Thesis.
    Vol. 91-8-1, August, 1991.

  • S.K. Bose, K.K. Biswas and S.K. Gupta.
    Object Recognition based on indexing in 2D Environment.
    International Conference on IEEE TENCON.
    August, 1991.

  • Sandeep Sen.
    Some observations on Skip Lists.
    Information Processing Letters.
    Vol. 39, pp. 173 - 176, August, 1991.

  • K. Mulmuley and S. Sen.
    Dynamic point-location in arrangements of hyperplanes.
    ACM Symp on Comput. Geometry.
    June, 1991.

  • Y. Mansour, J. Park and B. Scheiber and S. Sen.
    Improved Selection in Totally Monotone Arrays.
    FST & TCS.
    January, 1991.

  • Sanjiva Prasad.
    Towards A Symmetric Integration Of Concurrent And Functional Programming.
    Ph. D. Thesis.
    January, 1991.

  • Kalra P, Mangili A, Magnenat Thalmann N, Thalmann D .
    3D Interactive Free Form Deformations for Facial Expressions,.
    Compugraphics, Siesembra, Portugal. .
    January, 1991.

  • Kalra P, Mangili A, Magnenat-Thalmann N, Thalmann D .
    SMILE : A Multilayered Facial Animation System,.
    IFIP WG 5.10, Tokyo, Japan (Ed Kunii Tosiyasu L) .
    pp. 189-198, January, 1991.

  • Leblanc A, Kalra P, Magnenat Thalmann N, Thalmann D .
    Sculpting with the "Ball and Mouse" Metaphor, .
    Graphics Interface '91, Calgary, Canada,.
    pp. 152-159, January, 1991.

  • Kalra P .
    Fractals and their Applications, .
    Chapter in New Trends in Animation and Visualization (Eds Magnenat Thalmann N, Thalmann D),.
    pp. 197-205, January, 1991.

  • Kalra P .
    FRACTALS: Modeling, Visualization and Applications,.
    CSI '91 (IT in everyday life), New Delhi, .
    pp. 167-178, January, 1991.

  • S.K. Bose, K.K. Biswas and S.K. Gupta.
    SARG: A Representational Scheme for 3D Recognition.
    Frontiers in Knowledge Based Computing.
    pp. 493-502, January, 1991.

  • Huzur Saran , A. Raghunathan.
    Is The Shuffle-exchange Better Than The Butterfly.
    2nd International Symposium On Foundations Of Computer Science.
    Vol. , 1991.

  • Huzur Saran , V. V. Vazirani.
    Finding A K-cut Within Twice The Optimal.
    32nd Annual IEEE Symposium On Foundations Of Computer Science.
    Vol. , 1991.

  • Sanjeev Kapoor , E. M. Reingold.
    Stochastic Rearrangement Rules For Self-organizing Data Structures.
    Vol. , No. 6, pp. 278-291, 1991.

  • Sanjeev Kapoor , H. Ramesh.
    On Enumerating All Spanning Trees Of Directed And Undirected Graphs.
    Workshop On Algorithms And Data Structures.
    Vol. , 1991.

  • R. Jain, Anshul Kumar and B.B. Madan.
    A New Scheme for Handling Structured Data in Data-flow Computers.
    2nd IEEE Symp. on Parallel & Dist. Computing Sys.Texas, USA.
    December, 1990.

  • R. Jain, B.B. Madan and Anshul Kumar.
    A Reference Count based Scheme for Handling Arrays in Data-flow Computing.
    PARCOM-90 Pune, India.
    December, 1990.

  • R. Jain, B.B. Madan and Anshul Kumar.
    Sparse Matrix Cholesky Factorization on Dynamic Data Flow Architecture.
    Proc. ISSM Int. Conf. Parallel & Dist. Computing Sys. New York, USA.
    December, 1990.

  • S. Sen.
    Finding an approximate-median with high probability in constant parallel time.
    Information Processing Letters.
    Vol. 34, pp. 77 - 80, September, 1990.

  • A. Aggarwal, D. Kravets, J. Park and S. Sen.
    Parallel searching in generalized Monge arrays with applications.
    July, 1990.

