Global constant propagation

As an example of a general global transformation involving global dataflow analysis.

Recall: To replace a use of x by a constant k, we must know: On every path to the use of x, the last assignment to x is x := k. Let's call this condition AA.

Global constant propagation can be performed at any point where AA holds.

Let's first consider the case of computing AA for a single variable X at all program points. One can potentially repeat this procedure for each variable (inefficient but okay; improvements possible by doing all at once -- later).

To make the problem precise, we associate one of the following values with X at every program point:
value interpretation
\top This statement never executes (or we have not executed it so far)
C X = constant C
\bot X is not a constant
\bot is our safe situation; we can always say that X is not a constant (means that we do not know if it is a constant or not).

               === X = \bot (at this program point)
X := 3
               === X = 3
B > 0 then goto BB2
         else goto BB3
              === X = 3 on both branches

             ==== X = 3
Y := Z + W
             ==== X = 3
X := 4
             ==== X = 4

             ==== X = 3
Y := 0
             ==== X = 3

             ==== X = \bot
A := 2 * X

Given global constant information, it is easy to perform the optimization

The analysis of a compicated program can be expressed as a combination of simple rules relating the change in information between adjacent statements.

The idea is to "push" or "transfer" information from one statement to the next.

For each statement s, we compute information about the value of x immediately before and after s

Define a transfer function that transfers information from one statement to another.

In the following rules, let statement s have immediate predecessor statements p1, ..., pn.

 ---> s <---
  1. if C(pi, x, out) = \bot for any i, then C(s, x, in) = \bot. For all we know, the execution may come down that predecessor, and so in that case we can make no prediction about the value of x.
  2. if C(pi, x, out) = c and C(pi, x, out) = d and c <> d, then C(s, x, in) = \bot. We saw this in the example that we did by hand.
  3. If C(pi, x, out) = c or \top for all i, then C(s, x, in) = c. If we come along a path where x=c, this is trivial to see. For a path with \top, it means that this never executes and so it can be ignored.
  4. If C(pi, x, out) = \top for all i, then C(s, x, in) = \top. Every predecessor is unreachable, and so x itself is unreachable.

Rules 1-4 relate the out of one statement to the in of the next statement. Now we need rules relating the in of a statement to the out of the same statement.

If C(s,x,in)=\top then C(s,x,out)=\top, for all s. Let's call this rule 5.

C(x:=c, x, out) = c if c is a constant. This rule (rule 6) has lower priority than the previous rule (rule 5). i.e., this rule applies only if C(x:=c, x, in) = d or \bot.

C(x:=f(...), x, out) = \bot if the value of x cannot be determined to be a constant after this statement.

C(y:=..., x, out) = C(y:=..., x, in) if x<>y


Notice we expect that at some point all rules will be satisfied at all points. This is called the fixed-point and the corresponding solution, the fixed-point solution.

Let's run the algorithm on this example:

               === X = \bot (at this program point)
X := 3
               === X = \top
B > 0 then goto BB2
         else goto BB3
              === X = \top

             ==== X = \top
Y := Z + W
             ==== X = \top
X := 4
             ==== X = \top

             ==== X = \top
Y := 0
             ==== X = \top

             ==== X = \bot
A := 2 * X

Some guarantees: the fixed-point solution will satisfy the equations at each program point.

Some un-answered questions: what is the guarantee that this analysis will converge? What is the guarantee that this algorithm will result in the best possible solution for this system of solutions?

Analysis of loops

X := 3
B > 0 then goto BB2
         else goto BB3

Y := Z + W
X := 4

Y := 0

A := 2 * X
Assume there is an edge from BB4 to BB3.

Now, when we are computing C(BB3,x,in), we need to know the value of C(BB4,x,out) and in turn C(BB4, x, in) and so on... And we are in a loop (we get back to C(BB3,x,in)).

Because of cycles, all points must have values at all times.

Intuitively, assigning some initial value allows the analysis to break cycles.

The initial value \top means "So far as we know, control never reaches this point". The initial value is not what is expected at the end but allows us to get going (by breaking the cycle).

Analyzing the example: if we run the algorithm assuming that C(BB4,x,out) is \top, then we will be able to reach a fixed-point solution.


We can simplify the presentation of the analysis by ordering the (abstract) values.

\bot < c < \top
Drawing a picture with "lower" values drawn lower, we get
  /   / | \  \
... -1  0  1 ...
  \   \ | /  /
Notice that this is a partial order; not all elements are comparable to each other. e.g., 0 and 1 are not comparable.

With orderings defined:

Simply saying "repeat until nothing changes" doesn't guarantee that eventually nothing changes (it could oscillate forever for example). The use of glb explains why the algorithm terminates:

Also, we maintain the invariant that the value at any intermediate point of the algorithm is always greater than the best solution value. This is because we initialize all values to \top. Also, we relax minimally --- assuming this invariant is true for the predecessors, it is guaranteed to be true for the successor.

Thus the constant propagation algorithm is linear in program size. Number of steps per variable = Number of C(...) values computed * 2 = Number of program statements * 4 (two C values per program statement, in and out).

Liveness analysis

Once constants have been globally propagated, we would like to eliminate dead code.
X := 3
B > 0 then goto BB2
         else goto BB3

Y := Z + W

Y := 0

A := 2 * 3
After constant-propagating X at BB4, the assignment to X in BB1 is no longer useful. In other words, X:=3 is dead (assuming X not used elsewhere).

Defining what is used (live) and what is not used (dead).

X := 3
X := 4
Y := X

A variable x is live at statement s if

A statement x:=... is dead code if x is dead after the assignment. Dead statements can be eliminated from the program. But we need liveness information first . . .

We can express liveness in terms of information transferred between adjacent statements, just as in constant propagation.

Liveness is simpler than constant propagation, since it is a boolean property (true or false).

Here the set of values is False (definitely not live) and True (may be live). False > True. The glb function is the boolean-OR function in this set of values.

 <------ p ------->
Rule 1: L(p,x,out) = OR{L(s,x,in) | s is a successor of p}. x is live at p if x is live at one of the successor nodes of p.

Rule 2: s: ... := f(x). L(s,x,in) = true if s refers to x on the RHS.

Rule 3: s: x := e where e does not refer to x. L(x:=e,x,in)=false if e does not refer to x. x is dead before an assignment to x because the current value of x at that point will not be used in the future.

Rule 4: L(s,x,in) = L(s,x,out) if s does not refer to x.


  1. Let all L(...) = false initially.
  2. Repeat until all statements s satisfy rules 1-4


    ==== L(x) = false
x := 0
    ==== L(x) = false
while (x!= 10) {
		==== L(x) = false -> true (step 1)
  x = x + 1;
    ==== L(x) = false
    ==== L(x) = false
    ==== L(x) = false
    ==== L(x) = false
x := 0
		==== L(x) = false -> true (step 3)
while (x!= 10) {
		==== L(x) = false -> true (step 1)
  x = x + 1;
    ==== L(x) = false -> true (step 2)
    ==== L(x) = false
    ==== L(x) = false

Notice that information flowed in the forward direction (in the direction of the program execution) for constant propagation but flowed in the reverse direction (against the direction of the program execution) for liveness analysis. The former types of analyses are called forward dataflow analyses. The latter types of analyses are called backward dataflow analyses.

Some other analyses that can be modeled as dataflow analyses