Theory of Computation

Course codeCOL352
InstructorAshish Chiplunkar (ashishc@iitd...)
Teaching AssistantsAjay Soni (mcs202446@cse...), Indrajit Banerjee (csy207569@cse...), Prashant Agrawal (csz188011@cse...), Shivansh Juyal (mcs202471@cse...), Sukriti Gupta (cs5160084@cse...), Vijay Bhardwaj (mcs202476@cse...)
ClassesMonday and Wednesday 11:00 - 12:00, Thursday 12:00 - 13:00 (Slot H)
Office hourTBD


COL202 or MTL180 or an equivalent course. Specifically, the following topics:

Content (tentative)


Useful Platforms

Grading (tentative)

Forum contribution5%Any technical post on Moodle / Piazza / MSTeams that could potentially benefit most of the class counts.
Homeworks25%30+ questions with binary marking distributed across 5-6 homeworks; best 25 scores count.
Quizzes30%Best 3 of 4-5 count.
Major exam40%

30% marks necessary for a passing grade.