  • J. Reif and S. Sen.
    Random Sampling techniques for binary search on fixed connection networks with applications to geometric algorithms.
    July, 1990.

  • Sanjiva Prasad , A. Giacalone , P. Mishra.
    The Operational And Algebraic Semantics Of Facile: A Symmetric Integration Of Concurrent And Functional Programming.
    Proc. of ICALP 1990.
    pp. 765-780, July, 1990.

  • Saroj Kaushik.
    Processing of Natural Language Input of Algebraic Problems.
    14th National Systems Conference - NSC'90.
    March, 1990.

  • Sanjiva Prasad , A. Giacalone , P. Mishra.
    The Operational And Algebraic Semantics Of Facile: A Symmetric Integration Of Concurrent And Functional Programming.
    Proc. Of ICALP.
    pp. 765-780, January, 1990.

  • S.K. Gupta.
    A Coefficient of Similarity of Graphs and it's Application to Reconstruction Conjecture.
    International Conference on Combinatorics, China.
    January, 1990.

  • Huzur Saran, Naveen Garg, V. V. Vazirani.
    Finding Separator Cuts In Planar Graphs Within Twice The Optimal.
    Siam Journal Of Computing.
    Vol. , 1990.

  • Huzur Saran , R. Motwani , A. Raghunathan.
    Covering Orthogonal Polygons With Star Polygons.
    Journal Of Computer And System Sciences.
    Vol. , pp. 19-48, 1990.

  • Zaheeruddin, Saroj Kaushik and S. Basu.
    RUBEX-F: A Rule-Based Expert System for Fevers.
    13TH National Systems Conference - NSC'89.
    December, 1989.

  • Alok Kumar, V. Kashyap, S.D. Sherlekar, G. Venkatesh, S. Biswas, Anshul Kumar, P.C.P. Bhatt, Shashi Kumar.
    IDEAS: A Tool for VLSI CAD.
    IEEE Design & TEST of Computers.
    Vol. 6, No. 5, pp. 50-57, October, 1989.

  • Gujar UG, Bhavsar VC, Kalra P .
    Vectorization and Visualization of Fractals, .
    Supercomputing Symposium, Toronto, .
    June, 1989.

  • S.K. Baruah, M.R. Jerath, S. Sundaresan, S. Banerjee, S. Kumar, Anshul Kumar and P.C.P. Bhatt.
    A Blackboard Architecture to Support Generation of Schematics.
    Proc. of IFIP WG 10.2 Conference on AI Technique in CAD,North Holland .
    pp. 51-58, June, 1989.

  • Anshul Kumar, Shashi Kumar, P. Kulshreshtha, S. Ghosh.
    Automatic synthesis of microprogrammed control units from behavioral descriptions.
    Proc. of 26th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference, Las Vegas, USA.
    June, 1989.

  • J. Reif and S. Sen.
    Polling: A new randomized sampling method for computational geometry.
    May, 1989.

  • Sanjiva Prasad , A. Giacalone , P. Mishra.
    Facile: A Symmetric Integration Of Concurrent And Functional Programming.
    International Journal Of Parallel Programming.
    Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 121-160, April, 1989.

  • Sanjiva Prasad , A. Giacalone , P. Mishra.
    Facile: A Symmetric Integration Of Concurrent And Functional Programming.
    TAPSOFT '89.
    pp. 184-209, March, 1989.

  • I. Scherson and S. Sen.
    Parallel Sorting in Two dimensional VLSI models of Computation.
    IEEE Transaction on Computers.
    Vol. 00, pp. 238 - 249, February, 1989.

  • I. Scherson, Y. Ma and S. Sen.
    Two Optimal algorithms for mesh using shear sort.
    Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing.
    Vol. 6, pp. 151 - 165, February, 1989.

  • Sanjiva Prasad , A. Giacalone , P. Mishra.
    Facile: A Symmetric Integration Of Concurrent And Functional Programming.
    pp. 184-209, January, 1989.

  • Sanjiva Prasad , A. Giacalone , P. Mishra.
    Facile: A Symmetric Integration Of Concurrent And Functional Programming.
    International Journal Of Parallel Programming.
    Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 121-160, January, 1989.

