CTech Teaching Load Autumn 2018-19

ELL100 Introduction to Electrical Engineering (3-0-2) [Slot E]

Three CTech faculty members on the roster:

Seshan Srirangarajan, Sumantra Dutta Roy, Jun-Bae Seo [Other: S Janardhanan]

Classrooms, respectively: LHC-310, LH-308, LH-108/121, LH-316

ELL782 Computer Architecture (PG) (3-0-0) 3 credits

Smruti Ranjan Sarangi [Slot B]

(cross-listed with COL718 Architecture of Large Systems)

Classroom: IV-254, 1st class on 26 Jul (Thu)

ELP781 Digital Systems Lab (0-1-4) 3 credits

“Processor Design Lab”

Smruti Ranjan Sarangi [Slot P]

(cross-listed with COP820 Processor Design Lab) [Link to course structure]

ELL781 Software Fundamentals for Computer Technology (3-0-0) 3 credits

Sumeet Agarwal [Slot AB]

Classroom: LH-623

JRL301 Robotics Technology (3-0-0) 3 credits

S. K. Saha, Sumantra Dutta Roy(?), Kolin Paul, I. N. Kar [Slot X1]

[Link to course page]

ELL780 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Technology (3-0-0) 3 credits

Suresh Chandra. A. P. Prathosh (Coordinator) [Slot M]

Classroom: LH-623

ELL787 Embedded Systems and Applications (3-0-0) 3 credits
S M K Rahman [Slot AD]

Classroom: LH-603. Classes commence from 27 Jul (Fri)

ELL880 Special Topics in Computers-I (3-0-0) 3 credits

Social Network Analysis

Sougata Mukherjea & Amit A. Nanavati.

Sumantra Dutta Roy (Coordinator) [Slot A]

Classroom: LH-619

ELL881 Special Topics in Computers-II (3-0-0) 3 credits [Registration Cap: 50]

Fundamentals of Deep Learning

Raghavendra Singh, Vineet Kumar

Sumantra Dutta Roy (Coordinator) [Slot X5] [Link to course structure]

Classroom: LH-613. Fridays 2-5pm. Classes start 27 Jul (Fri)!

ELL784 Introduction to Machine Learning (3-0-0) 3 credits [Registration Cap: 60]

Jayadeva [Slot J]

Classroom: IIA-305

ELL409 Machine Intelligence and Learning (3-0-2) 4 credits [Registration Cap: 75]

Prathosh AP [Slot M]

Classroom: LH-310

ELV780 Special Module in Computers (1-0-0) 1 credit

IoT: Internet of Things

Samsung Researchers. Sumantra Dutta Roy (Coordinator) [Slot X1]

August Beginning to the course: 01 August. 2pm, room 305, second floor, Bharti Building

ELD880 Major Project Part-I (0-0-12) 6 credits

Sumantra Dutta Roy (Coordinator)

ELL793 Computer Vision (3-0-0) 3 credits

Brejesh Lall [Slot C]

Classroom: IIA-301

ELL305 Computer Architecture (3-0-0) 3 credits

Tapan K Gandhi, S. M. K. Rahman, Subrat Kar [Slot E]

Classroom: LH-111

ELL890 Computational Neuroscience (3-0-0) 3 credits

Tapan K. Gandhi [Slot AD]

Classroom: LH-615

ELL785 Communication Networks (3-0-0) 3 credits

Swades De [Slot K]

Classroom: IIA-305

ELV781 Special Module in Information Processing-I (1-0-0) 1 credit [Registration Cap: 40]

Deep Reinforcement Learning

Ankur Narang (Senior VP, Tech & Decision Sciences, Yatra Online Pvt Ltd)

Sumantra Dutta Roy (Coordinator) [Slot X2]

Unfortunately, Dr. Narang will not be able to take this course owing to his other commitments.

ELV832 Special Module in Machine Learning (1-0-0) 1 credit [Registration Cap: 60]

A Deeper Theory of Deep Learning: The Quest for Information-Theoretic Foundations

Sumeet Agarwal [Slot X] [Link to course structure]

ELL896 Mobile Computing (3-0-0) 3 credits

Prof. H. M. Gupta [Slot X6]

ELP780 Software Lab (0-1-4) 3 credits

Prof. Subrat Kar [Slot X7]

Course Notes and Descriptions:

ELL100 slot: Lectures: Tue, Wed, Fri 10-11am. Practicals: 11-1pm, 3-5pm.

ELL305 slot: E. Tue, Wed, Fri 10-11am.

ELL880 Special Topics in Computers-I

Social Network Analysis

Course Objectives

Social Network Analysis (SNA) is about analysing networks arising in various contexts,

especially those arising in social contexts: as a result of people connecting with each

other on online social networks such as twitter and facebook, as well as “who-calls-

whom” graph arising out of Telecom networks. However, the techniques for analysing

social networks can be extended to other non-social networks as well.

In this course, we will learn about techniques for analysing networks, both social and

others, and also learn about how (algorithms) to do this in a scalable manner. Also, we

will learn how to visualise some of these large networks. And lastly, we will also explore

the applications of SNA in various domains such as Telecom, Biology, etc.

Course Outline

Graph Theory and Social Networks

Visualizing Social Networks

Network Dynamics

Information Networks and the World Wide Web

Game Theory

Applications of SNA in various domains


Sougata Mukherjea Email: smukherj@in.ibm.com

Amit A. Nanavati Email: namit@in.ibm.com

Grading (Tentative)

Presentations (20%) - One Viz+SNA, One Game Theory+SNA

MidTerm (20%)

Project (30%)

Final Exam (30%)


Networks, Crowds, and Markets: Reasoning About a Highly Connected World

by David Easley and Jon Kleinberg Cambridge University Press 2010

(online: https://www.cs.cornell.edu/home/kleinber/networks-book/)

Research papers as discussed in the class

Web Resource: Piazza Tool info

Agenda: Introductions, Class Timings, Office hours

Class Timings: Mon, Thu (8:00 – 9:30 AM)