  • Bhavsar VC, Gujar UG, Kalra P.
    A System for Generation of Fractals, .
    International Conference on CAD&CG, Beijing, China. .
    January, 1989.

  • Huzur Saran , R. Motwani , A. Raghunathan.
    Perfect Graphs And Orthogonally Convex Covers.
    Siam Journal Of Discrete Mathematics.
    Vol. , pp. 371-392, 1989.

  • Sanjeev Kapoor , P. Ramanan.
    Lower Bounds On Maximal Layer And Convex Hull Problems.
    Vol. , No. 4, pp. 447-459, 1989.

  • Sanjeev Kapoor , E. M. Reingold.
    Optimum Lopsided Binary Trees.
    Journal Of ACM.
    Vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 573-590, 1989.

  • R. Koymans, R.K.Shyamasundar, R. Gerth, W.P. de Roever, S. Arun-KUmar.
    Compositional Semantics for Real-time Distributed Computing.
    Information and Computation.
    Vol. 79, No. 3, pp. 210-256, December, 1988.

  • Anshul Kumar, J. Behl, S.N. Gupta and S. Prasad.
    Synthesis of Floor Plan for control part in CADIT system.
    Proc. 2nd Intl. Workshop on VLSI Design, Bangalore,Tata McGraw Hill Pub..
    pp. 193-202, December, 1988.

  • J. Reif and S. Sen.
    An efficient output-sensitive hidden surface elimination algorithm and its parallelization.
    ACM Symp. on Comput. Geometry.
    June, 1988.

  • Kalra P, Wu L, Bhavsar VC, Gujar UG.
    Vectorization of some Computer Graphics Algorithms on IBM3090-180VF, .
    3rd International Conference on Supercomputing, Boston,.
    pp. 230-238, January, 1988.

  • R. Jain, B.B. Madan and Anshul Kumar.
    A dataflow architecture with private token cache memories.
    in Third Int'l Conf. on Supercomputing , Boston USA.
    January, 1988.

  • Huzur Saran , R. Motwani , A. Raghunathan.
    Covering Orthogonal Polygons With Star Polygons: The Perfect Graph Approach.
    4th Annual ACM Symposium On Computational Geometry.
    Vol. , 1988.

  • Huzur Saran , R. Motwani , A. Raghunathan.
    Constructive Results From Graph Minors: Linkless Embeddings.
    29th IEEE Symposium On Foundations Of Computer Science.
    Vol. , 1988.

  • Sanjeev Kapoor , S. N. Maheshwari.
    Efficient Algorithms For Euclidean Shortest Path And Visibility Problems With Polygonal Obstacles.
    ACM Symposium On Computational Geometry.
    Vol. , pp. 172-182, 1988.

  • J. Reif and S. Sen.
    Optimal randomized parallel algorithms forcomputational geometry.
    IEEE Int'l Conf on Parallel Processing.
    June, 1987.

  • Kalra P, Wu L, Bhavsar VC, Gujar UG .
    Graphics Software Development on IBM 5080,.
    PRoc. od APICS, Annual Computer Science Conference, Acadia University.
    pp. 140-170, January, 1987.

  • Sanjeev Kapoor , P. Vaidya , K. Clarkson.
    Rectilinear Shortest Paths Amongst Polygonal Obstacles.
    ACM Symposium On Computational Geometry.
    Vol. , 1987.

  • Sanjeev Kapoor , J. Blair , E. L. Lloyd , K. J. Supowit.
    Minimizing Channel Density In Standard Cell Layout.
    Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 267-282, 1987.

  • S.R. Goregaokar, S. Arun-Kumar.
    A Characterization of Asynchronous Message-passing.
    FST&TCS 6.
    No. 241, pp. 152-175, December, 1986.

  • Y. Ma, I. Scherson and S. Sen.
    The distance bound for sorting on two- dimensional mesh connected processor arrays is tight.
    October, 1986.

  • I. Scherson, A. Shamir and S. Sen.
    Shear-sort; a true two-dimensional sorting technique for VLSI networks.
    IEEE Int'l Conf on Parallel Processing.
    July, 1986.

  • Anshul Kumar, A. Arya, V.V. Swaminathan, A. Misra.
    Automatic Generations of Digital System Schematic Diagrams.
    IEEE Design & Test of Computers.
    Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 58-65, February, 1986.

  • Saroj Kaushik.
    Sign Detection in residue Code.
    International journal of Computers & Electrical Engineering.
    Vol. Vol 12, No. No. 1/2, pp. 65-71, January, 1986.

  • Sanjeev Kapoor , P. Vaidya.
    Efficient Algorithms For Quadratic Programming And Multi-commodity Flows.
    ACM Symposium On Theory Of Computing.
    Vol. , pp. 147-159, 1986.

  • R. Koymans, R.K. Shyamasundar, W.P. de Roever, R. Gerth, S. Arun-Kumar.
    Compositional Semantics for Real-Time Distributed Computing.
    Logics of Programs.
    Vol. 193, pp. 167-189, June, 1985.

  • K. Rangarajan, S. Arun-Kumar.
    Fair Derivations in E0L Systems.
    Information Processing Letters.
    Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 183-188, May, 1985.

  • Saroj Kaushik.
    Multiple Error Correction and Additive Overflow Detection with Magnitude Indices in Residue Code.
    IEEE Sponsored 7th Symposium on Computer Arithmetic.
    January, 1985.

  • Sanjeev Kapoor , E. M. Reingold.
    Recurrence Relations Based On Minimization And Maximization.
    Journal Of Mathematical Analysis And Applications.
    Vol. 2, No. 109, pp. 591-604, 1985.

  • D.K. Banerji and Saroj Kaushik.
    On Combinational Logic for Sign Detection in Residue Number System.
    Australian Computer Journal.
    Vol. Vol. 16, No. No. 3, pp. 90-95, August, 1984.

  • Saroj Kaushik and R.K. Arora.
    Implementation Schemes for Basic Modular Operations .
    International journal of Computers & Electrical Engineering.
    Vol. Vol. 11, No. No. 1, pp. 9-18, January, 1984.

  • S.K. Gupta.
    Reconstruction Conjecture for Graphs having exactly one unicycle point deleted subgraph.
    Advances in Management Studies.
    Vol. 1, pp. 27-32, January, 1984.

  • Dilip K. Banerji and Saroj Kaushik.
    Representation & Processing of Fractions in Residue Code.
    IEEE Sponsored 6th Symposium on Computer Arithmetic.
    January, 1983.

  • Saroj Kaushik.
    Sign Detection in Non-Redundant Residue Number System with reduced information.
    IEEE Sponsored 6th Symposium on Computer Arithmetic.
    January, 1983.

  • S.K. Gupta.
    Reconstruction Conjecture for Square of a Tree.
    Lecture Notes in Mathematics.
    Vol. 1073, January, 1983.

  • Ashish Gupta, S.K. Gupta and N.G. Rao.
    A Network based model for armed forces medical stores depot.
    Conference on Madical Informatics, CSI.
    January, 1982.

  • R.K. Arora and Saroj Kaushik.
    Conversion schemes in Residue Code .
    An International Journal of Computers & Electrical Engineering.
    Vol. Vol. 9, No. No. 1, pp. 33-43, January, 1982.

  • R.K. Arora and Saroj Kaushik.
    Sign Detection & Base Conversion.
    IEEE Sponsored 5th Symposium on Computer Arithmetic.
    January, 1982.

  • Hardeep Kaur, S.K. Gupta and N.G. Rao.
    A Relational Model for Medical Statistics and Hospital Administration.
    Conference on Madical Informatics, CSI.
    January, 1982.

  • R.K. Arora and Saroj Sharma.
    Correction of Multiple Error and Detection of Additive overflow in Residue Code.
    Information & Control .
    Vol. Vol. 39, No. No.1, pp. 46-54, October, 1978.

  • R.K. Arora and S.K. Gupta.
    Conjecture for Graphs Having a Single point of Maximum Degree.
    Symposium on Graph Theory, ISI.
    January, 1976.

  • S.K. Gupta and R.K. Arora.
    Bondy's Conjecture for Unicyclic Graphs.
    Symposium on Graph Theory, ISI.
    January, 1976.

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